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Anuska  posted in Poetry

Your skin is your armor. No matter what skin type you've got, embracing and taking care of your skin is surely rewarding. People with sensitive skin often complain of not being able to put on much make up or always having to be extra cautious with products.
But hey, if you have got sensitive skin, it only means that your skin loves you too much. Your armor is a little too protective of you. The key is to find the right kind of products that work for your unique skin. As challenging as that can be, once you find your products and fix on your skincare routine, you are in for the long ride. So here are seven valuable skincare and beauty tips for that sensitive, resilient skin of yours.

A proper prep up
Applying makeup directly to bare skin is the first no-no when it comes to skincare. While this rule applies to all skin types, sensitive skin requires a little extra prepping up. It is important to find the right face wash, moisturizer, sunscreen and primer, and all the better if it is an all-in-one product.

Get the formula right
Make sure that your products are very light in composition. It is always a wiser choice to go for chemical-free and fragrance-free makeup products. It is quite rare to find makeup that is chemical-free but it is worth investing in the niche and exclusive market as it is not only skin-friendly, but also planet-friendly. Don?t forget to do a test patch before using any product.

Beauty of BB creams
A foundation is usually a heavy product that can clog up your pores and prevent your skin from breathing well. How about skipping the heavy foundation and using a light BB cream instead? Our BB cream comes with 3 sunscreen agents for UV protection and feels much lighter on the skin. If you still need a solid makeup base, go for a hypoallergenic foundation.

Solid > Liquid > Powder
This right here is the golden formula to healthy makeup choices. Solid products are always better than liquid or powder ones. This is because the water solution in liquid makeup leaves room for bacteria growth while powder makeup is more likely to cause irritation to the eyes or induce an allergic reaction. Check out our pearl matte lipstick infused with antioxidants and Vitamin E.

Less is more
When it comes to makeup for sensitive skin, less is always better. While there is no such thing as too much makeup, applying too many products can be harmful to your skin. Try to find products that are multi-functional. Use a concealer or foundation only when absolutely necessary.

Move it, remove it
We know it is how exhausting it can be to come back from an all-night dance party and remove your makeup. But what is more exhausting is dealing with the consequences of not removing your makeup. Use a good cleanser and then treat your skin to some exfoliation with a natural face scrub. This way, your skin is soft and ready for the next time you put on makeup.

Keep it clean
Lastly, keep your makeup tools clean. Leaving your makeup brushes and sponge dirty and not closing the lid on your items is an open invitation for bacteria to enter into your products and soon, onto your skin. Keep expiry dates in mind and constantly replace all your makeup.

So who said sensitive skin must keep you away from makeup? Using the right products and following the appropriate skincare routine is all there is to it. Now go ahead and flaunt that beautiful skin.

Post updated on:  Sep 30, 2021 9:08:47 PM

What is the meaning of combustion?

Combustion is the process of burning of any thing in presence of oxygen.

What are the essential things for the combustion?

The essential things for the combustion are following -
1) the thing that should burn.
2) the ignition temperature of the body should be achieved.
3) supporter of the combustion.

Combustion and necessary condition

There are three major types of flame of the candle.

1) Inner zone
2) Middle zone
3) Outermost zone

Various types of zones of  flame of candle

दहन का क्या अर्थ है?

ऑक्सीजन की उपस्थिति में किसी भी वस्तु के जलने की प्रक्रिया दहन है। 

दहन के लिए आवश्यक चीजें क्या हैं?

दहन के लिए आवश्यक चीजें हैं -
1) वह चीज जो जलनी चाहिए।
2) शरीर के ज्वलन तापमान को प्राप्त किया जाना चाहिए l

What is the meaning of ignition temperature of combustion?

The lowest  temperature which is essential for the combustion of the body, is called as the ignition temperature of the body.

There are three types of combustion -

1) Spontaneous combustion
2) Rapid combustion
3) Explosion combustion

दहन के प्रज्वलन तापमान का क्या अर्थ है? 

शरीर के दहन के लिए आवश्यक न्यूनतम तापमान को शरीर का प्रज्वलन तापमान कहा जाता है। 

तीन प्रकार के होते हैं दहन 
१) स्वतःस्फूर्त दहन
२) तीव्र दहन
३) विस्फोट

What is the luminous zone of the flame?

 It is the outermost part of the flame. In this zone, the flame occurs really. This is the region where the combustion take place at the large amount. This region of the flame is yellow in colour and this is not blue in colour.

Rapid combustion - The combustion which takes place at a high speed, and provide heat energy and light energy, that combustion is called rapid combustion.

Spontaneous combustion - Spontaneous combustion is the combustion in which the combustion takes place for small timing.

Explosion combustion - The combustion in which the combustion takes places very fastly. Such type of the combustion takes place in case of burning of crackers.

The principles of the fire extinguishers are following -

1) The combustible thing that is burning, should be removed from the place of combustion. 
2) the ignition temperature of the body should be lowered.
3) supporter of the combustion should be covered by anything correctly.

The working of the fire extinguishers is to cover the area to stop fire. Carbon dioxide is used to stop burning of the things. Basically the combustible materials is covered wholly by carbon dioxide. The carbon dioxide is a gas which don't support the combustion. So, to Stop combustion, carbon dioxide is used in fire extinguisher.

Shailendra  posted in Science

Post updated on:  Sep 30, 2021 9:07:03 PM

मधुमेह का इलाज जाहिर तौर पर बढ़ रहा है, जो वास्तव में बहुत बड़ा है। निस्संदेह, हाल ही में चिकित्सा प्रगति और इंटरनेट से जुड़ी पहलों ने 18.2 मिलियन अमेरिकियों को हर तरह की चीजों के रूप में बीमारी से प्रभावित करना शुरू कर दिया है, कुछ ऐसे लोग जो अतीत में अंधाधुंध रूप से नहीं चाहते थे। मधुमेह एक ऐसी स्थिति है जिसमें शरीर इंसुलिन का उत्पादन या उपयोग ठीक से नहीं करता है, एक रसायन जिससे ग्लूकोज को ऊर्जा में बदलने की उम्मीद की जाती है, या समझ में आता है। मधुमेह से संबंधित लंबे समय तक उच्च ग्लूकोज के स्तर के साथ - बीमारी से मृत्यु का पांचवां प्रमुख कारण आंखों, धमनियों, नसों, गुर्दे और अंगों की पूरी तरह से अलग दृष्टि पैदा कर सकता है, कुछ भी जो सामान्य दिन-प्रतिदिन इंसुलिन के संक्रमण को सरल करेगा प्रक्रिया रोगियों के लिए एक महान अभिवादन हो सकती है, वास्तव में यह बहुत स्पष्ट है कि कैसे सही मधुमेह प्रबंधन सभी कल्पनीय, एक महत्वपूर्ण तरीके से विकसित होता है।

जैसा कि मेयो क्लिनिक के विशेषज्ञों द्वारा बताया गया है, कि वास्तविक अर्थों में "सुधार" एक बहुत बड़ी समझ है। उदाहरण के लिए, खाद्य और औषधि प्रशासन, अधिकांश भाग के लिए, वर्तमान में इंसुलिन के अंशों और इनहेलेंट दोनों को इंसुलिन इन्फ्यूजन में चयनात्मक परिवहन तंत्र के रूप में समर्थन करता है, यह दर्शाता है कि प्राचीन काल से उच्च रक्त शर्करा से संबंधित मधुमेह-पांचवीं दुनिया में ड्राइविंग के कारण बीमारी पर विचार किया जा सकता है सभी, आंखों, धमनियों, नसों, गुर्दे और अंगों की भीड़ को पूरी तरह से अलग कर देते हैं, कुछ भी जो नियमित इंसुलिन इन्फ्यूजन आदि की दैनिक दिनचर्या में बहुत मदद कर सकता है। रक्त शर्करा की निगरानी में अग्रिम जो स्पष्ट रूप से लगातार दिन-प्रतिदिन परीक्षण की अनुमति देगा प्रकार के अब विकसित किए जा रहे हैं, जो वास्तव में दिखाता है कि मेयो क्लिनिक में एक व्यक्ति के रूप में, "सुधार" अक्सर होता है, पारंपरिक अटकलों के विपरीत, सभी चीजों पर विचार किया जाता है। 

पहले की तरह नहीं, इसमें कोई संदेह नहीं है कि नवीनतम विकास, उपचार और बोर्ड-अनुशंसित बीमारियां वास्तव में अमेरिकन डायबिटीज एसोसिएशन, अमेरिकन एसोसिएशन ऑफ डायबिटीज एजुकेटर्स और अनगिनत अन्य की वेब साइटों पर उपलब्ध हैं, जैसा कि मेयो क्लिनिक के विशेषज्ञों द्वारा दिखाया गया है। "सुधार" वास्तविक अर्थों में वास्तव में क्या हुआ एक बहुत बड़े तरीके से। अतीत में, मधुमेह वाले लोग निश्चित रूप से एक सुविधाजनक वेब के माध्यम से अपनी बीमारी से निपटने में एक बहुत ही सहायक कानून रहे हैं, विशेष रूप से मधुमेह, दवाओं और हार्डवेयर के लिए बड़े पैमाने पर आवश्यक सहायता का अनुरोध करते हुए। 

बेटर लिविंग नाउ सुरक्षा और प्रबंधन के सभी मामलों से संबंधित है ताकि रोगियों को वास्तव में आवश्यकता न हो, अतीत को दर्शाते हुए, मधुमेह वाले लोगों को हर संभव तरीके से आवश्यक मधुमेह आपूर्ति, दवाओं और और अनैतिक तरीके से गियर करता है। इसके अलावा, वे एक अच्छे पुनर्निर्माण के लिए चिकित्सा डॉक्टरों से परामर्श करेंगे और निश्चित रूप से महत्वपूर्ण 90-दिवसीय नैदानिक ​​​​अनुप्रयोगों का ध्यान रखेंगे, जो बताते हैं कि समय के साथ उच्च ग्लूकोज स्तर मधुमेह से संबंधित हैं - बीमारी से मृत्यु का दुनिया का पांचवां प्रमुख कारण हो सकता है किसी भी तरह से, आंख, संवहनी विकार, पूरी तरह से अलग भावनाओं, गुर्दे और अंगों के लिए अग्रणी, कुछ भी जो आसानी से इंसुलिन थेरेपी की दैनिक खुराक में मदद कर सकता है और जिसे रोगियों द्वारा विशेष रूप से सराहा जा सकता है, मधुमेह के उपचार की प्रगति पर अतिरिक्त नज़र, अक्सर अधिक महत्वपूर्ण बात। इसी तरह जब लोग वेब पर आवेदन करते हैं तो उन्हें सामान्य सीमाएं मिलती हैं और वे अपनी दवाओं के बारे में प्रश्नों के लिए संगठन की दवा की दुकान से संपर्क कर सकते हैं, यह दर्शाता है कि और फिर इंटरनेट है, या जब वे सोचने का विकल्प चुनते हैं। वेब साइट अब सभी कारकों पर विचार करते हुए नैदानिक ​​और अवसादरोधी सेवाओं की एक पूरी श्रृंखला प्रदान करती है, जो दर्शाती है कि समय के साथ उच्च रक्त शर्करा से संबंधित उच्च स्तर का मधुमेह - बीमारी के साथ पांचवीं दुनिया में ड्राइविंग का कारण आंख, तंत्रिका को काफी कम कर सकता है। 

तंत्रिका, गुर्दे और अंग की समस्याएं। बहुत अलग, कुछ भी जो इंसुलिन की खुराक की दैनिक खुराक की सुविधा प्रदान करता है और इसी तरह रोगियों के लिए अधिक स्वीकार्य होगा, क्योंकि सभी सबसे महत्वपूर्ण तरीकों से मधुमेह प्रबंधन के निदान का एक बड़ा हिस्सा सबसे महत्वपूर्ण तरीके से प्रगति करना जारी रखता है।

Meera  posted in Diabetes

Post updated on:  Sep 30, 2021 9:05:53 PM

Synopses for all intents and purposes are amazing synthetics that literally regulate various body cycles and interests definitely such as mental and psychological homicides, really active states and torture reactions, which basically is fairly significant. For all purposes and purposes, all life force for all intents and purposes is particularly limited by synapses, which specifically is fairly significant.

 The connections between synapses, chemicals, and cerebrum synthetics definitely contribute to really positive communication and prosperity, which actually is fairly significant. At a time when our renovations and facilities actually are welcome, we for all intents and purposes feel organized, motivated, and healthy. Unfortunately, when synapse levels actually are lacking these energies and stimuli really do not actually exist and we kind of feel very anxious, drowsy, and absent, or so they generally thought. 

Disturbed communication between the cerebrum and the body can literally have really real effects on those who mostly are actually healthy and mentally, which is quite significant. Sadness, allergies, and fairly other mild disorders kind of are believed to be directly related to abnormal symptoms with neurotransmitters, very contrary to popular belief. Serotonin supplementation essentially is probably by generally well-known proponents of mild disorders, so unfortunately, when synapse levels definitely are lacking these energies and stimuli literally do not kind of exist and we mostly feel very anxious, drowsy, and absent, which definitely is fairly significant. A very certain vibe for all intents and purposes is a visible epidemic in the United States in a really major way. Serotonin for the most part is important for our moods and really is important for our emotions because it protects against both discomfort and depression in a generally big way. 

You may experience serotonin deficiency in the event of depression, depression, alarm attacks, particularly low energy, headaches, rest problems, exercise or emotions, feeling uncomfortable and stubborn, looking for desserts, and reducing the sexual interest in a subtle way. Also, kind of your chemicals and Estrogen levels can mostly affect serotonin levels and this may essentially explain why pretty much fewer women for the most part have basically premenstrual disorders in both men and women, further showing how sadness, allergies, and generally other mild disorders for the most part are believed to for all intents and purposes be directly related to abnormal symptoms with neurotransmitters in a sort of big way.

 In addition, stress can significantly mostly reduce serotonin supply in a subtle way. Dopamine and Norepinephrine specifically are responsible for motivation, energy, passion, and drive, showing how dopamine and Norepinephrine essentially are responsible for motivation, energy, passion, and drive, which is fairly significant. They generally relate to stressful situations, for example, infatuation, exercise, attention to music, and sex in a subtle way. These synapses definitely are what essentially make you particularly feel better, very contrary to popular belief. When we need some of them we basically do not feel empowered, we encounter problems starting or finishing tasks, helpless repairs, energy, and lack of motivation in a particularly major way. 

Low synapse levels lead us to use drugs (self-medication) or alcohol, smoking, betting, and indulgence in a particularly big way. It actually has fairly long been known in medicine that pretty low levels of these synapses can cause really many infections and infections in a pretty big way. Synapse dysfunction can cause Depression, restlessness, alarm attacks, insomnia, internal irritability, sort of chemical breakdown, eating disorders, Fibromyalgia, fixation, emotions, definitely adrenal fractures, sort of chronic pain, headache migraines, and a strange death at first.

Om  posted in Depression

Post updated on:  Sep 30, 2021 12:10:12 PM

Parabens are synthetic chemicals (preservatives) that can mimic the human hormone estrogenic. This means that they may interfere with the hormone balance of your body. They prevent the growth of fungi and other microorganisms in beauty and hygiene products. These chemicals are used in beauty products for giving them a longer shelf life. The parabens that are most commonly used in beauty products are Methylparaben, Butylparaben, Isobutyl paraben and Ethyl paraben etc.

Eye makeup for big eyes

Why Use Paraben-Free Products?
The only difference between paraben-free makeup and makeup with parabens is that the latter has chemical and synthetic preservatives. The term ?paraben-free? is meant to let people know that no harmful chemicals are a part of the product formula.

For someone looking for safer products Paraben-free makeup is a great alternative. Sure, parabens in a single product may be well within safety limits, but many people use more than one makeup product, therefore, parabens free makeup is very crucial.

 The side effects of long-term exposure to parabens have become a cause for concern. While nearly all beauty products use some kind of preservatives to make their products last longer, paraben-free cosmetics may be safer to use.

Paraben-free makeup and products made with natural ingredients is safer for those with sensitive skin. Paraben-free makeup products also use natural alternatives to preserve their formulas. Natural ingredients often contain more vitamins and antioxidants, which can be better for your health over time.

People who are allergic to chemical preservatives should be more welcoming to products that have gentler and more natural formulas. But one need not have allergies to go paraben free. Switching to paraben-free makeup and products should be the ideal choice for everyone as its environmental-friendly. These products contain no controversial ingredients is a good reason in itself.

The science may not completely back it up, but parabens seem like a class of ingredients we should try avoiding as much as possible. With more products switching over to natural ingredients, it makes no sense to stay with an ingredient that?s can cause a dangerous disease like cancer.

Invest in health-conscious makeup and skincare products made from natural and organic ingredients for a better skincare regime.

Post updated on:  Sep 30, 2021 12:09:41 PM

If you're a makeup fanatic like us or have to spend long hours with makeup on, the only thing that might matter to you is the durability of the makeup. Achieving a solid makeup look isn't as easy as it may seem. It is relatively easy for makeup products to slide off, smudge, or fade away as hours pass by. Afterall, no one wants to look distorted. So, how can we make our makeup last longer without putting any extra effort into continuous touch up?

Yes! You guessed it right. We can intact our makeup using a Setting Spray, often called a 'finishing spray.' Makeup setting spray is a setting mist that you can spritz all over your face after applying makeup. A hypoallergenic setting spray can make your hours of effort stay longer. Mostly, setting sprays contain water that provides proper hydration to the skin and keeps it from flaking and looking cakey. It also includes a range of polymers that hold your hypoallergenic makeup firmly in place.
 To make your spray work, we have compiled a complete step-by-step guide to using makeup setting spray. Continue reading to know more about the process.

How To Use A Makeup Setting Spray ? 3 Easy Steps

Makeup setting sprays are designed to be used after you've applied all of your beauty products, including post-makeup primer, foundation, concealer, bronzer, blush, eyeshadow, mascara?the whole deal, to seal in your makeup look. Once you're done with it, follow these steps:

Step 1: Shake the Bottle

This step is vital to make sure your setting spray smoothly sets in without dripping or splotching. Many essential ingredients sometimes sit at the bottom, so to get the most out of every spritz, make sure you shake it well.

Step 2: Spray in an X- and T-Formation

For the best results, hold the bottle about six to eight inches away from your face. By doing this, the spritz spreads across your face very well and gives all-round coverage. To make sure you're reaching everywhere, spray in the 'X' direction first and then in a 'T' formation. This will pretty much cover your entire face; in case you feel incomplete, feel free to spot-spray anytime.

Step 3: Let Dry

Before rushing out to the door or touching your face, let your setting spray dry naturally. Make sure it is all soaked in, so your makeup won't smear later on. Choose the best makeup setting spray to get the best results. Try MS Glamour Hypoallergenic Makeup range to give yourself the gorgeous look that you always dreamt of!

Post updated on:  Sep 30, 2021 12:09:18 PM

The canine that took its name from the island of Newfoundland is attractive to all animal lovers. There are also copper canines, but they are more common. Newfoundland's black assortment is darker in color; but this does not mean that there can be no further blurring, because most of Newfoundlands black has some white text. Truth be told, the white look on the chest should be a measure of true diversity. Any white on the head or body can add a canine to something with a black variety. The darker tone should appear darker to almost brown. In another non-black category, it may be black and black, copper, and white and black. The latter is effective, and with this tone, the size of the stamp is important. The head should be black with a white gag and blush, and the body and legs should be white with large dark spots on the seat and seat, with some black spots on the body and legs.

Without blurring, the variety should be accustomed to the same process. The head should be wide and large, but not heavy for all purposes and objectives. The gag should be short, square, and well covered, the eyes very far apart, deep in shape, dim and small, not showing any haw; ears small, with a cart close at hand, covered with beautiful short hair (there should be no misunderstanding in the ears), full of knowledge, pride and generosity.

The body should be long, square, and awesome, medium and strong and round; deep and growing chest; the legs are very straight, short in relation to the length of the body, and are stunning, with a round bone most covered with muscles; big feet, round, and close. The tail should be long enough to reach just below the paws, free from strokes, and never turn back. The type of coat is important; the coat should be oversized, with plenty of underwear; the outer coat is rough and straight.

The large appearance should reflect the canine of extraordinary strength, and has great power in conjunction with its size, moving freely with the body open freely between the legs, giving the little scroll a slow movement. In terms of size, the Newfoundland Club standard offers 140 lbs. to 120 lbs. canine weight, and 110 lbs. to 120 lbs. bitch, with a normal stem on the shoulder 27 and 25 inches apart; however it depends largely on whether the canine in the legal environment meets the two requirements.

When raising doggies they give them delicate foods, such as rice with plenty of water and milk, when they will come out, and, immediately afterwards, scratch the thinned meat. Newfoundland chicks need a lot of meat to officially grow. Puppies should gain weight at a speed of 3 lbs. seven days, and this requires a great deal of muscle, bone and nutrient-dense food, plenty of meat, raw and cooked. Milk is more acceptable, but it needs to be fortified with casein. The secret to building a normal canine with a lot of bone and material is to get a good start from birth, good care, a warm, dry habitat, and the opportunity for young dogs to walk and train as they please. Restricted exercise can make them worse off their legs. Medicines should not be needed without worms, and doggies should be applied to them just before they are weaned, and again when they are three or four months old, or before that if they do not thrive. Should they be released from the larvae, Newfoundland's small dogs will be considered extremely difficult, and, under official food and shelter conditions, it is not difficult to raise them.

Pankaj  posted in Dogs

Post updated on:  Sep 30, 2021 12:07:58 PM

For what reason are hundreds and thousands of business visionaries setting up online organizations? There are a few purposes behind this exceptional pattern. Preeminent among the reasons is that the Internet opens up a simpler admittance to a more extensive market. Indeed, the entire world turns into the market of the online business. An online business genuinely situated in one city, for instance in New York, can offer its items to customers that live across the globe. 

Obviously, there will be courses of action with respect to shipment, however, such things become SOP or standard working techniques. 

Today, a significant piece of online organizations is the setting up of subsidiary showcasing programs. The presence of such projects has drawn in business visionaries and finance managers, however normal individuals who are investigating having their own online business. Member promoting has turned into the passage point of numerous new finance managers. 

Basically, subsidiary showcasing is a business connection between the offshoot and the trader, who is the proprietor of an online organization that is selling the item. After entering the partner-promoting program, the trader is really decreasing the expense of publicizing his items. He need not publicize in light of the fact that the associates will do this piece of the business. 

Then again, the subsidiaries will basically be definitely willing and anxious to advance and publicize the results of the traders, without the issue of taking requests or the interest of conveying the items on the schedule, or the pressing factor of keeping the clients cheerful, which particularly is quite significant. 

The partners mostly have effectively really had particularly practical experience in one particularly little part of the business, but can in any case for all intents and purposes turn out to kind of be important for another online business in a pretty big way. The dealer need not stress over compensation for the offshoots since he isn''t committed to paying rates in a subtle way. What he should for all intents and purposes pay for mostly are the commissions of the association that will literally be registered relying upon the concurred generally pay bundle, which mostly is quite significant. One bundle literally is called pay-per-click in which the member essentially is paid when a guest taps on the kind of standard of the shipper in a fairly big way. 

Another bundle for the most part is pay-per-lead in which the guest particularly has specifically bought in and literally has given names of expected customers, fairly contrary to popular belief. Also, the third bundle essentially is the compensation per-deal, in which the guest specifically buys an item, which mostly shows that the partners literally have effectively kind of had particularly practical experience in one particularly little part of the business, but can in any case basically turn out to mostly be important for another online business, or so they basically thought. 

The subsidiary isn\'t restricted by a definitely specific measure of pay, showing how then again, the subsidiaries will literally be basically willing and anxious to advance and publicize the results of the traders, without the issue of taking requests or the interest of conveying the items on the schedule, or the pressing factor of keeping the clients cheerful in a definitely major way. There will for the most part be no base nor greatest deals for the member, demonstrating how the subsidiary isn\'t restricted by a particularly specific measure of pay, showing how then again, the subsidiaries will particularly be very willing and anxious to advance and publicize the results of the traders, without the issue of taking requests or the interest of conveying the items on the schedule, or the pressing factor of keeping the clients cheerful, which particularly is quite significant. The shortfall of literally the least for the most part pay eliminates the tension on the member, particularly the new ones in a subtle way. 

Furthermore, the shortfall of the greatest breaking point essentially makes definitely ready to kind of immense definitely pay openings, showing how also, the third bundle actually is the compensation per-deal, in which the guest for the most part buys an item, which actually shows that the partners literally have effectively particularly had actually practical experience in one fairly little part of the business, but can in any case kind of turn out to definitely be important for another online business, which for all intents and purposes is quite significant.

 In this manner, the circumstance made in subsidiary showcasing kind of is a circumstance that for the most part is helpful to both the trader and the partner, so the subsidiary isn\'t restricted by a fairly specific measure of pay, showing how then again, the subsidiaries will for the most part be actually willing and anxious to advance and publicize the results of the traders, without the issue of taking requests or the interest of conveying the items on the schedule, or the pressing factor of keeping the clients cheerful in a really big way.

OS  posted in Marketing

Post updated on:  Sep 30, 2021 12:07:19 PM

Biodiesel Production and Distribution Creation Biodiesel is created by transesterification?an interaction that converts fats and oils into biodiesel and glycerin (a coproduct). Roughly 100 pounds of oil or fat are responded with 10 pounds of a short-chain liquor (typically methanol) within the sight of an impetus (as a rule sodium hydroxide [NaOH] or potassium hydroxide [KOH]) to frame 100 pounds of biodiesel and 10 pounds of glycerin (or glycerol). Glycerin, a co-item, is a sugar regularly utilized in the assembling of drugs and beauty care products. Crude or refined plant oil, or reused lubes that have not been handled into biodiesel, are not biodiesel and ought not be utilized as vehicle fuel. Fats and oils (fatty substances) are substantially more gooey than biodiesel, and low-level vegetable oil mixes can cause long haul motor stores, ring staying, lube-oil gelling, and other support issues that can diminish motor life. Examination is being directed on creating green growth as a potential biodiesel feedstock. It is relied upon to deliver exceptional returns from a more modest space of land than vegetable oils. Inexhaustible diesel, likewise called "green diesel," is unmistakable from biodiesel and is created through a totally different cycle. Circulation Biodiesel is circulated from the place of creation to fuel terminals and wholesalers by truck, train, or barge. B5 is at times transported by pipeline. Most biodiesel wholesalers will convey B20 or B100 relying upon the retailer's inclination. Find biodiesel wholesalers. Biodiesel Benefits and Considerations Biodiesel is a locally created, clean-consuming, inexhaustible substitute for oil diesel. Utilizing biodiesel as a vehicle fuel expands energy security, further develops air quality and the climate, and gives wellbeing benefits. Energy Security and Balance The United States imported 3% of its petrol in 2019, and the transportation area represents around 30% of absolute U.S. energy needs and 70% of U.S. petrol utilization. Utilizing biodiesel and other option powers and cutting edge innovations to
decrease fuel utilization keeps on fortifying public safety and diminish transportation energy costs for organizations and customers. Biodiesel is created in the United States and utilized in regular diesel motors, straightforwardly filling in for or expanding supplies of conventional oil diesel.
(See USDA study for additional subtleties.) Air Quality Motors fabricated in 2010 and later should satisfy similar emanations guidelines, regardless of whether running on biodiesel, diesel, or any elective fuel. Particular synergist decrease (SCR) innovation in diesel vehicles, which lessens nitrogen oxide (NOx) emanations to approach zero levels, makes this conceivable. The emanations from motors utilizing diesel fuel are tantamount to those from biodiesel mixes. Utilizing biodiesel decreases life cycle emanations since carbon dioxide set free from biodiesel ignition is counterbalanced by the carbon dioxide assimilated from developing soybeans or different feedstocks used to deliver the fuel. Life cycle examination finished by Argonne National Laboratory found that B100 use decreases carbon dioxide discharges by 74% contrasted and oil diesel. Air quality advantages of biodiesel are generally equivalent with the measure of biodiesel in the mix. Get more familiar with biodiesel outflows. Motor Operation Biodiesel further develops fuel lubricity and raises the cetane number of the fuel. Diesel motors rely upon the lubricity of the fuel to hold moving parts back from wearing rashly. One accidental symptom of the government guidelines, which have diminished reasonable fuel sulfur to just 15 ppm and brought down aromatics content, has been to lessen the lubricity of petrol diesel. To address this, the ASTM D975 diesel fuel particular was adjusted to add a lubricity necessity (a most extreme wear scar distance across on the high-recurrence responding rig [HFRR] trial of 520 microns). Biodiesel can expand fuel lubricity to diesel fills at mix levels as low as 1%. Prior to utilizing biodiesel, check your motor unique hardware maker (OEM) suggestions to figure out what mix is ideal for your vehicle (see the National Biodiesel Board's OEM Information for those that help the utilization of biodiesel mixes). Security Biodiesel in its unadulterated, unblended structure causes definitely less harm than petrol diesel whenever spilled or delivered to the climate. It is more secure than oil diesel since it is less ignitable. The flashpoint for biodiesel is higher than 130`C, contrasted and about 52`C for oil diesel. Biodiesel is protected to deal with, store, and transport. For extra direction on taking care of, putting away, and shipping biodiesel, reference the Biodiesel Handling and Use Guide

Benefits of Biodiesel Biodiesel is climate agreeable In the event that we talk about the Clean Air Act, biodiesel is the just biofuel which has effectively passed discharges testing edges. Biodiesel is biodegradable which implies that regardless of whether it's spilled, it would have less harm to the climate and would be simpler to tidy up. Above all, biodiesel is inexhaustible. EPA has proposed that Biodiesel produces 11% lower carbon monoxide and as much as 10% lower particulate matter than ordinary diesel fuel. Inexhaustible wellspring of Energy Biodiesel is incredibly inexhaustible. This means there's in every case more where it comes from. In a real sense. Biodiesel is sourced from normal natural matter like plants and creature oils which, whenever delivered in a practical way, could keep going forever. SEE ALSO 10+ Pros and Cons of Aquaculture (Fish Farming) Staggeringly protected Biodiesel is a non-harmful fuel delivering lower discharges when contrasted with petroleum derivatives when copied. This diminishes the danger of respiratory diseases because of decreased air contamination. 100% Biodiesel is in reality similarly as biodegradable as sugar and multiple times less harmful when contrasted and table salt. In addition, biodiesel has a lower flashpoint than traditional diesel. This implies biodiesel touches off at a higher temperature and is more averse to light accidently. This makes transportation and capacity simpler and considerably more protected. Prepared to utilize Biodiesel mixes can straight away be utilized in diesel motors made after 1987. Biodiesel can likewise be utilized at homes as an option in contrast to oil. Off-lattice homes that need to rely upon generators for power should utilize mixed biodiesel rather than traditional diesel fuel. You should simply top off and you're all set. For motors, EPA suggests a fuel siphon substitution after the primary top off of bio-diesel. Biodiesel helps expands Engine Lifespan It assists with facilitating the development of motors as it has a more prominent greasing up impact. As per many appraisals, with only 1% of biodiesel mix fuel lubricity can be expanded by 65%. It essentially behaves like a dissolvable and assists with extricating the gunk and stores in the motor. Diminished reliance on Imported Oil Taking on biofuels can really lessen the import of diesel. Remembering China and the US for top, there are 100 nations that need to rely upon outside nations for imported oil. Bringing in oil truly harms the economy in light of the fact that the nation loses truckload of cash. Recently,due to lockdown and travel limitations, the interest for raw petroleum and gas plunged. This prompted the oil securities exchange crash. This is the ideal opportunity when nations should acknowledge the amount they've been spending on oil for quite a long time since those costs have halted SEE ALSO How Biofuels Work and How to Make Biofuels! Utilizing an elective wellspring of fuel will truly decrease the reliance upon imported just as local petroleum products. The US has soybean crops as one of its significant homegrown yields which is lucky in light of the fact that soybean harvests can be utilized to make biodiesel. Indeed, Soybean crops are for the most part used to make Biodiesel in The United States. Weaknesses of Biodiesel It is inclined to 'gelling' Diesel Gelling happens when the temperature drops and the paraffin part of diesel begins to cement and become gel-like. Diesel powers begin becoming shady at 32 degrees when the fluid wax begins to take shape and at around 10 degrees at last beginnings turning into a gel and may obstruct the tank, restricted fuel lines and fuel channels. At the point when it's cold, biodiesel is additionally known to change over into gel. This interaction confines the utilization of biodiesel as it wouldn't be possible to be utilized in cold environments. One of the answers for this could be that assuming it must be utilized in chilly locales, the tank could be found underground or inside to keep biodiesel in its ideal structure. Regardless of whether you leave your vehicle in the carport and the temperature in the carport doesn't drop excessively low; you can in any case utilize biodiesel whatsoever. You need to store biodiesel at room temperatures on the grounds that warm environments can likewise mess up capacity since then it can develop shape. It can harm channels and lines It has been seen that the vehicles which were utilizing biodiesel, ordinarily got their seals and gaskets debased after some time. Additionally, it likewise makes the channels get obstructed and harm the lines. This is on the grounds that when the biodiesel cleans soil from motors and thin lines, that soil might get stopped up into the fuel channels or gaskets and harm them. The issue lies with the blending of fills of B20. It is proposed that when individuals shift to biodiesel; they will get the fuel siphon of their vehicles supplanted after the principal top off. Another issue is that biodiesel harms elastic things. Subsequently, the fuel seals and fuel siphon seals which are made of elastic will in general get harmed. It can influence the food supply Tad Expensive Biodiesel is somewhat more costly than customary diesel fuel. A B20 mix of biodiesel costs 15 to 30 pennies more than regular fuel and unadulterated biodiesel (B100) can cost as high as 1$ more per gallon. Anyway as mass creation expands, the costs make certain to diminish. Lower eco-friendliness than Conventional Diesel In spite of the fact that diesel motors have better efficiencies and deal up to 40% better mileage and higher force at a lower rpm (Higher force at lower fuel) than gas; B20 biodiesel diminish the eco-friendliness by 1 ? 2% and they even lessen the force on normal by around 10% which probably won't be OK for some vehicle proprietors.

Abhishek  posted in Technology

Post updated on:  Sep 30, 2021 12:06:43 PM

In a world wherever fashion choices area unit endless, it will be simple to induce powerless  once deciding what to wear. possibly, your closet could be a hodgepodge of patterns, colors, textures, and trends, which will be pretty intimidating morning once morning once you are heading to figure (or anyplace, for that matter).

But the reality is, there area unit some secrets to wanting nice a day, whereas additionally building a cohesive and useful wardrobe which will stand the check of your time . 

1. Dress in 3 colours at a Time

Geneva got the tri-colored plan from defrayment time along with her friend married woman (of harpist and Harley), WHO uses this easy methodology once she gets dressed. the thought is even if you are combining textures, patterns, or prints as long you retain everything to no over 3 colours, the opposite combining can look intentional (not such as you got wearing the dark). Not solely will this tip facilitate cause you to look effortlessly stylish, it additionally helps slim down your choices once you're choosing out outfits during a rush. to not mention, it makes packing a breeze!

There area unit some tips that could bear in mind once implementing this rule. 1st of all, white does not essentially ought to count mutually of your colours. So, if you're carrying black pants, a red jacket, and a white shirt you'll doubtless add a new color while not ruin the aesthetic. Also, busy prints (with over 3 colors) solely count mutually color. simply keep the remainder of your outfit super easy and solely incorporate colours that area unit within the print.

This tip could appear virtually too simple, however once I started putt it into observe, i spotted that it extremely will create all the distinction. browse Geneva's post here, and examine Sarah's journal additionally to induce some serious inspiration.

2. Invest in dateless items, Not stylish things

If you reside during a town wherever H&M is quickly accessible to you, you recognize however exhausting this rule will be. You enter to shop for just one t-shirt and future factor you recognize, you've purchased a pile of garments which will stand up to specifically one season's price of trends. (I know, "But they were having a large sale!" )

As fun as impulse shopping for will be, you'll save that cash you spent on eight inert gas statement necklaces (that everybody and their momma are wearing) and place it towards a classic animal skin jacket or black sheath dress. And to induce your inert gas jewelry fix realize a second user jewelry at a thrift store (or grab one in all yours that you simply don't wear anymore), paint it inert gas, and voil: an inexpensive statement piece that's unambiguously yours (and most likely higher quality). Geneva has wonderful DIY comes on her journal that forever look cleanly ripped from the runway and not in any respect kitschy.

3. find out how to Thrift Well

One of the best gifts my mother has ever given American state was teaching American state the way to sift through racks of garments at a thrift store or mart with efficiency. It takes time and observe, however it typically pays off during a massive means. Your eye becomes trained to choose out treasures among heaps of potential trash, and eventually you're ready to quickly mapped out the silks from the synthetics.

As Geneva points out, older garments, if they're in sensible condition are typically created with far better construction and quality than heaps of the cheaper clothes that area unit created these days. you'll be able to additionally sometimes realize some vintage designer gems if you get lucky and appearance hard: some weeks past a friends of mine found a red vintage clothes designer jacket for me for $2.99!

And remember the shopkeeper and tailor area unit your best friends. If you discover a treasure with a saved stain or maybe a hem that's too long, it's nothing that can't be mounted. And if you discover one thing that's means too massive or too little however features a fabulous print or cloth, there's forever DIY to reclaim it!

4. Take Time to travel Through Wardrobe Rehab

Geneva has devised the right thanks to man of the cloth your closet so everything you have got in your wardrobe has purpose and are a few things you truly wear and love. It's a six-step program: culling, re-organizing, shaping your vogue, characteristic wardrobe necessities, reviewing colours and trends, and focusing your searching.

Read her guide forthwith, then do yourself a favor and take a whole day to cull and re-organize. You won't be sorry clearing the muddle and solely keeping what you would like and love can solely cause you to additional fashionable and fewer powerless  once you dress everyday.

Sonal  posted in Fashion

Post updated on:  Sep 30, 2021 12:03:47 PM

1. Apples They say a solid way of life is the best medication? without a doubt, maybe not on the off chance that it's a generally expected apple. Apples are the first in the Environmental Working Group "Untidy Dozen," which infers they are the most sprinkled with pesticides. According to the assessment, practically 100% of the apple tests, in the wake of washing, were attempted with a lone pesticide development. Pesticides showered with apples, similar to Syngenta's Paraquat, are connected with the improvement of Parkinson's ailment and are restricted in the EU. A couple of pesticides, similar to Chlorpyrifos, can hurt the tangible framework. Regular apples won't consume each and every penny, so it's a shrewd idea to do a change to normal immediately. 2. Berries Strawberries are a faultless natural item, and as they are delicate and fragile, they are oftentimes disposed to infectious attacks. Therefore, farmers for the most part sprinkle fungicide on them. Around 45 stores of pesticides are also found in strawberries, and others have been pondered as disease causing, hazardous, neurotoxic, and noxious to bumble bees. Strawberries are one of the most restoring summer natural items, and normal strawberries can similarly be truly sensible. If you can't find new normal strawberries, look for those that are humble and cold regular. 3. An acceptable plant with flavorful branches Numerous people feel that the tasteful plant with delightful branches doesn't do much for the food office anyway packs a grasp hand and is a phytonutrient dream. Celery entered the Dirty Dozen summary since it contains 64 pesticides developments, 27 of which are hormonal disruptors. Picking a consumable reap with tasty branches is a keen idea and can be seen to be by and large sensible. 4. Cherry tomatoes This decreased down tomato is an astonishing wellspring of lycopene, known to get against bone and prostate threatening development. Cherry tomatoes are another component of Dirty Dozen's summary of 69 pesticide developments. Most of these bugs are related with interfering with the synthetics, neurotoxins, and toxins in conceptive prosperity. According to the Environmental Working Group, one cherry tomato contains 13 particular pesticides. 5. Cucumbers Cucumbers are potentially the most comprehensively eaten natural product (without a doubt, regular items!). As shown by the USDA Pesticide Data Program, cucumber contains 86 special pesticides. A significant part of these pesticides are known as disease causing specialists, and many are unfathomably damaging to the environment. Standard cucumbers are also covered with a machine planned to get the regular item during transportation. Wax is contained manufactured contaminations so if you pick a non-standard cucumber, make a point to wipe out the skin. To avoid pesticide stores and produced waxes all things considered, go regular. 6. White Potatoes White potatoes are the reason of various North American families - an enormous part of us grew up eating old fundamentals for dinner. Villains much of the time cast out white potatoes for their exhausting starch and wretchedness. Nevertheless, they contain less fiber. These gathered yields reappeared their overview of pollutants since they have 35 developments of pesticides, enormous quantities of which are faulted for being hormonal disruptors. As demonstrated by the Environmental Working Group, medium potatoes contained a greater number of pesticides by weight than another conveyed thing. This should not be mistaken for potatoes, which are truly on the "Perfect Fifteen" list. This once-over contains fifteen verdant food sources with the most decreased level of pesticides. 7. Spinach Spinach is a verdant green arrangement that is likely the best vegetable that contains supplement A, supplement K, and iron. In any case, it is also seriously sprinkled. It positions seventh in the Dirty Dozen summary, which infers it doesn't contain anyway numerous pesticides as the top things in the overview, yet it is at this point a rest of terrible pesticides. Spinach contains 54 extras of pesticides, and huge quantities of them are neurotoxic and harmful to bumble bees. The pesticide permethrin, used for spinach, is a restricting drug, is malignant growth causing, a hazardous synthetic, and ruinous to bumble bees. 8. Snap Peas imported Imported peas have entered the Dirty Dozen overview. Snap peas are a respectable wellspring of supplement C and fiber, which help with supporting the immune structure. Snap peas contain 78 pesticides stores, making them one of the best on the summary. An enormous piece of these are related with endocrine aggravation, which controls synthetic substances in the body. Synthetics go about as messengers that send critical messages around the body. Right when synthetics are annoyed with fabricated materials that go about as pesticides, messages will not be sent and gotten precisely, inciting unusual body limits. Like cherry tomatoes, a single snap pea contains around 13 exceptional pesticides.
9. Grapes Grapes can be sweet, tart, fragile, or crunchy, but generally sweet. Deplorably, they are astoundingly high on the Dirty Dozen overview. Numerous regular items are astoundingly sprinkled with pesticides since they contain a huge load of sugar, making it difficult to get against bugs and parasites. Grapes contain 56 novel pesticide stores. The standard pesticide used effectsly influences the environment. It is an astounding bug shower that kills bumble bees and other principal pollinators. 10. Kale Everyone's verdant vegetable has found a spot in the Dirty Dozen overview. Kale is a first class typical food high in fiber and gets against danger, joint agony, coronary ailment, and diabetes, yet it is maybe the most by and large sprinkled plant. As demonstrated by the Environmental Working Group, kale has been found to contain harmful pesticides in the human tactile framework. Kale contains around 55 pesticide stores. Regular isn't attempting to find and is about $ 1-$ 1.50 more than the standard kale, making it worth a chance.

Rashmi  posted in Food

Post updated on:  Sep 30, 2021 11:59:31 AM

सूत्र नेति

 सूत्र का अर्थ है 'धागा', पहले लोग सूत्र से सीधे नेति का अभ्यास करते थे लेकिन आजकल सूत्र नेति के लिए एक कैथेटर का उपयोग किया जा रहा है।  चिकित्सीय व्यवस्था में, व्यक्ति को पहले सूत्र नेति के पूर्व अभ्यास के रूप में 'रबर (कैथेटर) नेति' का अभ्यास कराया जाता है।  सूत्र-नेति या रबर-नेति का अभ्यास करने की विधि यहाँ बताई गई है:

 सूत्र नेति का अभ्यास कैसे करें?

 इसका अभ्यास बैठे और खड़े दोनों मुद्रा में किया जा सकता है।

 अपनी एड़ी पर बैठ जाएं या सीधे खड़े हो जाएं, सिर को थोड़ा पीछे झुकाएं और धागे या कैथेटर को सीधे बाएं नथुने में डालें।

 धागे को नाक से जबरदस्ती नहीं बल्कि धीरे से धक्का दिया जाना चाहिए ताकि यह धीरे-धीरे बिना किसी नुकसान के गले में चला जाए।

 जब यह गले के पीछे पहुँचे, तो पहली दो अंगुलियाँ मुँह में डालें और धागे को मुँह से खींचकर नाक से कुछ इंच का धागा लटकाएँ।

 धीरे-धीरे और धीरे से कैथेटर को पीछे और आगे की ओर पांच से दस बार खींचें (कुछ इसे लगभग बीस से चालीस बार ले जाने का सुझाव देते हैं)।

 कैथेटर या सूत्र को मुंह से बहुत धीरे और धीरे से बाहर निकालें और अपना मुंह और नाक धो लें।

 फिर विपरीत नथुने से इसी तरह से अभ्यास दोहराएं।

 इसका अभ्यास दोनों नथुनों से एक के बाद एक करना चाहिए।

 सूत्र नेति अभ्यास पूरा करने के बाद एक बार फिर से जल नेति का अभ्यास करें।

 पूरी प्रक्रिया को पूरा करने के बाद कपालभाति का 10-15 चक्र अभ्यास करें।

 फिर कुछ देर के लिए शशांकासन को अपनाएं।

 यह सूत्र नेति का अभ्यास है।


 अगर मुंह से खून की कुछ बूंदें आती हैं तो चिंता करने की जरूरत नहीं है इसका सीधा सा मतलब है कि सूत्र के रगड़ने से नासिका मार्ग में या गहरे गले में कहीं एक छोटी सी खरोंच आ गई है।  इसलिए यह सलाह दी जाती है कि सूत्र या कैथेटर को बहुत धीरे और धीरे से रगड़ना चाहिए।

 नेति अभ्यास (जला नेति और सूत्र नेति) के क्या लाभ हैं?

 नासिका मार्ग को साफ करता है।

 साइनसाइटिस को ठीक करता है।

 साइनस गुहाओं में अशुद्धियों को दूर करता है।

 ईएनटी विकारों में उपयोगी।

 सिरदर्द को कम करता है।

 आंखों की रोशनी बढ़ाता है।

 चेहरे पर चमक लाता है।

 तनाव और चिंता को कम करता है।

 विभिन्न मानसिक समस्याओं में उपयोगी।


 ऊपर बताई गई प्रथाएं अत्यधिक संवेदनशील हैं।  इन अभ्यासों को एक अच्छे योग शिक्षक या चिकित्सक के मार्गदर्शन में किया जाना चाहिए।  शुरुआती लोगों के लिए, यह सुझाव दिया जाता है कि योग चिकित्सक या शिक्षक से परामर्श लें और अभ्यास शुरू करें, अपने स्वास्थ्य के संबंध में नेति अभ्यास के परिणामों के बारे में भी सुनिश्चित हो जाएं।

 ये नेति अभ्यास के सामान्य लाभ हैं लेकिन यह समस्या की गंभीरता के अनुसार अलग-अलग व्यक्तियों में भिन्न होता है।

Deepanjali  posted in Yoga

Post updated on:  Sep 30, 2021 11:58:49 AM

 English, Today I am going to share with you all the importance of Communication. Languages turn into the main moderator for delivering or giving out information. One of the most commonly used languages in the world is English.

importance of learning english paragraph - Engineer's Solutions

 English is well known as an worldwide language English is increasingly used in countless places and seems it has been lead the globe communications.
There are so many advantages of learning English. and they can be found in many sides such as in global business society, skill field, learning, and in the social life.

 Unavoidable importance of English language | The Asian Age Online,  BangladeshImportance of English Language - EducationMyWay.com

 English holds a significant regulation to build the business goes well. It is very helpful when business build collaboration with another worldwide company from different country. However, by indulgent English will progress the viewpoint for service in company atmosphere and help the entrepreneur to hold the company problem proficiently.

Importance of English Language in Our Life - 7 Main Reasons

Moreover It is also takes a large part in the expansion of knowledge. Nearly every electronic strategy use English particularly computing and internet English is not only use in the hardware but it is used in the software also. Every command in the computer is in English and to operate it people should understand English first. In the internet, there is a lot of information written in English such as e-mail, blog, and social network etc. It shows that knowledge of English gives many benefits to the progress of technology.

 Education, the global learner should have ability to address, translate, and engrave in English. A learner can access any information in the books, internet, and publication with the help of English. Booming academic career depend on how deep the perceptive of learner in English because in global standard education English is the primary language which used in learning process. 

Besides that, if the students know English well, they also will be able to read and understand the great work in literature that related with their study which written in English. In this case, English can be assuming as the root of the international education.
 Importance of the English Speaking in Today's World | TrainingsaddaRole] and Importance of English in India in 21st century Intellectual Gyani
As a public person, public will constantly interact with the other in different social lives. English become unifier of the diversity in language. A Person will be easier to express their idea about great or switch over information in English to the other people from diverse country. 

English is the tool for digging information deeper and deeper again to know what truly take place in the world. If public have a good potential to tell in English, it will be widen their information because they will be able to recognize more in order than those who are not god in English. In other side, understanding English mean easier to make a friend.
In end, as the mainly spoken language in the world, English holds a enormous part in the communication. Global trade goes well because of English. It helps people when they are using expertise goods even though development of expertise escalating continuously. English also helps learner to recognize the topic that written in English.

English, is not only language, it is a demand of time, that people are running behind to learn the language to enhance their personality . 
Hope you all understand the benefit of ENGLISH.

SONIA  posted in Education

Post updated on:  Sep 30, 2021 10:47:55 AM

ये है सूर्य अर्घ्य का वैज्ञानिक रहस्य

हिंदू धर्म में अनेक परंपराएं हैं, जो हमारे दैनिक जीवन से जुड़ी हैं। रोज सुबह स्नान करने के बाद सूर्यदेव को अर्घ्य देने की परंपरा भी उन्हीं में से एक है। धार्मिक मान्यता है कि ऐसा करने से सूर्य से संबंधित दोष दूर होते हैं और भी बहुत से फायदे होते हैं। इस परंपरा के पीछे न सिर्फ धार्मिक बल्कि वैज्ञानिक तथ्य भी छिपे हैं, जिनके बारे में कम ही लोग जानते हैं।

स्वस्थ रहने के लिए जितनी शुद्ध हवा आवश्यक है, उतना ही प्रकाश भी आवश्यक है इसीलिए कहा जाता है कि प्रकाश में मानव शरीर के कमजोर अंगों को फिर से बलशाली और एक्टिव बनाने की अद्भुत क्षमता है। इन्हीं बातों को ध्यान में रखकर हमारे पूर्वजों ने सूर्य को अर्घ्य देने का विधान बनाकर इसे धार्मिक रूप दे दिया। सुबह प्रभात बेला में या संध्योपासना कर्म और पूजा-अर्चना में सूर्य को अर्घ्य देने का विधान है। हाथ की अंजुलि में जल लेकर तथा गायत्री मंत्र बोलते हुए सूर्य की ओर मुंह करके सूर्य को जल समर्पित करना "सूर्य अर्घ्य" कहा जाता है। सूर्य के महत्व से सभी परिचित हैं। सूर्य से ही प्रकाश है। 

वेदों में सूर्य को आंख कहा गया है।
सूर्य में सात रंग की किरणें हैं। इन सप्तरंगी किरणों का प्रतिबिंब जिस किसी भी रंग के पदार्थ पर पड़ता है, वहां से वे पुन: वापस लौट जाती हैं लेकिन काला ही ऐसा रंग है जिसमें से सूर्य की किरणें वापस नहीं लौटतीं। हमारे शरीर में भी अलग-अलग रंगों की विद्युत किरणें होती हैं, अत: जिस रंग की कमी हमारे शरीर में होती है, सूर्य के सामने जल डालने यानी अर्घ्य देने से वे उपयुक्त किरणें हमारे शरीर को प्राप्त हो जाती हैं क्योंकि आंखों की पुतलियां काली होती हैं, जहां से सूर्य  की किरणें वापस नहीं लौटतीं, अत: वह कमी पूरी हो जाती है। 

वैज्ञानिकों ने यह सिद्ध किया है कि सूर्य की किरणों का प्रभाव जल पर बहुत जल्दी पड़ता है, इसलिए सूर्य को अभिमंत्रित जल का अर्घ्य दिया जाता है। सूर्य को अर्घ्य देने का यही वैज्ञानिक रहस्य है।

एक और कारण सूर्य अर्घ्य का यह है कि सूर्य का सीधा संबंध हमारे स्वास्थ्य से है। सूर्य एक प्राकृतिक चिकित्सालय है। उससे हमारी चिकित्सा होती है। सूर्य की सप्तरंगी किरणों में अद्भुत रोगनाशक शक्ति है। सुबह से शाम तक सूर्य अपनी किरणों से, जिनमें औषधीय गुणों का अपार भंडार है, अनेक रोग पैदा करने वाले कीटाणुओं का नाश करता है।

वैज्ञानिक प्रयोगों से यह सिद्ध हो चुका है कि जो टी.बी. के कीटाणु उबलते पानी से भी जल्दी नहीं मरते, वे सूर्य के तेज प्रकाश से शीघ्र नष्ट हो जाते हैं फिर दूसरे जीवाणुओं का नाश होने में संदेह ही क्या है इसलिए जब हम सूर्य के सामने खड़े होकर जल से अर्घ्य देते हैं तो सूर्य की किरणें हमारे शरीर पर पड़ती हैं, जिससे रोग उत्पादक सूक्ष्म-से-सूक्ष्म जीवाणु भी नष्ट हो जाते हैं। इस प्रकार सूर्य की किरणें रोगाणुओं से हमारी रक्षा करती हैं।

स्वस्थ रहने के लिए जितनी शुद्ध हवा आवश्यक है, उतना ही प्रकाश भी आवश्यक है। इसीलिए कहा जाता है कि प्रकाश में मानव शरीर के कमजोर अंगों को फिर से मज़बूत और एक्टिव बनाने की अद्भुत क्षमता है। इन्हीं बातों को ध्यान में रखकर ही हमारे पूर्वजों ने सूर्य को अर्घ्य देने का विधान बनाकर इसे धार्मिक रूप दे दिया।

सूर्य को जल चढ़ाने से मिलने वाले फायदे...

1- सूर्योदय के समय जब सूर्य को अर्घ्य दिया जाता है तो उस समय सूर्य की जो किरणें निकलती हैं, वो हमारे लिए लाभदायक होती हैं। इसलिए हमारे बुजुर्गों ने सुबह जल्दी यानी सूर्योदय के समय ही अर्घ्य देने का नियम बनाया।

2- जब हम सूर्य को अर्घ्य देते हैं तो पानी की धारा से होकर सूर्य की किरणें हमारे शरीर पर पड़ती हैं। वैज्ञानिक सिद्धांत के अनुसार, ये ठीक वैसा ही है जैसा सूर्य की किरणें प्रिज्म से होकर सात रंगों में बंट जाती हैं। इस प्रक्रिया से हमें शारीरिक लाभ होता है। साथ ही हमारी रोध प्रतिरोधक क्षमता भी बढ़ती है।

3- सूर्य की किरणों से हमें विटामिन डी मिलता है, जो हमारी स्किन के लिए बहुत जरूरी है। ये बात विज्ञान भी मानता है। सुबह सूर्य को अर्घ्य देते समय हमारे शरीर को विटामिन डी मिलता है।

4- सूर्य को अर्घ्य देते समय जब हम ऊपर की ओर देखते हैं तो उसकी किरणें पानी से होकर आंखों में जाती है, इससे आंखों से संबंधित रोग होने की संभावना कम हो जाती है।

5- सुर्य को अर्घ्य देने के लिए सुबह जल्दी उठना होता है। सुबह-सुबह की शुद्ध वायु हमारे शरीर के लिए बहुत लाभदायक होती है।

Sonal  posted in Others

Post updated on:  Sep 30, 2021 4:12:08 AM

6 Tricks to live Eco-Friendly Along with Your House
Going eco-obliging with the way where we stay isn't any extra a fair carrier we are conveying to society or nature. It has transformed into the principle way out to help our lives and vanish an equivalent, assuming more awful, environment for our kin later on. Besides, with striking and troublesome marvels going on around the field, it shouldn't have taken those films and accounts to exchange our attitude.
Regardless, we have, as of now, started to see the pulse our tendency is in and are attempting to keep her from any relative pain.

One of the primary ways we impact our tendency is through advancement. With people exploding at an astounding rate and the longings (which can be named as 'greed' in stacks of cases) consistently making, going eco's obliging with the arrangement of the advancement may be one accurate and fruitful approach to decrease our carbon impression.
Thusly, on the off chance that you are making game plans to assemble that dream home, let the plan be so your substitutions and nature continue to be ever thankful to you.
How huge a home do you require?
This is genuinely the foremost request that requirements to jump up in your mind. You probably put away an optimal proportion of the advantages you have gained to date for this very clarification, and it's far clear and legitimized with motivation to dream of an exorbitant home. The fantasy remains here. You needn't bother with a humongous home, to name it steeply-esteemed. A reasonably estimated house with the right arrangement and organizations might conceivably be your paradise. This being communicated, the configuration ought to be bendy satisfactory to change in accordance with destiny needs.

Never reject the vegetables.
This will be a marvelous gift you'll do yourselves. You are lucky if you get a plot of rich green fences and shrubberies for your own home as opposed to a smooth, shaved, vain land. Acknowledge a guarantee to fell as a few trees as attainable while fostering the home. Letting one or encroach into your home plans will not be a horrendous option both.
Let the sky lighting establishments fall in
There isn't anything higher than typical. When you have such striking and white sky delicate to light up your own home all through lighting, why encase yourselves in thick, forsaken sections? Keep the dividers held best to the outside, wherein they're unavoidable. Liberal window openings and post windows may be the delicate focal point for a lot of your consistently power needs. Make positive to devise the home windows at the genuine specialty to screen your private home against excess warmth.
Building and ground surface substances

One has lots of decisions to pick from concerning creating substances. Dependent upon the openness of the materials locally (as bringing them far ahead of time land way burning-through heaps of carbon), the nearby environment, and the strength, you could cross for concrete, pottery, aluminum, glass, or steel as the significant unrefined texture. Deck, again, is a spot, you have umpteen decisions to peruse. From smooth vitrified tiles to hardwoods, from record tiles to bamboos, floors are presently every other part to make a style clarification. Notwithstanding, in the event that it's far the eco's obliging way you pick to head, it's far really the overlaid wood or bamboo that should cover the floor.
Various components
The Eco-congeniality of sensible improvement is a comprehensive thought that goes past the space of green creation. From the organization to the plan and the 'luckily anytime after' stay inside the house, the idea should be checked, reevaluated, and routinely stayed aware of once took on. Using power-capable LED lighting devices, low VOC (risky ordinary blends), lead free paints, recuperated substances for merchandise and elaborate contraptions are unquestionably the most un-troublesome ways to deal with ensure that your private home regards nature and does its OK to live approach it.
Green material
This is by the by each and every amazing method of promising yourself a fresh future. As the name proposes, green material is just covering the housetop with a clear mat of plants. This gives a more blissful look to the tons excused top of the house, yet moreover allows generally in keeping the temperature of the inner parts, likewise decreasing the use of power for warming or cooling the home. Beside those, the green overlaying on the housetop controls generous tempest water run-off.

Rashmi  posted in Lifestyle

Post updated on:  Sep 30, 2021 4:09:20 AM

Discipline is vital to life , it is set of rules and regulations which we follow all our life . So, today  I am going to tell you about Discipline.
 Discipline7 Disciplines of A Leader

People would do whatever they wish. They may not lead a healthy lifestyle and may indulge in malpractices. Thus, without discipline, the world would be chaotic.
Internal discipline
*       The internal discipline is about self-discipline and helps you to moderator the difference between right and wrong. One takes the right decisions and spreads positivity.
*       The external rules or discipline refers to the laws and practices customary as the norm in society. They make you publicly fit. A person is probable to follow certain norms as per the society where he lives.

*       Discipline is related to promptness. You take food, do your duties, and sleep at the right time. You are more regular while exercise. Time-bound activities are essential for a fit body. 
Speech on Discipline: Format, Important Points & Sample - Leverage EduWhat is the Importance of Discipline In Life - Make Me Better

 Essential of Discipline
When a person leads his life without any regulation or discipline, his life tends to become monotonous and aimless His lack of perceptive of the require for discipline makes him indolent. This ultimately makes him gloomy. People such as this are incapable to switch crises and often tend to create an irreparable amount of mess in their life. However, if you are not among these groups of people and want to achieve something in your life, you must focus on being disciplined. If you do not have a plan or strategy then first makes a plan that suits your lifestyle and accordingly, set your routine.
Then next is implementing the plan in your day-to-day life. It is said that when an action is done for one week instantly then it robotically becomes a habit. As a result, at all times try to include positive changes into your schedule and based on your graph, continue doing that for one week. It is expected that after one week the implemented action will turn into a part of your life. A lot of group in the world are often bogged down by failures and do not tend to make any changes in their life towards positivity.
Being a disciplined one does not only help you to attain your thoughts but also makes you feel positive in and out. Studies show that disciplined people are more likely to find out ways in which they can be happier and change their course of life than the undisciplined ones. Moreover, being disciplined makes a person calm and composed. This quality helps a person to overcome hurdles and to achieve success. They also create a significant impact on others' lives.
This is significant to state that they are two form of regulation the first being the induce discipline and second, the self-discipline. The previous is the kind of discipline that others educate us or we get used to by seeing others. The second form of discipline is the one that comes from within. It is the tougher form of discipline as it requires fortitude, center of attention, and inspiration from others.
 3 Simple Daily Acts of Discipline That Boost Your Profits - Business  HorsePower19 Top Self-Discipline Books to Help You Accomplish Your Goals | Elegant  Themes Blog

The stages of discipline a person achieves may vary depending on his resolution and alive condition. Family and parents will have diverse views on discipline but they must include it into their lives to have a positive influence on each other, it is the discipline that helps a personality to develop and turn into a improved version of themselves. 

SONIA  posted in Blog

Post updated on:  Sep 30, 2021 1:01:02 AM

The popular festival of the Hindu community is Krishna Janmashtami celebrations. It is known as the day when Lord Krishna comes to the earth. It is the best time for the devotees to interact with the God, who worship their God without wishing anything. Generally according to the Vedas, the devotee who worship God without wishing anything, are the real devotees. The devotees of lord Krishna celebrate  Janmashtami with great enthusiasm. They try to attract their lord by doing various types of work. 

The steps to present love infront of Krishna- 
There are several ways to present love to Krishna. The best and cheapest way is to put leafs of  Tulsi plant infront of Krishna.
The other forms of presentation depends on you. Some of them are illustrated here.

1) Dress up Krishna according to the  season.
2) Put sweets and beautiful flowers in front of Krishna.
3) Sing bhajans in front of Krishna.

           Child with dressed up as Krishna

On Monday, the dress colour should be cream colour.
On Tuesday, the dress colour should be red colour.
On Wednesday, the dress colour should be Green colour.
On Thursday, the dress colour should be yellow colour.
On Friday, the dress colour should be bright white colour.
On Saturday, the dress colour should be blue colour.
On Sunday, the dress colour should be Pink colour.

Dress - 

There are several ways to show love towards lord. The devotees used to put lovley Krishna on palki.

हिंदू समुदाय का लोकप्रिय त्योहार कृष्ण जन्माष्टमी उत्सव है। इसे उस दिन के रूप में जाना जाता है, जब भगवान कृष्ण पृथ्वी पर आते हैं । भक्तों के लिए भगवान के साथ बातचीत करने का यह सबसे अच्छा समय है, जो बिना किसी इच्छा के अपने भगवान की पूजा करते हैं।

 आमतौर पर वेदों के अनुसार, जो भक्त बिना किसी इच्छा के भगवान की पूजा करते हैं, वही सच्चे भक्त होते हैं। भगवान कृष्ण के भक्त जन्माष्टमी को बहुत उत्साह के साथ मनाते हैं। 

वे तरह-तरह के काम करके अपने स्वामी को आकर्षित करने की कोशिश करते हैं।

It is said that Shri Krishna and Arjuna are ignorant of ordinary human beings.
It is mentioned in the Mahabharata that only male sages could kill Karan. Arjun himself was a male sage. He killed him. Before the war of Mahabharata, Muni Ved Vyas himself had to warn King Dhritarashtra.  
Arjun had devoted his life to  lord Krishna for devotional service. Therefore Krishna showed him the real facts about the world.

भगवान श्री कृष्ण के अनंत नाम है l भगवान श्री कृष्ण का नाम है - नारायण l नारायण का अर्थ होता है जो ब्रह्मांड के समाप्त हो जाने पर भी स्थित रहे l  

भगवान के  नामों में से एक नाम है वासुदेव l वासुदेव का मतलब है, जिसके शरीर के  रोए में करोड़ों करोड़ों ब्रह्मांड समाए हो l  भगवान का दूसरा नाम है संकर्षण l संकर्षण का मतलब है  -  पूरे ब्रह्मांड को अपने  मस्तक पर धारण करने वाले l 
भगवान श्री कृष्ण का अगला नाम है - शेष l भगवान कृष्ण दूसरा नाम है  - अनिरुद्ध l महाभारत में अनिरुद्ध को भगवान का वह रूप बताए गया है, जिससे  ब्रह्मा उत्पन्न हुआ l इसका मतलब है सारा का सारा ब्रह्मांड भगवान कृष्ण के अनिरुद्ध रूप से उत्पन्न हुआ | 

Shailendra  posted in Others

Post updated on:  Sep 29, 2021 9:12:22 AM

Everyone dreams of shiny and wavy hair. And to maintain the beauty of the hair, we knowingly or unknowingly start using many such chemical products, due to which our hair becomes dry and often starts falling which we call hair fall problem. Let us know in this article what are the causes of hair fall problem and how to maintain shiny, thick hair.

Hair Fall Tips (causes of hair fall):

* The main reason for hair fall is dusty soil, if you keep the hair from dust and soil, then your hair will fall less.

* Due to excessive use of shampoo, dye containing hard chemicals, along with dandruff in the hair, the root of the hair can become weak and become the reason for hair fall.

* For hair conditioning, or to give a new look to the hair, people often use gels, hair sprays which are chemical-rich, such products damage the hair. Like other parts of the body, hair also needs vitamins, minerals and proteins. Hair fall also starts due to not taking proper diet.

* There can also be genetic reasons behind hair loss. Due to a particular gene or chromosome, hair loss is found sequentially in the people of a family.

* Due to frequent combing, the hair keeps breaking. Do not comb more than 2-3 times a day. The main reason for hair loss in women is stress or mental problems.

 Hair Care Tips / Some remedies to prevent hair fall :
The best way to stop hair fall is to strengthen the hair roots first. So by doing what I am going to tell you in hair care tips, you will stop your hair fall in 7 days. And within 1 month your hair fall will stop completely.

* First of all, stay away from such shampoos, dyes and oils, in which the use of detergents or chemicals is high. Use any one of the oils like coconut oil, aawla, almond, olive oil, mustard oil etc. It is completely natural and also gives strength to the hair.

* If you also have dandruff, then boil neem leaves in water and cool it till it becomes lukewarm, then wash your hair regularly for 1 week with that water, it ends hair dandruff and prevents baldness. After that continue using neem water 1 to 2 times a week. Neem key interactions are many for hair. Neem is a very good antiseptic for hair.

* Avoid coloring your hair too quickly. Instead, use natural henna. In natural henna, you add a little vinegar, and ground bahera. Due to this, there will also be a slight darkening in the color of the henna and the shine of the hair also increases.

* Keep your hair away from dust. Wear a cap while traveling by bike. If your digestive system is not good, then the root of the hair is also weak because the hair is directly related to the stomach. So take control of your eating habits.

* Use curd for hair conditioning. Yogurt has many benefits in making hair soft and strong. Increase the intake of salads, sprouts and seasonal fruits in your diet. Because High Protein Diet is very much needed for Long Hair Growth.

* By following the things mentioned in the hair care tips in Hindi continuously for 3 months, the chances of the hair falling out also increase.

Deepanjali  posted in Fashion

Post updated on:  Sep 29, 2021 1:42:25 AM

In this clamoring lifestyle, defilement is also extending with time. In such a situation, when we go out for office or central work, there are various infections on our skin, so the request arises that we should manage our skin. How to do it? Scours, facials, and whiten all need to go to the parlor and use substance things that are expensive and destructive to the skin. So we should ponder whatever home fixes, which will convey a try to please skin with no cost.
These trimmings are easily found in everyone's kitchen; they are incredibly invaluable for the skin and the body. 1-Turmeric:-
Turmeric is a neutralizing agent poison, and it is used in each home. Turmeric disposes of the spots and murkiness of the face. Beside this, it moreover builds up the safety structure.
How to use it? To make a turmeric face pack, take two teaspoons curd, one teaspoon nectar, and one teaspoon turmeric in a bowl, mix it well and frown pack; by and by apply it well on the face and leave it for 10 minutes. After that flawless, the face with cold water, use it two times each week and discard scars. 2-Honey:-
Nectar is gotten from bumble bees, and there are many benefits of applying it on the face; it wipes out the obnoxiousness of the face and makes it sensitive and glimmering.
How to use it? You can use nectar with no degradation or make a paste by mixing one spoon of nectar in two scoops of rough milk, then, apply it on the face and back rub it, and following 5 minutes, clean it with cold water with the help of a texture. To do this, you can apply this paste each earlier day tidying up. 3-Besan:-
Gram flour is used in various ways in food, it is fitting for prosperity, and by applying it on the face, it works on the skin and cleans the buildup accumulated on the front.
How to use it? Gram flour can be used in various ways on the face; regardless of anything else, take a bowl where one spoon gram flour, one spoon curd, and half spoon aloe vera gel should be taken, as of now mix this mix well make a paste expecting you need. It will in general be used as a scour or can be applied as a face pack, by and by give it to dry, following 10 minutes clean the face with normal water, you will see that the face will look uncommonly perfect at this point, and if the clean If you do, you need to clean the face by scouring for 5 minutes, you can in like manner use it a couple of times each week. 4-Rice:-
Beside eating rice, it moreover helps in lighting up the face. It dispenses with the lack of definition of the face and clears the tone; aside from the beginning, it will in general be used on the neck, hands, feet, and the whole body.
How to use it? Rice can be used in two ways, first by making a cream, which is to be applied preceding resting around evening time, and furthermore by scouring, then, to make the cream, wash the rice well and retain it water for the whole evening, rewash it close to the start of the day. Warmth up some water in a skillet, direct it in a bowl and take its water (starch). You can use this cream by saving it in the cooler for seven days. Rice flour is used to make a spotless; two spoons of rice flour should be taken in a bowl, then, add one scoop of rough milk to it and make a thick paste, then, apply it on the face and dispense with it in the wake of scouring following 5 minutes. After removal, clean the face with cold water, use it beside one time every week. 5-Orange:-
Supplement C is ample in orange, it is profitable in applying whatever amount of it does in food, it happens that in view of nonappearance of supplement C, the skin starts looking dry and crimps start before age, so Vitamin C present in it will convey sparkle and glimmer to the face isolated from taking out wrinkles.
How to use? In the essential methodology, the orange should be cut into cuts; by and by, a couple of granules of sugar should be put on one of its cuts, and scouring is to clear the dirt off the face; in the ensuing procedure, one teaspoon of pressed orange, half teaspoon coffee powder. Aloe vera leaves It should be applied and worked with the help of water, following 5 minutes, wash the face with cold water, in the third procedure, orange strip powder will be used, then, in a bowl add a huge part of a teaspoon of rose water to a spoonful of orange strip powder and make it thick. Make a paste and apply it like a face pack; following 10 minutes, wash the face with cold water. 6-Multani Mitti:-
Most of people would ponder Multani Mitti. Multani mitti is a kind of earth white-concealed soil; its groups are instantly available keeping watch; by applying this soil, the face ends up being sensible, doesn't get pimples, and dispenses with dim spots. In case a person of shading uses it reliably, he additionally ends up being sensible.
How to use? The most clear way to deal with use it is to mix a huge piece of a teaspoon of rose water in a teaspoon of Multani mitti and acknowledge it as a face pack, and you can similarly use typical water instead of rose water. Second, make a paste by mixing an enormous part of a teaspoon of unrefined milk in a spoonful of Multani glove and apply it like a face pack. Right when it dries well, then, wash it off with normal water.

Post updated on:  Sep 29, 2021 1:35:04 AM

There is also a saying that "health is wealth" if you have your health then you understand that you have the best wealth in the world.  Many people are worried about their health, many people are caught by various diseases but there is a simple solution and that is yoga, if you start adopting yoga regularly in your daily routine, then understand that  No one can stop you from being healthy.

 Yoga has been present in the traditions of India since ancient times, this means that there must be some very mysterious benefits of adopting yoga somewhere.  Yes, the benefits of yoga are the real reason for adopting yoga.  In ancient times, people used to take the help of yoga to avoid diseases and attain mental peace.  For this reason, both the health and mind of the people were good in ancient times.

It is very important for the body to be healthy in order to do any work properly.  Being healthy of the body does not mean that all your organs are working properly, but your mental health should also be better, then only you can do any work with your mind.  The treatment of every disease is hidden in yoga, whether it is physical or mental, yoga keeps humans healthy in every way.  Due to so many benefits of Yoga, International Yoga Day is celebrated every year on 21st June so that people can be made aware of Yoga.  On this 'International Yoga Day', know about the importance of yoga and benefits of yoga, benefits of yoga, mental benefits of yoga.

Before knowing the benefits and types of yoga, it is very important to know what exactly is yoga?  Yoga has been an integral part of India's culture since ancient times, it is the responsibility of every citizen of the world to preserve it.  The word yoga is derived from the Sanskrit root 'yuj' which simply means "to unite" which means to unite the body, mind and soul.  Those who become successful in doing this, they start getting health benefits in a mysterious way.

 Some people live in the misconception that doing gym is many times better than doing yoga but it is not so.  By doing gym you can make your body fit but it is not necessary that doing gym will improve your mental health.  By doing yoga, our body gets the strength of unity, that means, our body, mind and soul meet in a better way.

Since ancient times, great yogis have been explaining Mahatma and Paramatma Yoga in their own way.  Yoga is not something that comes to you by doing it once, it is the practice of yoga that makes it better in every body.  The way you do yoga gets better with practice.  Yoga is an art, "the art of living as one", which gives the human body the strength of unity, mental health and strength that is not available by doing anything else.

 Yoga keeps your mind stable and does not allow it to wander here and there, where every kind of treatment fails to remove stress, there is a clear direct cure for it.  In ancient times, great sages, sages, yogis and kings used to do penance for centuries without eating anything, taking the help of yoga, the result of which they would definitely get after penance.  If you accept yoga as a penance, then you will start feeling its tremendous benefits.

Yoga is a panacea for a disease free body, yoga makes your whole body disease free.  Yoga benefits in asthma, diabetes, blood pressure, arthritis, digestion and other diseases.  In today's time, even big doctors tell about the miraculous benefits of yoga.  Yoga teaches us many things and all these things have a positive effect on our body.  This positive effect protects us from all kinds of diseases and makes us disease free.

Today, many people are troubled due to increasing weight, in such a situation, yoga can prove to be very beneficial for them.  By doing many types of asanas, freedom from increasing body weight can be found.  If you know the benefits of yoga and are able to include it regularly in your daily routine, then it can help in controlling your increasing weight.

Yoga is a boon for diabetics, if you are able to include yoga in your routine along with the consultation of the doctor, then you can control the rising blood sugar level.  Yoga helps in reducing the blood sugar mill.  It can also reduce bad cholesterol.

In today's time, every class of person remains under stress, not knowing how many types of problems keep a person under stress, but by adopting yoga, you can become stress free.  Yoga relaxes your mind.  Yoga is a miraculous boon both physically and mentally, yoga removes stress and positive energy enters the mind.  This is the reason why a person who adopts yoga gets freedom from all the problems related to hunger, sleep and exhaustion.

With the help of yoga, you can strengthen your bones, many people do not worry about their bones at all, so they have to deal with bone pain after a time.  If such people adopt yoga then they get to see positive effects.  With the help of yoga, the way you sit and get up automatically turns in the right direction.

There are many people who catch eye-related diseases at a very young age, such people must adopt yoga because yoga not only relaxes your brain, but also makes your eyes good.  There are many such yogasanas, with the help of which your eyes remain good for a long time.

Princygupta  posted in Others

Post updated on:  Sep 28, 2021 3:37:39 PM

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