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yoga asanas for Pregnant Lady & Benifits

Blog by Deepanjali keshari connectclue-author-image

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Regular yoga practice benefits the health of pregnant women, it also reduces the problem during delivery.  At the same time, health benefits occur soon after pregnancy.  Yoga is beneficial for all age groups.  If pregnant women also do some special asanas, then there is a very positive effect on the health of the fetus.

 Along with this, the pregnant woman herself remains healthy.  But pregnant women should do certain yoga exercises only under the supervision of a yoga expert.  Caution is needed while doing this

Sukhasana :

 Method: Sit down and put a palathi.  Keep your hands in your lap or on your knees.  Keep your back, neck and head straight.  In this state, feel that energy is coming out of the seven chakras located in the body and you are getting its benefits.  Do this asana for as long as it is comfortable.

 Benefits: It calms the mind, feels energy.  The body remains healthy.  Which has a positive effect on the fetus as well.

 butterfly seat :

 Method: Sitting on the ground, spread both the legs in front.  Keep your back, arms straight.  Now bend the knees and join the soles together.  Hold the toes of both feet tightly with both hands.  In such a way that the fingers cross together.  Move the legs up and down like the wings of a butterfly.  Slowly increase the speed with easy breathing.  After doing 15 times, while exhaling, release the claws, spread the legs and return to the resting position.  Do not do this asana in case of back pain, sciatica, back pain.

 Benefits: It is useful to do this asana from the third month of pregnancy.  Due to this the body becomes flexible, there is a reduction in the tension of the lower part of the body.  This asana prepares the body for childbirth.

 mountain pose :

 Method: Although it is done standing, pregnant women can also do it sitting.  For this, first sit in Sukhasan.  Keep your back straight.  Now while inhaling, raise both the hands upwards.  Make a posture of salutation with the palms.  Keep elbows straight.  After staying in this posture for some time, come back to normal position.  Do this only two or three times.

 Benefits: It gives relief in back pain and the body does not become unformed after delivery.

 Ustrasana :
 Method: Stand on the ground with your knees bent.  Join both the knees, ankles and toes.  Now while inhaling, slowly bend the body backwards and try to touch the ankles with both the hands.  Chin up and arms straight.  Stay in this position for 30 seconds to 1 minute while breathing.  Slowly return to normal position.

 Benefits: It strengthens the spinal cord, keeps blood circulation smooth and does not feel tired.

 take care :
 Standing yoga postures should be done in the first three months of pregnancy.
 Very light asanas should be done during the fourth, fifth and sixth months.
 These days, especially emphasis on pranayama, meditation.
 Do not do any yogasana till the 10th-15th week of pregnancy.
 Avoid asanas that put pressure on the abdomen during pregnancy.
 Do not do Naukasana, Halasana, Bhujangasana, Chakrasana, Viparita Shalabhasana and Ardha Matsyendrasana.
 Instead of these, do Margariasana, Virabhadrasana, Baddhakonasana, Viparitakarni, Konasana, Tadasana, Shavasana and Trikonasana.
 It is not only useful in spontaneous delivery, but it is also helpful in getting normal soon after delivery.
 Put more emphasis on methods that strengthen the shoulders and upper back.
 It is also useful to do yogic subtle exercises and asanas of the Pawan Muktasana group.
 Such pranayama is also effective, in which Kumbhak is not required.

 Benefits of exercising during pregnancy :

 Exercising during pregnancy provides many benefits to both the mother and the baby, such as:

 Relieves back pain, constipation, flatulence and bloating
 Improvement in mood and energy level
 sleep well
 prevent overweight
 strengthen muscles
 Apart from this, exercising daily during pregnancy can reduce the risk of gestational diabetes and reduce the time of delivery.  Exercise can also reduce the risk of caesarean delivery.

 When should not exercise during pregnancy :

 Certain types of lung and heart diseases
 insufficiency of the cervix
 The risk of having twins or more than nine months before delivery (preterm labor)
 Bleeding continuously in the second trimester of pregnancy and the third trimester of pregnancy
 placenta previa after 26th week of pregnancy
 Preeclampsia or gestational hypertension (high BP in pregnancy)
 severe anemia

Signs of damage from exercise in pregnancy :

 If the doctor allows you to exercise and you are feeling the signs mentioned here on doing physical exercise during pregnancy, then do not ignore them at all.These include decreased fetal movement, dizziness or feeling faint, headache, nervousness, calf pain or swelling, vaginal bleeding, chest pain, frequent abdominal pain or contractions, vaginal discharge, and shortness of breath.  Including flowering.

 If you feel anything like this while exercising during pregnancy, tell the doctor immediately


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