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Anuska  posted in Poetry

Regular yoga practice benefits the health of pregnant women, it also reduces the problem during delivery.  At the same time, health benefits occur soon after pregnancy.  Yoga is beneficial for all age groups.  If pregnant women also do some special asanas, then there is a very positive effect on the health of the fetus.

 Along with this, the pregnant woman herself remains healthy.  But pregnant women should do certain yoga exercises only under the supervision of a yoga expert.  Caution is needed while doing this

Sukhasana :

 Method: Sit down and put a palathi.  Keep your hands in your lap or on your knees.  Keep your back, neck and head straight.  In this state, feel that energy is coming out of the seven chakras located in the body and you are getting its benefits.  Do this asana for as long as it is comfortable.

 Benefits: It calms the mind, feels energy.  The body remains healthy.  Which has a positive effect on the fetus as well.

 butterfly seat :

 Method: Sitting on the ground, spread both the legs in front.  Keep your back, arms straight.  Now bend the knees and join the soles together.  Hold the toes of both feet tightly with both hands.  In such a way that the fingers cross together.  Move the legs up and down like the wings of a butterfly.  Slowly increase the speed with easy breathing.  After doing 15 times, while exhaling, release the claws, spread the legs and return to the resting position.  Do not do this asana in case of back pain, sciatica, back pain.

 Benefits: It is useful to do this asana from the third month of pregnancy.  Due to this the body becomes flexible, there is a reduction in the tension of the lower part of the body.  This asana prepares the body for childbirth.

 mountain pose :

 Method: Although it is done standing, pregnant women can also do it sitting.  For this, first sit in Sukhasan.  Keep your back straight.  Now while inhaling, raise both the hands upwards.  Make a posture of salutation with the palms.  Keep elbows straight.  After staying in this posture for some time, come back to normal position.  Do this only two or three times.

 Benefits: It gives relief in back pain and the body does not become unformed after delivery.

 Ustrasana :
 Method: Stand on the ground with your knees bent.  Join both the knees, ankles and toes.  Now while inhaling, slowly bend the body backwards and try to touch the ankles with both the hands.  Chin up and arms straight.  Stay in this position for 30 seconds to 1 minute while breathing.  Slowly return to normal position.

 Benefits: It strengthens the spinal cord, keeps blood circulation smooth and does not feel tired.

 take care :
 Standing yoga postures should be done in the first three months of pregnancy.
 Very light asanas should be done during the fourth, fifth and sixth months.
 These days, especially emphasis on pranayama, meditation.
 Do not do any yogasana till the 10th-15th week of pregnancy.
 Avoid asanas that put pressure on the abdomen during pregnancy.
 Do not do Naukasana, Halasana, Bhujangasana, Chakrasana, Viparita Shalabhasana and Ardha Matsyendrasana.
 Instead of these, do Margariasana, Virabhadrasana, Baddhakonasana, Viparitakarni, Konasana, Tadasana, Shavasana and Trikonasana.
 It is not only useful in spontaneous delivery, but it is also helpful in getting normal soon after delivery.
 Put more emphasis on methods that strengthen the shoulders and upper back.
 It is also useful to do yogic subtle exercises and asanas of the Pawan Muktasana group.
 Such pranayama is also effective, in which Kumbhak is not required.

 Benefits of exercising during pregnancy :

 Exercising during pregnancy provides many benefits to both the mother and the baby, such as:

 Relieves back pain, constipation, flatulence and bloating
 Improvement in mood and energy level
 sleep well
 prevent overweight
 strengthen muscles
 Apart from this, exercising daily during pregnancy can reduce the risk of gestational diabetes and reduce the time of delivery.  Exercise can also reduce the risk of caesarean delivery.

 When should not exercise during pregnancy :

 Certain types of lung and heart diseases
 insufficiency of the cervix
 The risk of having twins or more than nine months before delivery (preterm labor)
 Bleeding continuously in the second trimester of pregnancy and the third trimester of pregnancy
 placenta previa after 26th week of pregnancy
 Preeclampsia or gestational hypertension (high BP in pregnancy)
 severe anemia

Signs of damage from exercise in pregnancy :

 If the doctor allows you to exercise and you are feeling the signs mentioned here on doing physical exercise during pregnancy, then do not ignore them at all.These include decreased fetal movement, dizziness or feeling faint, headache, nervousness, calf pain or swelling, vaginal bleeding, chest pain, frequent abdominal pain or contractions, vaginal discharge, and shortness of breath.  Including flowering.

 If you feel anything like this while exercising during pregnancy, tell the doctor immediately

Deepanjali  posted in Yoga

Post updated on:  Sep 28, 2021 2:50:26 PM

By notoriety coconut oil is an otherworldly remedy, utilized in both the kitchen and the washroom for a variety of various employments. From hair care to regular healthy skin to plans, the web is brimming with information about this tropical oil.

Yet, with all that is out there, it's difficult to tell what's publicity and what's genuine. So assuming you need to slice through all the messiness and truly gain proficiency with the advantages of coconut oil for skin, we're here to help.

In this post we'll take a gander at the 10 advantages of coconut oil on skin, how coconut oil is made, the best kind of coconut oil for skin, how to utilize coconut oil for your skin, what skin types it's best for, and we'll resolve as often as possible posed inquiries about this plant-based solution.

10 Benefits of Coconut Oil on Skin

1. It hydrates.

2. It assists with securing skin.
Coconut oil gives a defensive obstruction, assisting safeguard with cleaning from natural poisons, soil and other yucky stuff you're confronted with ordinary.

3. It smooths skin.
What's more, after some time it can really assist with further developing surface.

4.Coconut oil can really assist with lessening the indications of maturing when utilized routinely. It splashes into skin and causes those little lines and kinks to show up undeniably more subtle.

5. It quiets brief redness.
This nutty oil has a mitigating, quieting impact and can assist with diminishing transitory redness when it springs up.

6. It gives cell reinforcements.
With cell reinforcement and phytonutrient (plant compounds) parts, coconut oil for face can assist with boosting your supplement factor and battle against ecological stressors that speed up indications of maturing.

7. It ingests without any problem.
Coconut oil smooths into skin effectively and quickly, giving moment hydration and security.

8. It's an extraordinary base for exfoliants.
Simply blend the two, rub everything over your face, and wipe with a warm, wet material.

9. It relieves aggravated skin.

In case you're inclined to aggravations or affectability, coconut oil can assist with reducing any inconvenience and give relieving alleviation.

10. It smells incredible.

Who doesn't cherish that yummy, tropical coconut smell? It's a special reward alongside the remainder of this current oil's resources.

How Is Coconut Oil Made?

Coconut oil is produced using the product of coconuts. Stunner, right?!

To be more explicit, it's produced using the white plump internal piece of coconuts. Virgin or additional virgin coconut oil is produced using the new tissue, while refined coconut oil for the most part utilizes copra, or dried tissue.

The interaction for making virgin coconut oil includes squeezing the natural product through one of a few unique techniques. Expeller-squeezed oil is squeezed utilizing heat. Cold-squeezed utilizes none, which permits it to clutch a greater amount of its supplement thickness.

Refined coconut oil includes squeezing the copra, then, at that point, warming it to eliminate the smell. It's then, at that point, handled and sifted to eliminate any extra microorganisms or garbage, at times utilizing synthetic substances.

Natural coconut oil implies it's developed without the utilization of engineered pesticides or other yucky poisons.

It's additionally important that coconut oil is strong at room temperature and goes to fluid at hotter temperatures. For the most part you need to rub it between your hands to get it into fluid structure before you use it.

Best Type of Coconut Oil for Skin

The best kind of coconut oil for skin is natural, virgin, cold-squeezed coconut oil, as it's the most un-prepared of the pack so it holds the most supplements.

When utilizing coconut oil for your face, try not to purchase the more handled assortments delivered basically for food purposes. It very well might be extraordinary for cooking, yet you don't really need it all over!

Instructions to Use Coconut Oil for Your Skin

It has a wide range of utilizations for your skin and hair. With regards to your skin, you can utilize unadulterated coconut oil as a chemical, lotion, or cosmetics remover.

Contingent upon your skin health management type, coconut oil for skin can be a very valuable expansion to your daily practice. From saturating to limiting indications of maturing to alleviating aggravated skin, it has an abundance of properties that can help your outcomes, normally.

To utilize unadulterated coconut oil as a chemical, take a modest quantity in your grasp, rub it until it becomes fluid, then, at that point, spread all around your face. Permit it to retain for a couple of seconds, then, at that point, wipe your face with a warm wet material. A similar interaction applies when utilizing coconut oil as a cosmetics remover. You can likewise put a modest quantity on a cotton ball or cushion and use it to clean your eye region off.

In the event that you would prefer not to utilize unadulterated coconut oil, you can likewise search for it as a fixing in different items like face washes and lotions. Fleur and Bee's cleaning agent, for instance, utilizes natural coconut oil as a key part.

Pushpa  posted in Health

Post updated on:  Sep 27, 2021 3:20:18 PM

What is yoga mudra Yoga mudra is a set of physical movements that change a person's mind, attitude and perception. Yoga mudra works to flow energy to specific parts of the brain. Generally, many elements present in our body are not in a balanced state due to which various diseases occur in the body and the person starts suffering from mild to serious problems. In such a condition, yoga mudra works to balance the five elements of the body and is also helpful in keeping the whole body healthy. Yoga Mudras
     Some yoga postures are very common which are mainly used.

 Gyan Mudra (the currency of knowledge) :

 How To Use  : your index finger to touch the thumb, and keep your other fingers straight.

 Benefits: Improves your creativity, memory and knowledge. It brings clarity in thoughts and prevents insomnia.

Practice: You can do it at any time sitting, standing or lying on the bed.

  Prithvi Mudra :

 How To Use  : your ring finger and touch the thumb. Keep the other fingers straight.

  Benefits: Increases vitality, improves your physical and spiritual elements. It enhances the efficiency of your body.

 Practice: Can be done anytime.

Varuna Mudra (The Mudra of Water)

How To Use: your pinky finger to touch the thumb, and keep your other fingers straight

  Benefits: It helps to balance your emotional state, helps during cramps and constipation, while also regulating the menstrual cycle.

  Practice: Do this thrice every day for 15 minutes.

Vayu Mudra

How To use: Put the first tip of the index finger on the last tip of the thumb. the thumb will be above the index finger

 Benefits: Helps during anxiety and stress. If you are impatient and indecisive, you can use it.

  Practice: Do this thrice every day for 10-15 minutes.

Shunya Mudra (the currency of emptiness)

 How To Use :
the tip of your thumb and wrap over the middle finger. Keep the rest of the fingers straight.

  Benefits: If you have pain in your ear, you can use this mudra. It also helps in reducing lethargy, increasing your confidence and mental cognition.

 Practice: Do this daily for 40 to 60 minutes. If you have ear pain then do it for 4 to 5 minutes daily

Surya mudra (pose of the sun ):

 How To Use :
 ring finger and twist it using your thumb. Keep the rest of the fingers straight.

  Benefits: It helps in stimulating the thyroid gland, improves your digestive system. It also helps in reducing weight, anxiety and stress.

  Practice: Do this twice daily for 5 to 15 minutes.

 prana mudra (mudra of life)

How To use : Sit comfortably and bend your ring finger and a little slightly and touch them with the tip of the thumb. Keep the other two fingers of the hand straight up.
  Now place your palm above the knee.
  Benefits: Practicing Prana Mudra strengthens the immune system.
  By practicing this mudra daily, eyesight increases and vision becomes sharp.
  This mudra is very beneficial for relieving eye diseases and eye fatigue.
  This mudra is very beneficial in removing the deficiency of vitamins in the body, protecting it from diseases and making the internal organs functional.

 Practice: Can be done anytime.

Apana Mudra (Digestion Mudra) 

How to do:
First of all sit in Padmasana.
  Now place both your hands on the thighs.
  Keep the palms facing upwards.
  Then bend the middle fingers of both the hands towards the palms and place them at the base of the thumb.
  Bend the index finger towards the palm and place it on the lower area of ​​the thumb.
 Your little finger should remain straight.
 Then close your eyes and hold this pose for as long as you want.

 Benefits: This mudra liberates from all diseases of the heart. By doing this regularly, the diseases related to breathing are destroyed. It is beneficial in diseases like indigestion, gas, acidity, constipation etc. It removes all diseases related to stomach. By doing this, the diseases of teeth are removed. By regular practice of this, the body's tubes are purified. Mal and doshas are excreted and purity is attained. It removes doshas related to urine. Cures sugar disease.
 All the toxic elements of the body come out. Pregnant women benefit from this. Reduces body weight. This mudra removes the heat of the body by sweating.

 Practice: Do this daily for 45 minutes.

 Vayu Mudra (Pose of the Heart)

 How To use :
Use your index finger and bend it to touch the base of the thumb. Your middle and ring fingers should be bent to touch the tip of the thumb. Keep your junior straight.

  Benefits: Improves your circulatory system. It has the ability to heal your heart, especially heart burns. It can also help in reducing the problem of gas.

 Practice: Do this twice a day for 15 minutes

Linga mudra (Summer pose) :

 How to use :
First of all, by laying a mat on the ground, sit on it in Padmasana or Siddhasana, keeping in mind that your spine is straight. Now interlock the fingers of both your hands, keep one thumb straight and make a circle by bringing the other thumb straight from behind the thumb. Make breathing normal while keeping your eyes closed. Keep your mind on your breathing rate and posture Keep focused on And stay in this state for at least 16 minutes.

It helps in stimulating body heat, reducing phlegm and congestion. It is also good for your respiratory system.

 Practice: You can do it anytime, but don't overdo it.

Deepanjali  posted in Yoga

Post updated on:  Sep 27, 2021 3:19:15 PM

In the event that you have a little drive and a longing to acquire some additional payment from a promptly accessible source, then, at that point, you might wish to consider a job as a web-based showcasing partner. There could be no simpler or more viable approach to acquire an income from the online blast, without putting tremendous amounts of cash simultaneously. It is a straightforward showcasing equation that fills in also for the gigantic online businesses as it accomplishes for the normal Internet client. 

The offshoot program works by remunerating site proprietors with incomes and enormous organizations with important clients. The reason is straightforward; the associate program site offers the potential subsidiary all the showcasing instruments, including pennants and text, connects free of charge, in return for a little part of their site space. Consequently, the subsidiary can possibly acquire a commission-based income from probably the biggest online businesses. 

The offshoot showcasing program specifically is an exceptional promoting opportunity, which essentially has permitted numerous ventures and pretty individual organizations to mostly thrive in a subtle way. Few basically have acquired like that of the online poker industry in a sort of major way. The capability of online poker might have kind of appeared to specifically be somewhat restricted before its initiation, yet at this point, it for all intents and purposes is one of the basically main competitors in a web-based gaming upheaval, which specifically is quite significant.

 Presently creating a huge number of dollars in income, the business literally has generally outgrown an kind of effective organization of subsidiary advertisers, actually contrary to popular belief. By presenting however definitely many offshoots as mostly is conceivable, the poker destinations can essentially get to a tremendous scope of individuals from the particularly worldwide market that actually is the Internet, showing how for all intents and purposes few mostly have acquired like that of the online poker industry in a really big way. 

On their part, the offshoots for the most part are remunerated by the accomplishment of the locales that they address by bringing in a piece of the cash created by the players that they fairly present in a subtle way. 

This commission-based income kind of offers the partners an opportunity to mostly acquire up to 35% of all the cash created by a player, all through the term of the life on the site, actually contrary to popular belief. Accordingly, fairly equal ventures work by empowering basically further development in one another, generally contrary to popular belief. The offshoots should initially essentially draw in and afterward forward on clients to kind of acquire their income in a definitely big way. 

At the point when they really accomplish this objective they literally are remunerated with a actually liberal extent of the cash created by the players in a definitely big way. Thusly the poker site gets the actually special reward of additional players and the resulting verbal promoting and pay that they kind of produce in a very big way. So while never gambling a actually solitary penny, poker locales can contact a tremendous crowd and mostly extend their piece of the pie, and an offshoot can actually bring in an unhindered measure of cash just by facilitating a couple of publicizing highlights, so at the point when they kind of accomplish this objective they actually are remunerated with a really liberal extent of the cash created by the players, which basically is quite significant.

OS  posted in Marketing

Post updated on:  Sep 27, 2021 3:18:33 PM

More than 11 million people in the United States mostly suffer from the effects of depression each year, which is fairly significant. This disorder that literally affects the psyche can particularly have lasting effects kind of such as feelings of sadness, a lack of desire and a lack of center in a basically major way. Grief can for all intents and purposes affect all age groups and sexual orientation, but it literally is kind of more widespread in women in a big way. Consulting a psychologist, for example, a therapist has the advantage of receiving a formal diagnosis and treatment in a major way. This situation can definitely affect school, home life and business, which definitely is fairly significant. Most medications will for all intents and purposes involve a combination of herbal remedies and kind of general remedies for a completely changed sort of physical condition and interest, which really is fairly significant. The Medes particularly are likely to really introduce some form of stimulant drug, which really is quite significant. 

The most commonly used types are: tricyclic, Monoamine oxidase inhibitors or Maoi''s, and serotonin reuptake inhibitors or in a particularly big way. SSRIs for all intents and purposes have particularly become the most popular form of treatment for depression due to the lower risk of side effects in a definitely major way. These drugs specifically include names like Paxil, Prozac and Zoloft, particularly contrary to popular belief. Treatment definitely is often for all intents and purposes recommended with drugs to kind of help a person particularly deal with problems, side effects and ways to really manage grief, which kind of is quite significant. This could generally be a combination or particularly individual treatment meetings to discuss problems. Therapies associated with dance, art, or music can kind of help generally express feelings and emotions in a subtle way. Relaxation routes will really help generally bring center and peace in a major way. Yoga and meditation particularly are kind of good forms of this, or so they essentially thought. 

Changing the way of life to really further the image of the sort of higher mind and generally change the sort of physical activity actually has shown acceptance in a very big way. Eating a diet and even adding supplements, for example, fish oil, Zinc and B nutrients basically helps to mostly manage stress in a pretty big way. Practicing a very few times a week for the most part is also important, fairly contrary to popular belief. Substitute drugs, for example, acupuncture and spelling bindings can be helpful in reducing the generally negative effects of depression and basically include the body, psyche and soul, which is quite significant. 

Discuss all treatment options with sort of your doctor or therapist to mostly resolve the appropriate combinations, which for all intents and purposes is fairly significant. Everyone for all intents and purposes has different levels of sadness and the treatment plan should essentially be redesigned for the person, or so they for the most part thought. In case you use supplements or drastically change actually your diet; kind of make a point of enlightening the expert so that those essentially are considered when promoting a treatment plan, demonstrating that in case you use supplements or drastically change your diet; for the most part make a point of enlightening the expert so that those kind of are considered when promoting a treatment plan, which actually is quite significant. 

Disappointment does not particularly have to for all intents and purposes be negative, demonstrating how most medications will specifically involve a combination of herbal remedies and actually general remedies for a completely changed fairly physical condition and interest, basically contrary to popular belief. With proper treatment, most depressed people specifically live a full, happy, and productive life, or so they essentially thought. Take the initiative to for all intents and purposes help for the most part reduce the inclination to generally maintain a really high sense of well-being and harmony, showing how consulting a psychologist, for example, a therapist has the advantage of receiving a formal diagnosis and treatment, which really is fairly significant. Using a combination of medication and conventional therapies will essentially take the balance mentally, physically and emotionally in a very major way.

Om  posted in Depression

Post updated on:  Sep 27, 2021 3:17:59 PM

5 Great Reasons Olive Oil Is Great For Hair Growth
 Olive oil is usually rich in fatty acids and lots of antioxidants. Moreover, olive oil is very important for good growth in your hair and its use is much more important for your hair.  In addition, you can get many more good benefits from it which can usually work much better for the beauty of your hair. read below to know more..

The best 5 good aspects of olive oil are discussed below

1. Olive oil treat split ends

In winter, when your hair is more dry, it has a good tendency to break and split ends.  Olive oil can usually add good weight and moisture to your hair and at the same time it can be used as a great fix.  Moreover, every day you take one or two drops of olive oil in your fingers and apply it well in your hair.  The oil will generally work much better as a serum and at the same time help to repair the split ends of your own hair, and if you use this oil regularly, it will also much better for new hair follicles.  Also, when you have some time for it, you heat a small amount of olive oil, apply it to the hair follicles in your scalp and leave it in your hair overnight and then shampoo it with mild warm water the next day, it will also much better for new hair follicles.  Also, when you have some time for it, you heat a small amount of olive oil, apply it to the hair follicles in your scalp and leave it in your hair overnight and then shampoo it with mild warm water the next day.

2. Olive oil makes your hair much softer

Olive oil usually acts as a very good type of moisturizer and also removes a lot of dryness from the hair.  It contains all the essential nutrients that usually help to keep your hair properly nourished and beautiful.

3. Calms your scalp a lot

Olive oil usually has a soothing effect on your scalp, it has antibacterial and anti-fungal properties, the moisturizing effect of many beneficial hair follicles helps reduce itching, and it helps a lot in combating dry skin, as well as oily scalp.  Fights and opens the frozen pores a lot of the time.  It is also one of the main causes of hair loss due to follicles and dandruff.  Therefore, if one wants to avoid hair loss, one must know about the good qualities of olive oil.

4. It prevents hair loss

Olive oil is rich in antioxidants that generally promote hair growth.  And it usually prevents your hair from falling out a lot and protects you from getting damaged.  In addition, olive oil is one of the most harmful free radicals.

5. it reduce hair breakage

In addition, olive oil has many other benefits such as it makes your hair more beautiful and thicker by relieving it from breaking.  In addition to the hair, it makes your scalp much better, as well as the conditioning effect helps to improve the structure of the hair.  Olive oil is usually rich in omega 3 fatty acids which can reduce the rate of breakage and dryness in your hair.

  So, you may have many more reasons to include this olive oil in your hair care routine.

Riya  posted in Health

Post updated on:  Sep 27, 2021 3:15:30 PM

What is Digital Marketing?
Digital Marketing is a type of advertising for advancing and selling items or administrations on the Internet. It's the most common way of utilizing distinctive web based showcasing channels like web crawlers, online media organizations, and email to arrive at your intended interest group.
Through advanced promoting, you can discover individuals intrigued by your contribution, communicate with them, and construct trust with your image.
Digital Marketing has various sorts, the most significant are site showcasing, website streamlining, content advertising, PPC publicizing, online media showcasing, email advertising, video showcasing, and associate advertising.

How Digital Marketing Works?
The manner in which computerized promoting works is straightforward.
To start with, you need to indicate your Digital Marketing objectives for example what you need to accomplish with Digital Marketing. Some normal models are: to build brand mindfulness, to make more deals, or to develop your local area.
Then, at that point you need to choose which showcasing channels can assist you with accomplishing your objectives. For instance, assuming you will probably make more deals, running paid missions on Google and Facebook is a decent beginning stage.
To make the entire cycle simpler to oversee, you can make an arrangement determining how much cash you'll spend, characterize your intended interest group, characterize your presentation measurements, and other data that will assist you with controlling the interaction.
This is the thing that an advanced showcasing effort is about. Relax in case it's confounding now, there is a more definite illustration of how to make a fruitful advanced promoting effort towards the finish of this post.

Prior to making your first Digital Marketing effort, you need to realize the distinctive advertising channels and how they work.
  • Internet Marketing Channels
  • Site Marketing
  • Website streamlining
  • Pay-Per-Click Advertising
  • Content Marketing
  • Email Marketing
  • Web-based Media Marketing
  • Member Marketing
  • Inbound Marketing
  • Versatile Marketing
  • Video Marketing
 It's the most normal technique for utilizing obvious electronic showing channels like web crawlers, online media affiliations, and email to appear at your arranged vested party. 
Through front line propelling, you can discover individuals charmed by your responsibility, talk with them, and create depend with your image. 
Progressed Marketing has various sorts, the most basic are site page showing, website streamlining, content advancing, PPC publicizing, online media showing, email advancing, video showing, and accomplice advancing. 
The way wherein modernized propelling works is clear. 
In any case, you need to exhibit your Digital Marketing focuses for example what you need to accomplish with Digital Marketing. Some regular models are: to create brand care, to make more game plans, or to cultivate your area. 
Then, at that point, you need to pick which displaying channels can assist you with accomplishing your objectives. For instance, tolerating you will probably make more courses of action, running paid missions on Google and Facebook is a decent beginning stage. 
To improve overall cycle to manage, you can make a game arrangement choosing how much cash you'll spend, depict your normal vested party, portray your show assessments, and distinctive data that will assist you with controlling the joint effort. 
This is the thing that a significant level showing effort is about. Loosen up in case it's muddling now, there is a more particular outline of how to advance a useful advanced propelling endeavor towards the culmination of this post.

Prakash  posted in Marketing

Post updated on:  Sep 27, 2021 3:15:01 PM

Beauty Basics: Makeup necessities for Beginners

You may be able to begin dipping your new brushes into a ocean of colours, however before you dive into the deep finish, let this guide to the final word makeup necessities for beginners assist you get your toes wet within the ever-growing world of beauty product. we have a tendency to noncommissioned the knowledgeable recommendation of Jessica Kendall hairstylist, makeup creator and owner of Beauty Asylum to facilitate America perceive everything from the the way to the however much return on in, the water's fine!


Just like artists UN agency should prime before painting, you too should begin with a clean canvas. when you?ve prepped your skin, foundation is your beginning. To avoid the dreadful cakey look, Edward Kendall recommends applying foundation employing a beauty sponge. It absorbs product, permitting you to bit by bit add the best quantity of foundation to your complexion.


Concealer could be a must-have staple in your beauty routine, says Edward Kendall. And we'll fain bet that statement! Concealer offers the photoshopped-looking end everybody seeks; but, it simply could also be the trickiest makeup essential for beginners to master.

The 2 main variations we would like to appear for once shopping for a concealer ar face concealer and eye concealer, explains Edward Kendall. Typically we would like a hydrating concealer to travel below the attention and soften the design of any fine lines. Concealer for the face tends to be a lot of dense and drying and this is often excellent for covering up that galling blemish or discoloration.


Now that you've got a unflattering base, it's time to form a splash. A nice bronzer makes my prime 5 of must-have product, Edward Kendall tells America, adding that it's essential to feature slightly of color to a washed-out complexion. the way to do thus while not going overboard. Edward Kendall says to dirt a bit bronzer into the hair line, across the cheek bones and neck to offer an immediate pick-me-up.

Neutral make-up Palette

A neutral make-up palette could be a excellent ten across the board. follow taupes, bronzes, browns associate degreed cream-colored shadows for an simply blendable, easy look nice for all eye colours.

Kendall breaks down the way to get the natural look with simply 3 straightforward tools:

Eyeshadow brush: this is often the staple for applying powder loosely on the lid.

Smudge brush: this brush is typically packed along side dense bristles to use a heavier quantity of product. rummage around for a dome form the scale of a rubber to produce a lot of application management.

Blending brush: this provides the choice to use a soft quantity of alter the crease and/or buff the shadow on top of the crease.


Eyeliner is ninetieth hot weather, 100 percent glam and 100 percent very important. Plus, it will simply take any makeup look from day to nighttime during a sew. accompany a pencil eyeliner, it's a lot of less fussy and nice for beginners 1st setting out.

Start by applying the colour within the middle of the attention and gently dot the pencil into the lash, bit by bit operating your thanks to the outer a part of the attention. Connecting the dots is a straightforward thanks to produce a a lot of natural look.

Brow Powder

Any beginner will begin filling in their brows employing a brow gel or a powder shadow, says Edward Kendall. however if you've marathoned beauty gurus? bold-brow routines solely to possess them look, well, not like theirs, Edward Kendall recommends powder. Powder tends to be a lot of forgiving once you 1st set out. rummage around for a a lot of coarse brush to use the merchandise thus it doesn't apply an excessive amount of product quickly.


Now it's time to elongate those lashes with some war paint. Not even the foremost novice of makeup beginners will fumble with this one. However, the times of pumping the wand within the tube and large the eyelashes with triple coats ar gone! merely take your freshly unfit war paint wand and apply one to 2 coats before you complete your look. associate degree absolute makeup essential for beginners, war paint darkens, thickens and elongates the lashes for a put-together look on the daily.

A Nude and a daring Lip Color

A key item for associate degree irresistible pout, lipsticks will modification a whole look with simply a straightforward swipe. The excellent neutral and a pop of color ar 2 lip colours each lady ought to have in her purse, says Edward Kendall, recommending beginners to stay with a formula that has a lot of association for its forgiving nature.

To realize the right lip shade, pick a color slightly darker than your natural lip undertone to form the right wash of color. A pop of color may be your preference of coral, berry or pink.

Post updated on:  Sep 27, 2021 3:14:18 PM

Political science.                                              It is the science that studies both the state and government institutions related to the human being as a political and social animal.

 Political science includes all these things political thought, political theory, political philosophy, political ideology, institutional or structural framework, comparative politics, public administration, international law, and organization.


 The origin of political science is very ancient. Greek thought includes Plato's idealism and Aristotle's rationalism.
                                                                There was a tradition to study political science only on the basis of concepts of ethics, philosophy, history, and jurisprudence.  In modern times, it was not only accepted as an independent subject, but it also had a substantial development in the context of social sciences.  The study of Political Science in today's context is more important than before, while on the other hand it is also very complex.

 The importance of political science is manifested by the fact that today the study of political process is necessary to understand both national and international politics.  It is only through the study of process that knowledge of real politics and the facts contained within them is possible.

 The complexity of political science is related to their overlapping form and the nature and nature that arise from them.  Today political science deals with both 'political' and non-political elements. The non-political elements indirectly contribute to the running of the political process and therefore the correct understanding of politics can be achieved only by integrating them.  For this purpose, adequate importance is given to allied elements like society, economy, religion, culture, geography, science and technology, psychology and history in political studies.

 The form, study material and its traditions have been changing from time to time due to the contributions of various thinkers, theorists and analysts from the time of Greek thinkers to the modern period.  Accordingly, this topic has been continuously developing.  In this development, two major approaches have emerged in relation to the study of political science: the traditional approach and the modern approach.  The traditional or traditional approach introduces 'state-primeness' while the modern approach introduces 'process-primei.           
 The political approach, which has been prevalent in the sixth century BC to the 20th century, before the Second World War, is called 'Traditional Political Approach' from the point of view of study convenience.  It is also called idealistic or classical approach.

 Many political thinkers have contributed in the formation and development of traditional political theory such as Plato, Aristotle, Cicero, Saint Augustine, Aquinas, Locke, Rousseau, Montesquie Kant, Hegel, Green etc.  Even in the modern era, many scholars are considered to be supporters of the traditional approach, such as Leo Strauss, Eric Vogoli, Occupy, Hannah Arend etc.

 In ancient Greece and Rome, the concepts of philosophy, ethics, logic, history and law were made the basis for the formation of political theory, but in the medieva period, mainly the Christian theological approach was made the basis for the formation of political theory.  In the 16th century, the Renaissance movement gave birth to intellectual political consciousness as well as gave birth to the concept of nation-state.  The Industrial Revolution of the 18th century gave a new impetus to the development of political theory.  The Glorious Revolution of England, the democratic revolutions of France and America led to the development of traditional political theory in the form of 'liberal democratic political theory'.

 The traditional political approach has mainly adopted philosophical, logical, ethical, historical and legal methods for the formulation of political theory.  Since the 19th century, it has laid special emphasis on legal, constitutional, institutional, descriptive and comparative methods.  From the beginning of the 20th century, the traditional approach adopted a new approach to the formulation of political theory which was more realistic than in the past.  In traditional political science, emphasis is placed on the study of social -political facts influencing government policies and decisions in practice outside the government and its legal organs.  Emphasized the study of political parties and pressure groups as well as formal organisations.  It also laid emphasis on the study of those social, economic conditions and movements which are clearly outside the formal organization of the government but influence its policies and programmes.

Ayush  posted in Fashion

Post updated on:  Sep 27, 2021 3:09:50 PM

The Natural Skin Care Routine for Oily Skin

With summer around the corner those of us with oily skin know that usually means a glistening shiny complexion, and you?re not alone. According to various studies 75 percent of people aged 15-20, are affected by oily skin, partly because hormones play a big role in the over production of oily skin. Here?s the thing. You can?t completely get rid of your oils. Your  skin type is genetic. But you can do a few things to alleviate greasy skin responsibly without over drying your skin. Let?s start with these top 9 tips!

1. Look for a cleanser with papaya extracts.

Papaya continues to grow its skin-health appeal because of papain, a powerful digestive enzyme naturally found in the fruit. When applied topically to the skin, this enzyme aids in breaking down dead skin.
Cleanse your face with cleanser no more than twice a day, morning and night is perfect. Your skin should feel soft, not tight, after washing.

2. Use an alcohol free toner

Use a toner after cleansing to balance your skin?s pH and clear your skin of any oil or bacteria that has been left on the skin after cleansing.
Avoid ingredients that contain alcohol, menthol, camphor, or peppermint since they dry out the skin, which in turn actually produces more oil. Instead use toner. It contains cucumber, a soothing natural anti-inflammatory, and witch hazel which is a natural astringent designed to remove excess oils much more gently than an alcohol-based toner.

3. Try the no makeup look

Foundation can feel heavy, especially in hot weather because it melts into your pores and clogs them, then they produce even more oil. Try switching to a tinted moisturizer instead.

4. Exfoliate once a week
Exfoliating once a week is one of the keys to balancing out oily skin. Scrub gently exfoliates with jojoba beads and brightens the skin with its pineapple fruit enzymes - all without leaving skin feeling tight or parched.
Take your exfoliating to the next level by incorporating the Clarisonic Classic Sonic Skin Cleansing System into your skin care routine, which uses sonic frequency to loosen dirt and oil in the pores. Just be gentle and don't overdo it.

5. Skip the hot sauce
Did you know that cocktails and spicy foods may make your oily skin worse? According to Leslie Baumann, professor of dermatology and director of the University of Miami Cosmetic Medicine and Research Institute they dilate blood vessels and make you perspire. She recommends that you limit yourself to one drink a night and only consume spicy foods once a week. If you want to slow down your oil production add more of these foods to your diet:
  • carrots
  • cantaloupe
  • spinach

6. Don?t skip your moisturizer

Many people think that they don?t need a moisturizer because their skin is already oily. Some also think that moisturizers will only make skin oilier. Not true folks. It?s actually the opposite.
If you don?t moisturize it sends the signal that you need moisturize so it overcompensates. And guess what happens? You end up producing more oil.

7. Give yourself a mini-facial

Try one of these homemade masks once or twice a week. It can do wonders to tighten & hydrate your skin, and promote an even skin tone. Make sure you cleanse your face first.
DIY Clay Mask
  • 1 tablespoon witch hazel
  • 1 teaspoon bentonite clay
  • 2 drops lemon essential oil (optional)
  • Mix ingredients in a glass bowl.
  • Apply to your face.
  • Leave on for 20 minutes.
  • Rinse off with warm water and face cloth.
  • Finish off with Toner and perfecting day cream.
DIY Egg White Honey Mask
  • 1 egg white
  • 1 teaspoon honey
  • Ground oats or flour
  • Whip together the egg white and honey until well combined and slightly frothy.
  • Add ground oats or flour so it looks like a paste.
  • Apply to your face while avoiding the eye area.
  • Leave on for 10 minutes.
  • Rinse off with warm water and face cloth.
  • Finish off with Pure Fiji?s Toner and Perfecting Day Cr?me.
DIY Lemon Apple Mask
  • 1 tablespoon applesauce
  • 1 teaspoon lemon juice
  • 1 teaspoon dried sage or lavender or peppermint
  • Mix ingredients in a glass bowl.
  • Apply to your face.
  • Leave on for 10 minutes.
  • Rinse off with warm water and a face cloth.
  • Finish off with Pure Fiji?s Toner and Perfecting Day Cr?me.

8. Stay Hydrated

Give your skin a hydra-boost with hydrating body mist. For a quick matte fix, mist your face throughout the day and blot with a tissue.

9. Loosen blackheads with facial steam

Oily skin is susceptible to blackheads. When you steam your face it softens the sebum inside your pores, and that makes it easier to clean your face.

DIY Tea Tree & Basil Facial Steam for Oily Skin
  • 3 drops tea tree essential oil
  • a few fresh basil leaves
  • Find a comfortable table and chair, most likely a dining or kitchen table.
  • Play your favorite tune to help you stay in a Zen mode.
  • Tie your hair back to ensure it stays away from your face.
  • Cleanse your face using Exfoliating scrub. 
  • Rinse face with lukewarm water.
  • Pour 4 cups of boiled water to a medium to large size bowl.
  • Add the essential oil and basil leaves to the bowl. Mix slowly.
  • Lean over the bowl mixture, keep your face about 8 inches from the water, and drape a towel over your head to create a tent. You can control the heat by raising or lowering your head over the water.
  • Steam your face for 10 minutes or until the steam dissipates.
  • Rinse your face lukewarm water and finish off with your favorite serum and moisturizer.
Oily skin doesn?t have to be doom and gloom. In fact, those who have oily skin tend to have fewer wrinkles as they age. Gotta love that right? As you can see there are many ways to manage oily skin. Remember that your oil glands are triggered by hormones. That also includes stress hormones. So make sure you get enough sleep, practice self-care, and choose only high quality natural products like Pure Fiji.

Alisha  posted in Beauty tips

Post updated on:  Sep 27, 2021 3:08:58 PM

What Is HyperText Markup Language (HTML)?

HyperText Markup Language (HTML) is the arrangement of markup images or codes embedded into a document planned for show on the Internet. The markup advises internet browsers how to show a page's words and pictures.
Every individual piece markup code (which would fall among "<" and ">" characters) is alluded to as a component, however many individuals additionally allude to it as a tag.

HTML Explained

The language, which has code words and grammar actually like some other language, is moderately simple to appreciate and, over the long haul, progressively incredible in what it permits somebody to make. HTML keeps on advancing to satisfy the needs and prerequisites of the Internet as far as anyone can tell the World Wide Web Consortium, the association that plans and keeps up with the language; for example, with the progress to Web 2.0.
By tapping on extraordinary text called hyperlinks, clients are brought to new pages. Markup is how HTML labels deal with the text within them; they mark it as a particular sort of text.

HyperText Markup Language Basics

At its center, HTML is a progression of short codes composed into a text-record. These are the labels that power HTML's capacities. The text is saved as a HTML record and saw through an internet browser. The program peruses the record and makes an interpretation of the text into an apparent structure, as coordinated by the codes the writer used to compose what turns into the noticeable delivering. Composing HTML expects labels to be utilized effectively to make the creator's vision.
The labels are which separate ordinary text from HTML code. Labels are the words between what are known as point sections, which permit illustrations, pictures, and tables to show up on the website page. Various labels perform various capacities. The most essential labels apply organizing to message. As web interfaces need to turn out to be more unique, Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) and JavaScript applications might be utilized. CSS makes website pages more open and JavaScript adds capacity to essential HTML.

HTML versus XML

In contrast to HTML, Extensible Markup Language, or XML, permits clients to characterize their own markup. For example, utilizing XML, one client could decide to mean a reference with the tag , while another client could pick .
Utilizing HTML, just a not really settled tag can be utilized to signify a particular sort of data. XML reports are intended to be not difficult to peruse since they contain client characterized labels and since the archives just comprise of markup and content.

Step by step instructions to make and view HTML

Since HTML is a markup language, it very well may be made and seen in any content manager whenever saved with a .htm or .html document expansion. Be that as it may, most think that it is simpler to plan and make site pages in HTML utilizing a HTML supervisor.
When the HTML record is made, it very well may be seen locally or transferred to a web worker to be seen web based utilizing a program.
HTML document

Which record augmentations are utilized with HTML?

HTML documents utilize either the .htm or .html record augmentation. More established renditions of (Windows 3.x) just permit three-letter document augmentations, so they utilized .htm rather than .html. In any case, both record expansions have a similar significance, and either might be utilized today. That being said, we prescribe adhering to one naming show as certain web workers might incline toward one expansion over the other.

Is HTML a programming language?

No. It's a markup language. See our markup language page for a correlation between a programming language and a markup language.

Post updated on:  Sep 27, 2021 3:08:12 PM

             A number of pesticides such as Malathion, DDVP, Aluminum phosphide, Methyl bromide, Zinc phosphide and anti coagulants are used in grain storage for  the control of stored grain insect pests and rodents. All these pesticides are highly poisonous chemicals and toxic to human beings and animals. These pesticides should be used with due care. Their careless handling may cause serious pesticide poisoning. Some of the important precautions to be taken while handling these pesticides are as follows:
1.      Always read the instructions printed on the label of the pesticides and follow them.  

2.      Pesticides should be kept away from the reach of children and domestic animals. It is safer if the pesticides are kept under lock and key. 

3.      Never store the pesticides along with food and feed.

4.      While using pesticides, protective clothing viz hand gloves, aprons, rubber boots and gas masks should be used by the operators.

5.      Hands and other parts of body should be thoroughly washed with soap after using the pesticides.

6.      The empty containers of the pesticides should be dumped into the earth and these should not be used for storage of food items. 

7.      Drinking, smoking and eating are strictly prohibited during the use of pesticides.

8.      The nozzle of the sprayer should not be cleared and blown with mouth.
             If we take all these precautions, we may avoid the poisoning of pesticides. But some times due to accident or some or other reasons, pesticide poisoning may occur. In such cases, first aid measures should be immediately taken to minimize the toxic effect of poisoning of pesticides. Some of the important first aid measures are as follows:
(i)                 Immediately remove the patient from the godown or warehouse to open place and he should be allowed to rest in the open.

(ii)              The patient should be induced vomiting so that the pesticide may come out from the stomach and may not cause damage to the vital part of the body. For vomiting, common salt or powered mustard seed along with plenty of water may be used.

Symptoms of pesticide poisoning

            The symptoms of pesticide poisoning of some of the pesticides and their anti dotes are given below:

Organo phosphorous  insecticides (Malathion, DDVP etc)

                All Organo phosphorous insecticides such as Malathion, DDVP etc are poisonous chemicals.  Nausea (feeling of vomiting) is the first poisoning symptom of all organo phosphorous insecticides. It   is followed by vomiting, diarrhea, headache, giddiness, vertigo and weakness. There may be difficulty in breathing and disruption of nerve functioning. Death may be caused by anoxia (lack of oxygen).

Antedotes: Atropine sulphate is the specific antidote of organo phosphrous poisoning. This may be given in repeated doses of 2-4 mg at 5-10 minutes interval. 25-50 mg atropine sulphate may be given in a day.

Aluminium phosphide: The poisoning symptoms are feeling of fatigue, buzzing in ears, nausea, pressure in chest, intestinal pain diarrhea and vomiting. Oxygen therapy should be provided to the patient and drug which stimulate blood circulation should be given. 

Stomach should be washed with 0.1% solution of potassium permanganate. Blood transfusion or infusion of glucose in the blood is recommended.

Zinc phosphide: Stomach should be washed with 0.1% solution of potassium permanganate. The small amount of copper sulphate solution in water (0.2%)   should be given to the patient which will neutralize the effect of zinc phosphide.

Anticoagulant rodenticides: Vitamin K is the antidote of all anticoagulant rodenticides.

Universal Antidote: An universal antidote consisting of activated charcoal, tannic acid and magnesium oxide may be given in all types of pesticide poisoning. 3 gm of activated charcoal, 3gm of tannic acid and 4 gm of magnesium oxide may be given with one glass of water.                          

Post updated on:  Sep 27, 2021 3:07:14 PM

Tree plantation is the method of transferring of seedlings from one place to another for different uses. Moreover, there are different reasons behind tree plantation.

Mainly forestry, land repossession, and landscaping. Each process of tree plantation is significant and distinctive in its own way. 

Tree Plantation Paragraph- for class 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 -  wikilogy

Importance of Forestry Method of Tree Plantation

As we all know the science of planting and taking care of trees in forests is called Forestry. The Jungle is very significant for maintaining the environmental stability of the atmosphere of the earth. Also, previously the forest use to cover a major part of the exterior of the earth. But, now due to the speedy decrease of forest due to industries, and ground for resolution the number of forests has reduced.

The jungle grows in nature but in order to boost the velocity of reforestation, our role is a must for it. Also, it will help the forest to recover from the loss due to deforestation. In addition, with our help, the pace of tree plantation can be improved.
 Tree Plantation Images, Stock Photos & Vectors | ShutterstockTree Plantation and Conservation | Save Trees
Landscaping Method

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As you all know the Landscaping is a method to improve the appearance of an area of land by changing its design and planting trees, flowers, etc.  As compare to the rural areas, numbers of trees are less in urban areas.
We planted trees at the parks, gardens, roadside, societies, and garden of our home for the purpose of reforming. Moreover it does not only create the neighboring beautiful but also provides various others benefits and helps in beating the heat.

Volunteer for the cause

  Many NGOs and organizations have worked  voluntary to improve the  tree plantation in Urban and rural areas. Tree Plantation is one of the easiest and quickest ways to increase greenery in the world. People all over the world always take parts in tree plantation. In addition, many have a set of community and workgroups that works towards making the earth green and a better place to live.

Besides, many organizations not only engage themselves in plantation activities but, also in spreading awareness among the society to join for the social cause.

Furthermore, social media has also played a vital role in increasing the awareness of tree plantation , Media has became the major platform for the awareness of tree plantation importance. Also, they are helpful in spreading knowledge about the importance of tree plantation.

Government Support

Speech of Tree plantation in English - Essay WritingTree for Life - Home | Facebook

The support of the government is also a must for making the environment cleaner and greener. Because NGOs and social groups lack funds to propagate these causes but with the help of government they can easily do it.

Also, the government should support this cause wholeheartedly to advance. Because the organization is working to make the nation a better place. With the help of the government, these organizations can perform their projects at a much bigger level than they are doing now.

In addition, the government must take this matter seriously and should start working towards involving more and more people to advance the cause.

Our cities are drying up and running out of water. States like Kerala and Himachal Pradhesh have witnessed the worst floods this year and we have suffered enough in the miserable heat as temperatures world over are rising. 

To conclude, the time has come for us to realize the importance of tree plantation. Also, it is our duty to contribute to tree plantation.

SONIA  posted in Blog

Post updated on:  Sep 27, 2021 3:05:20 PM

मधुमेह स्पष्ट रूप से एक ऐसी स्थिति है जो एक बहुत ही महत्वपूर्ण तरीके से संचार प्रणाली में एक अजीब प्रकार के महत्वपूर्ण ग्लूकोज का उत्पादन करती है। इंसुलिन, जो अग्न्याशय द्वारा स्रावित होता है, शरीर द्वारा मुख्य रूप से रक्त शर्करा के स्तर को अनियंत्रित तरीके से कम करने के लिए उपयोग किया जाता है। यदि किसी व्यक्ति का अग्न्याशय पर्याप्त इंसुलिन का उत्पादन करने में विफल रहता है, तो उसके शरीर में मधुमेह हो जाएगा। वास्तव में, मधुमेह के दुष्प्रभावों में कमी में वास्तव में एनोरेक्सिया, पेशाब करने की प्रवृत्ति और एक असामान्य कमजोरी शामिल होगी। हालांकि, यह निर्धारित करने का सबसे सुरक्षित तरीका है कि आपके पास ग्लूकोज परीक्षण है या नहीं, अन्यथा ग्लूकोज टॉलरेंस टेस्ट कहा जाता है। पारंपरिक सोच के विपरीत टाइप 1 मधुमेह वास्तव में गठन का एक बड़ा रूप है। 

इसका आमतौर पर आहार प्रतिबंधों, व्यायाम और कभी-कभी इंसुलिन के साथ इलाज किया जाता है। टाइप 1 मधुमेह एक नियम के रूप में सभी व्यावहारिक होगा, इंसुलिन इंजेक्शन से पहले नियमित आहार, व्यायाम और वजन घटाने के कार्यक्रम के साथ इलाज किया जाएगा, या ऐसा ही कुछ। इस प्रकार के मधुमेह को कम इंसुलिन प्रतिरोध माना जाता है, या ऐसा कुछ जो वे सोचते हैं कि सबसे महत्वपूर्ण है। 

टाइप 2 मधुमेह, टाइप 2 मधुमेह का मूल रूप से पहले वास्तव में मधुमेह आहार, व्यायाम और वजन घटाने, या कुछ इसी तरह से इलाज किया जाता है। इस घटना में कि पोस्टुलेशन गेज स्पष्ट रूप से ग्लूकोज और इंसुलिन के स्तर के नियमन में योगदान नहीं करते हैं, मौखिक निर्देश जोड़े जा सकते हैं, जो अक्सर बहुत महत्वपूर्ण होते हैं। अंततः इंसुलिन पर विचार किया जाता है जब ये पूरक असामान्य तरीके से काम नहीं करते हैं। टाइप 2 मधुमेह अक्सर मध्यम आयु वर्ग या अधिक वजन वाले वयस्कों में होता है, यही कारण है कि ज्यादातर समय इसे देर से शुरू होने वाला मधुमेह कहा जाता है। कुछ वैसा ही जैसा उन्होंने सोचा था। यह अक्सर परिवार में होने पर मधुमेह की शुरुआत को स्थगित करने के लिए पाया जाता है, निश्चित रूप से सामान्य ज्ञान के विपरीत। वजन कम करके, काम की सही मात्रा प्राप्त करके और अपने खाने की आदतों को नियंत्रित करके, आप प्रबंधन कर सकते हैं, जो स्पष्ट रूप से एक बड़ी बात है। 

टाइप 2 मधुमेह का उपयोग नहीं किए जाने की संभावना नहीं होने की स्थिति में, अंततः वही गंभीरता स्पष्ट रूप से अनुसरण कर सकती है जो टाइप 2 मधुमेह के साथ वास्तव में महत्वपूर्ण तरीके से देखी गई थी। गर्भवती महिलाओं में गर्भावस्था मधुमेह देखा जाता है। यह आमतौर पर बच्चे के परिचय के बाद गायब हो जाता है, चाहे वह कहीं भी हो, रक्त शर्करा के स्तर को कम करने के लिए माँ के उपचार से एक माँ के रूप में बच्चे की जटिल शूटिंग में काफी कमी आएगी। 

किशोरावस्था की शुरुआत मधुमेह अक्सर सभी कारकों द्वारा मानी जाने वाली मधुमेह के सबसे महत्वपूर्ण प्रकारों में से एक है, जिसका परिणाम हर संभव तरीके से होता है, कई बच्चे बड़े पैमाने पर। यह निश्चित रूप से व्यापक रूप से टाइप 1 मधुमेह की प्रस्तावना के रूप में स्वीकार किया गया है, जो लोकप्रिय राय के विपरीत है। किसी बच्चे में मधुमेह होने की संभावना नहीं होने की स्थिति में, विशेष रूप से सामान्य सोच की तुलना में विशेषज्ञ मूल्यांकन की आवश्यकता नहीं होती है। यह अनुमान लगाया गया है कि पूर्व-मधुमेह युग में 2,000,000 से अधिक युवा अस्पष्ट हैं। यह मूल रूप से एक प्रकार है क्योंकि यह सभी सबसे महत्वपूर्ण तरीकों से मौजूद है, आप अविश्वसनीय रूप से अधिक वजन वाले हैं। 

इस मामले में, रक्त शर्करा का स्तर हर तरह से उच्च होता है, लेकिन इतना अधिक नहीं होता कि बहुसंख्यकों को मधुमेह माना जा सके, आमतौर पर बहुत अधिक। युवा लोग आमतौर पर इसे 12 और 19 की उम्र के बीच प्रोत्साहित करते हैं, जो वास्तव में काफी बड़ा है।

Meera  posted in Diabetes

Post updated on:  Sep 27, 2021 3:02:27 PM

There is no shame that at the very best time to keep man in this world he made friends with a friend of a certain kind of native canine of our elite canine, and that this is the covenant of its guidance in protecting him from the most amazing creatures, and in guarding his sheep and goats. there, he grew up to trust and care for her. Probably this creature at first was nothing but a majestic jackal, or a weak wolf driven by his companions from a pack of wild predators in search of a place to protect the outside environment. One can well imagine the opportunity for the association to start in a situation where some weak whelps were returned by the original trackers to be cared for and raised by women and children. Canines brought home as children's toys can grow up to be self-respecting, and respected, as members of the family.

In fact, all the planetary regions suggest a native canine family to be tracked down, with the main release being the West Indian Islands, Madagascar, the eastern islands of the Malayan Archipelago, New Zealand, and the Polynesian Islands, where there is no sign of any canine, the wolf, or fox, existed as a real traditional creature. In the ancient lands of the East, and especially among the early Mongols, the canine remained traumatized and neglected for a long time, creeping in packs, thin and wolf-like, as it lay today on the streets and under the divisions of every part of the Eastern City. No effort is put forth to link it with human friendliness or to develop it into mildness. It is not until we come to examine the records of the great Assyrian and Egyptian civilizations that we find a clear connection to the canine structure.

The canine has never been a strange kiss in Palestine, and in both the Old and New Testaments it is often referred to with hatred and ridicule as "a corrupt beast." Even the environmental references to Sheepdog in the Book of Job "But at present those who are much younger than I have in criticism, whose fathers I would have hated to put in the barrels of my flocks" have no sense of contempt, and much more so . 16), "So they both went, and the young canine with them."

The sheer number of canine species and the vast differences in their size, concentration, and external presentation are the realities that make it difficult to accept that they may have normal parents. One thinks of the differences between Mastiff and Japan Spaniel, Deerhound and Vogue Pomeranian, St. Bernard and Miniature Black and Tan Terrier, and is puzzled to think of the chances of them slipping into a normal birth. However the distinction is not as striking as that between the Shire horse and the Shetland horse, the Northorn and Kerry cattle, or the Patagonian and Pygmy; and all canine producers know that it is natural to create a variety of shapes and sizes with a focus on choice.

All together to understand this study it is important to first think about the character of the wolf design and canine. This characteristic of construction can best be tested in the examination of the skeletal structure, or bones, of these two creatures, which are parallel to each other so that their interpretation can not be effectively distinguished.

The canine spine consists of seven vertebrae in the neck, thirteen in the back, seven in the sides, three sacral vertebrae, and twenty to 22 in the tail. In both the canine and the wolf there are thirteen sets of ribs, nine official and four fake ones. Each has 42 teeth. They both have five front and four toes on the back, while it is clear that the common wolf has a large presence of a large, undetected canine with bonuses, that the popular exposure of one can work for the other.

And their size is no different. The wolf's familiar voice is a loud howl, yet when he is tied to canines you will see how he can bark. Although he raped her, he would also eat vegetables, and when he was raped he would eat grass. In the process, a group of wolves will divide the groups, one following the quarry path, the other trying to take its place of escape, using a multi-system system, a sign displayed by many of our costumes and terriers when hunting in groups.

Another notable sign of similarity between Canis lupus and Canis familiaris lies in the fact that the incubation period in these two species is 63 days. There are from three to nine kids in wolf litter, and these are visually impaired for 21 days. They are rehabilitated for a long time, but by the end of this period they can eat the tissues processed in the volume they have been given for their dam or their sire.

Local councils in all areas are keen on the size, dimness, shape and orientation of the local wolf in those regions. In this very important context there are too many examples to allow its appearance as a simple deception event. Sir John Richardson, writing in 1829, observed that ?the similarities between the North American wolf and the Indian Indian canine are astonishing to the extent that the size and strength of the wolf is the greatest controversy.

Pankaj  posted in Dogs

Post updated on:  Sep 25, 2021 3:02:13 PM

Different Types of Indian Masala Powders

For planning Indian food, you need various kinds of masala powders. The word masala implies mixing of flavors. Masala Powders are only the coarse establishing of the entire flavors. As indicated by Ayurveda, each powder accompanies different advantages and assists with restoring diverse human body issues. Each Masala powder highlights essential fixings to convey an exceptional taste and flavor to the formula where they get utilized. Every one of the entire flavors are marginally toasted in the dish, chilled off, and ground in a blender/blender. At the end of the day, different kinds of masala powders are only a combination of flavors in amazing mix. In this article, we have assembled a masala powders list, as often as possible utilized in the Indian kitchen for cooking different foods.

Coriander Masala
There are not very many dishes that you can make without any dash of coriander powder. It accompanies an exquisite smell and lovely relish that adds a fruity and tart character to the dishes. Coriander powder incorporates remarkable medical advantages. On the off chance that you devour it with water, the flavor can eliminate gas issues and helps in the absorption interaction. The powder is reasonable for ordinary cooking and shows up as the base masala for some, mixing powders.

Garam Masala
Garam Masala is another well known masala in Indian cooking, started in North India, and is an optimal accomplice of regular plans. This powder is an ideal blend of cumin, fennel seeds, cinnamon, coriander, dark peppercorns, cardamom, and cloves. The term garam implies hot is given to the powder because of the zestiness it adds to the dish eventually.

Tandoori Masala
In this Indian masala powder show, it is the most unpredictable zest powder utilized in cooking. You can utilize this powder to make any tandoori dish for a charming fragrance and incredible taste. It is one of the most fundamental zest mixes of Punjab for cooking tandoori chicken, tandoori fish, or tandoori paneer. The smokiness of the oven or earthen broiler with this flavor powder makes a wonderful taste of the dishes. The masala comprises of coriander, peppercorn, ground ginger, inlet leaf, cardamom, red bean stew powder, turmeric powder, cumin, cloves, ground garlic, Kasuri methi, cinnamon, and dry mango powder or amchur.

Biryani Masala
Biryani masala is one of the most fragrant blendings of flavors that assist you with making the ideal smell of an eatery like biryani. It is an optimal combination of cove leaf, cumin, cloves, cinnamon, star anise, coriander, nutmeg, cardamom, fennel seeds, and dark pepper. It accompanies a solid smell and gives a similar fragrance to the dish.

Chaat Masala
Chaat masala is a mix of flavors generally used to deliver a tart character in the road food of India like papdi chaat, bhelpuri, pani puri, and some more. It has begun in Uttar Pradesh and can be utilized in any dish to improve its character. There is one more unique assortment of chaat masala present, which are utilized in making organic product servings of mixed greens. This flavorsome masala powder comprises of dry mango powder, red bean stew powder, coriander seeds, mint, cumin, dark pepper, asafetida, and carom seeds.

Chana Masala
Chana masala is the chickpea dish and the flavors, which is a patent dish of North India. It is made by mixing flavors like Kashmiri red stew, cinnamon, nutmeg, cumin, ginger, cardamom, clove, coriander, dark pepper, and fennel.

Pushpa  posted in Others

Post updated on:  Sep 25, 2021 3:00:18 PM

जब से मुझे 11 साल की उम्र में मधुमेह का पता चला था, मेरा आहार नाटकीय रूप से बदल गया है। मैं एक अच्छे आहार/आहार योजना के लिए अपनी वर्तमान मजबूत जिम्मेदारी को निभा रहा हूं। यदि आप अधिक वजन घटाने वाले पत्थर की अपेक्षा कर रहे हैं तो जोखिम के बिना इसे करने के उचित तरीके पर अतिरिक्त सुझावों के लिए अपने प्राथमिक देखभाल चिकित्सक से मिलें।

मुझे इस बिंदु पर सात साल से मधुमेह है, लेकिन आपको यह दिखाने के लिए कि जिस तरह से मेरा वजन बढ़ रहा है, वह आश्चर्यजनक है कि मैं इससे पूरी तरह से बाहर नहीं हूं। हालांकि, मैं आपको मेरे तरीकों का पालन करने के लिए प्रोत्साहित करूंगा क्योंकि मैं देखता हूं कि क्या काम करता है और क्या नहीं। इससे पहले कि मैं वास्तव में शुरू करूं, मुझे यह भी कहना चाहिए कि मुझे भ्रष्ट रक्षकों ने पाला था, जिन्होंने मुझे सब कुछ खाने में मदद की, इसलिए मैंने ऐसा किया! यदि आप उपेक्षा कर रहे हैं, तो खाने और सराहना करने के लिए कई अन्य मधुमेह युक्तियाँ और विचार हैं।

मैं एक कॉलेज का छात्र हूं और जहां मैं रहता हूं वहां एक नया और प्राकृतिक उत्पाद खरीदना पसंद करूंगा। मैं मानता हूं कि यह उन कारणों से महत्वपूर्ण है क्योंकि यह आपके शरीर के लिए बहुत उपयोगी होता है और इसमें अधिकांश स्टोर उत्पादों की तुलना में अधिक मात्रा में पूरक और पोषक तत्व होते हैं। मुझे अपने रैंचर बाजार से लगभग दो सप्ताह तक भोजन का उत्पादन करना, अद्भुत मांस और डेयरी उत्पाद और नए मौसमी उत्पाद बेचना पसंद है। यह ध्यान रखने वाली सबसे महत्वपूर्ण बातों में से एक है, कि मिट्टी के उत्पादों को समय पर खाने का मतलब है कि वे बेहतर स्वाद लेंगे क्योंकि वे आपको लाभान्वित करेंगे। जैसा कि आप बताएंगे, पश्चिमी यूरोपीय व्यंजनों (वास्तव में फ्रांस और इटली) पर मेरा बहुत बड़ा प्रभाव है, लेकिन मैं एक पाक विशेषज्ञ होने के बारे में निश्चित नहीं हूं और सब कुछ करना मुश्किल नहीं है और यह बेहद मददगार है।

मैंने अंतहीन आहार पुस्तकें और मधुमेह / आहार पुस्तकें पढ़ीं, मैं इस निष्कर्ष पर पहुंचा कि मुझे लगता है कि वास्तव में काम करता है। मैंने आहार के नियमों (लेकिन व्यक्तिगत आहार पर नहीं) और अपने स्वयं के फ़ार्मुलों के आधार पर सभी लाभों की कोशिश की है। मैं इसे स्वस्थ मधुमेह आहार कहता हूँ!

मेरे द्वारा निर्धारित "नियम" इस प्रकार हैं:

1. tidbits को सीमित करें और फिर अपने खाने के प्रकार को बदलें।

निश्चित रूप से मेरी सबसे बड़ी हार थी, हालांकि यह मुझे दिखाई नहीं दे रही थी। जब मैंने विश्वविद्यालय शुरू किया, तो मेरे पास एक मानक प्रक्रिया थी जिसका मतलब था कि मेरा दिन भरना एक समस्या थी और काटने के लिए रसोई में जाना, चाहे वह कितना भी कठिन क्यों न हो, सामान्य था। यह शायद सबसे कठिन काम है जो आप कुछ लोगों के लिए कर सकते हैं, लेकिन मधुमेह की अच्छी देखभाल के लिए एक गैर-आक्रामक प्रक्रिया का निर्माण आवश्यक है। खाए जाने वाले काटने के प्रकार हैं मूंगफली मुक्त नट्स, चीनी मुक्त सूखे उत्पाद, ताजा जैविक उत्पाद, ताजी सब्जियां (मुझे ताजी लाल मिर्च और खीरे पसंद हैं), डार्क चॉकलेट (अधिक स्वादिष्ट और अधिक स्वादिष्ट और आपको केवल 2 वर्गों की आवश्यकता है) .

2. सफेद आटे को मापें और साबुत कार्ब्स स्वीकार करें।

यह आपके आहार का एक बहुत ही महत्वपूर्ण हिस्सा है, और वजन घटाने में सबसे बड़ी वृद्धि क्या दिखा सकती है। कुछ प्रकार के भोजन इस बिंदु के आसपास केंद्र होते हैं, और वे बहुत अच्छी तरह से काम करते हैं। होलमील (विशेष रूप से स्टोनग्राउंड होलमील) आपके लिए बहुत उपयोगी है और इसमें बहुत सारे अनाज होते हैं जहां विनिमय आपके संदेह से कहीं अधिक आसान होता है। अधिकांश लोग वास्तव में आपके नियमित स्टोर में मिलने वाली पहुंच से आश्चर्यचकित हैं, और याद रखें कि आपके लिए सबसे अच्छी रोटी कम परिरक्षकों या अतिरिक्त व्यंजनों के साथ नवीनतम है। साथ ही, ब्राउन या बासमती चावल एक अच्छे नट लुक के साथ अद्भुत हैं। साबुत पास्ता अद्भुत है और आपके आलू के साथ मैं वास्तव में एक अच्छे ताजे आलू की सिफारिश कर सकता हूं।

3. मिश्रित पेय पीना बंद करें, शराब पीना शुरू करें।

मिश्रित पेय चीनी, रंगों और एडिटिव्स से भरे होते हैं। एक अनपढ़ व्यक्ति के रूप में मैंने बाहर जाने और मिश्रित पेय नहीं पीने का बहुत प्रशिक्षण लिया है, इसलिए मेरी पसंद का पेय मालिबू और डाइट कोक है यदि मुझे लगता है कि मुझे कुछ पीना है और इसे पूरी रात बनाना है। तब मैं एक डाइट कोक (वास्तव में इसमें चीनी नहीं) बनाने में सक्षम था और ऐसा लग रहा था कि मैं मालिबू पी रहा हूं, कौन जानता होगा। यदि आप किसी रेस्तरां से बाहर निकलते हैं, तो रेड वाइन आपके द्वारा योजना बनाई गई किसी भी चीज़ की तुलना में बहुत अधिक है, (जाहिर तौर पर पानी के अलावा!) और यह दिखाया गया है कि रेड वाइन का विरोध करने वाले ऑक्सीडेंट एक मजबूत दिल रखने में अद्भुत हैं। आपके खाने के लिए अनुशंसित मात्रा एक दिन में एक गिलास है।

4. ज्यादा से ज्यादा पिसा हुआ खाना पकाना शुरू करें।

जमीन से उगाया गया ताजा भोजन आपके लिए आवश्यक सभी पोषक तत्व और खनिज प्राप्त करने का एक दुर्लभ तरीका है। इसके अलावा, सब्जियों को पकाने की असंख्य आदतें हैं, लेकिन मुझे पता है कि स्टीम्ड के साथ कच्चा खाना सबसे अच्छा है। ये दोनों विधियां उनकी सभी सामान्य सुंदरता की भी रक्षा करती हैं। मैं इस पोस्ट का पालन एक और मधुमेह योजना के साथ करूंगा।

5. खूब पानी पिएं।

मैंने देखा है कि आपने पहले भी कई बार लोगों को यह कहते सुना होगा, लेकिन ढेर सारा पानी पीने के फायदे हमेशा स्थायी होते हैं। अपने दिन का अधिकतम लाभ उठाने के लिए यहां कुछ सुझाव दिए गए हैं। तो एक अपने कार्य क्षेत्र में, अपने कार्य क्षेत्र के आसपास, रसोई घर में कांच, बैठक कक्ष, आंतरिक कमरा, आदि रखें। कोशिश करें और शीर्ष पर दर्पणों के इस भार को पीएं और आप एक दिन में 8 गिलास पर अच्छी तरह से निर्देशित होंगे। नियमित अंतराल पर एक गिलास डालने की कोशिश करें या जब आप एक बार में वह सारा पानी पीने की कोशिश करेंगे तो आप फिर से 8 गिलास नहीं पी पाएंगे, मेरा विश्वास करो! टहलें, यह आश्चर्यजनक है कि आपको कैसा अजीब लगेगा।

Meera  posted in Diabetes

Post updated on:  Sep 25, 2021 2:59:49 PM

9 tiny Morning Habits that may build Your Whole Day such a lot higher

It's never too early for self-care

A solid morning routine has long been the backbone of my self-care follow. As somebody UN agency deals with depression and anxiety, it makes an obvious distinction in my psychological state (and I undoubtedly feel a fair larger distinction once I skip it). You don't need to take my word for it, though. Therapists are going to be fast to inform you the psychological state advantages of beginning your day this fashion. A healthy, low-stress, [and] targeted morning routine sets the tone for the entire day.

So let's mention a number of the items you may wish to feature to your morning routine. Everyone's ideal morning routine are going to be totally different, that the suggestions on this list area unit meant to be beginning points, not a in small stages guide (especially as a result of UN agency would have time for this all???). A morning routine may additionally  involve some inventive maneuvering to implement (like awakening a touch earlier to suit in some solo time before your children get up, or involving them in your routine somehow). Experiment with what works for you, and bear in mind that the secret's consistency.

1. build your bed..

Yes, creating your bed is technically a task, however it may be a misleadingly easy and little thanks to build yourself feel smart. the explanations area unit manifold: It goes a protracted manner in creating your area (and mind) less untidy, it encourages good sleep hygiene (who doesn't wish to crawl into a freshly created bed at the tip of the day?), and it'd additionally do some stunning psychological work behind the scenes too.

In Associate in Nursing oft-repeated quote, retired Navy admiral William H. McRaven once said, If you create your bed each morning, you'll have accomplished the primary task of the day. it'll offer you a little sense of pride, and it'll encourage you to try and do another task and another and another. And by the tip of the day, that one task completed can have changed into several tasks completed.?

2. Nail a "getting ready" order.

Remember that call fatigue we tend to simply talked about? It's very applicable to preparing within the morning. Most folks have that bucket of things we tend to do each morning to organize for the day (you apprehend, obtaining dressed, brushing our teeth, etc.), however you may not have it right down to a particular order nonetheless. perhaps typically you jump straight from the shower to doing all of your hair whereas different days you stagnate in your towel scrolling through the morning news.

3. suspend checking your phone.

Every time we tend to check our phones?especially when an extended stretch of your time away, like once we?re sleeping?we invite a flood of stimulation and bullshit into our brain area. For such a small device, your phone holds a great deal of potential stressors, like news notifications, your bank-account balance, and texts that demand your attention right currently. And for several folks, once we tend to check our phones, we?re just about obstructed certain  the remainder of the day. Why not delay that simply a touch bit?

?When you get up, you've been sleeping and you're in a very relatively relaxed state,? says Howes. Wouldn't or not it's nice to take care of that general level of calm as long as you can? It?s higher for our bodies and our reactive emotional systems to scale back however long we?re feeling stress in a very day.?

Plus, reaching for your phone very first thing could be a fast thanks to derail your whole morning routine.

4. Stretch your body.

I didn't need to place exercise on this list as a result of I'm a firm believer that you're either a morning effort person or you're not, and no listicle on SELF goes to convert you to feature exercise to your morning routine if you don't need to.

But?but?anyone will fancy a decent stretch within the morning. It doesn't have to be compelled to be a full-on yoga routine or maybe have the aim of supplementing your regular effort. It will simply be the simplest way to induce your blood flowing and, TBH, to faucet into the great feeling of a good stretch . Of course, stretching properly to avoid injury is further necessary, particularly within the a.m., once you may be stiff and not properly warm up. This full-body stretch is a decent place to start out.

5. Drink some water.

The benefits of drinking water are well documented. you recognize you ought to be hydrating throughout the day, however a glass of water within the morning reasonably gets the complete method going. Not simply physiologically (because, hey, you're obtaining some water in your body when eight-ish hours of not drinking), however additionally mentally. Anyone else typically build it to twelve noon or later solely to appreciate they haven't, uh, had a drop of the stuff? creating a habit of knock back your initial shut in the morning will facilitate a great deal. Some folks even go as so much as popping out a glass of water on their side table the night before. I even have a follower WHO swears by this, however since I'm team #coldwater all the method, I ensure to pop a contemporary jug within the electric refrigerator before bed thus it's simply however i favor it within the morning. no matter works for you!

6. Write morning pages.

You might brush aside writing within the morning as one thing only for, well, writers, however it may be a very smart observe for anyone WHO needs to measure additional creatively or have interaction in additional self-reflection. Officially, morning pages area unit the product of Julia Cameron, author of The Artist's method. She encourages folks to start out the day with 3 pages of stream-of-consciousness writing??whatever crosses your mind??and claims doing thus can improve your life across the board, together with by obtaining you additional in-tuned together with your emotions. She writes, ?Working with the morning pages, we start to type through the variations between our real feelings, that area unit typically secret, and our official feelings, those on the record for public show.

7. Wash your face.

Many people smarter than i'm have explained precisely how skin care may be a self-care tool (Jia Tolentino delineated  it as a "psychological safety blanket" in The New Yorker), however what I will say is that I've embraced this wholeheartedly. Not solely could be a regular skin-care routine necessary for healthy skin, however it additionally looks like a mini pampering session each time I jazz. this may be a good thanks to kick off every day that may be otherwise busy and disagreeable.

8. Do one thing fun or artistic.

The idea of a routine reasonably includes a direct connotation that you just get shit done. But, honestly, one in every of the most effective things I accessorial to my morning is playing video games as I drink my occasional. Seriously, I presently begin my day with Pok'mon defend. creating time for one thing fun and silly helps Pine Tree State {conceptualize|gestate|conceive|conceptualize|create by Pine Tree Statental act|create mentally} the morning as its own distinctive section of my day instead of simply a prelude to work?which successively makes it easier to get up as a result of my timer now not signifies the start of the daily grind however the beginning of a two-hour chunk that's peaceful and targeted on me time.

You might not be a computer game person, thus here area unit another ideas: streaming associate episode of TV, crafting, recreation around to pump-up music, wiggling with your pets, reading, making an attempt a brand new breakfast formula, or no matter fun or activity you always reserve for one more time of day.

9. Write or review your daily disorder list.

For some folks a perfect morning could be a protected bubble whereby work isn't allowed. wholly valid. except for others (like me!), it's the proper time to induce some strategizing done before turning into distracted by the inevitable deluge of emails or slate of conferences. once you take the time to put in writing out or review your game arrange for the day, you're all over again obtaining prior to creating selections supported your mood.

Post updated on:  Sep 25, 2021 2:59:15 PM

दोस्तों शरीर को स्वस्थ रखने के उद्देश्य से मानव तरह तरह के व्यायाम करता रहता है, जिससे उसका शरीर स्वस्थ होता है, और शरीर से बीमारियों का नाश भी, वैसे ही मानसिक रूप से स्वस्थ रहने के उद्देश्य से ध्यान करना चाहिए। मनुष्य ध्यान करने के लिए भी भिन्न भिन्न पद्धति अपनाता रहता है, उन्ही में से एक है, विपस्सना ध्यान (Vipassana meditation)
इसको करके हम जहाँ मानसिक रूप से स्वस्थ हो सकते है, वहीँ अपने ऊपर नियंत्रण भी रखना सीखते है। आज हम समझेंगे की कैसे इसको समझ कर इसका उपयोग किया जा सकता है और मानसिक रूप से स्वस्थ हुआ जा सकता है तो शुरू करते है, विपस्सना ध्यान को समझकर उपयोग करने की। 

विपस्सना ध्यान क्या है?

इसके उपयोग को समझने से पहले हम समझेंगे की ? विपस्सना ध्यान होता क्या है? असल में विपासना ध्यान, मन को स्वस्थ, शांत और निर्मल करने की वैज्ञानिक विधि होती है। यह आत्मनिरीक्षण की एक प्रभावकारी विधि है। इससे आत्मशुद्धि की जाती है। दूसरे शब्दों में इसे मन का व्यायाम कहा जा सकता है। 
जिस तरह शारीरिक व्यायाम करने से शरीर को स्वस्थ और मज़बूती प्रदान की जाती है, वैसे ही विपस्सना ध्यान से मन को स्वस्थ बनाया जा सकता है। हर परिस्थिथियो का सामना करने के उद्देश्य से इस ध्यान का उपयोग किया जाता है और इसके निरंतर अभ्यास से मन हर स्थिति में संतुलित रहता है।

असल में विपस्सना शब्द पाली भाषा के शब्द ?पस्सना? से बना है, जिसका अर्थ है ?देखना? (जो चीज जैसी है, उसे उसके सही रूप में देखना)
यह तकनीक हजारों साल पहले की तकनीक है, इसका उद्धव लगभग 2600 साल पहले महात्मा बुद्ध द्वारा किया गया। बीच में यह विद्या लुप्त हो गई थी। दिवंगत सत्य नारायण गोयनका सन 1969 में इसे म्यांमार से भारत लेकर आए।
चलती हुई श्वास को; जैसी चल रही है बस बैठकर उसे देखते रहना है ही विपस्सना ध्यान कहलाता है। इसको हम उदाहरणों की मदद से समझने का प्रयास करेंगे, जैसे राह के किनारे बैठकर कोई राह चलते यात्रियों को देखता है, वह क्या कर रहा है और कहाँ जा रहा है, उसकी सारी गतिविधिओ को देखता है। नदी-तट पर बैठ कर नदी की बहती धार को देखता है उसमे उपस्थित मछलियों को देखता है। 
राह से निकलती हुई कारें, बसें आदि को देखता है, कहने का तात्पर्य है जो भी है, जैसा है, उसको वैसा ही देखते रहना ही विपस्सना ध्यान है। जरा भी उसे बदलने की कोशिश नही करना चाहिए। बस शांत बैठ कर श्वास को देखते रहना और देखते-देखते ही श्वास और शांत हो जाती है। क्योंकि देखने में ही शांति है। इसी को विपस्सना ध्यान कहा जाता है।

विपस्सना ध्यान के लाभ

विपस्सना ध्यान करने से जहाँ मन शांत होता है वही उससे शरीर में कई परिवर्तन देखने को मिलते है। जैसे ?
  • लगातार इसका अभ्यास करने से शरीर में रक्त संचार बढ़ता है, रक्त संचार बढ़ने और तनाव मुक्त होने से चेहरे में रौनक आती है।
  • इसके नियमित अभ्यास से में मन शांत होता है तथा आत्मविश्वास में बढ़ोतरी होती है।
  • एकाग्रता बढ़ाने के लिए यह एक बहुत ही शानदार उपायों में से एक है। इसका नियमित अभ्यास करने से एकाग्रता बढ़ती है और ध्यान लक्ष्य की ओर केंद्रित होता है साथ ही दिमाग का विकास होता है।
  • इसको करने से व्यक्ति तनाव मुक्त हो जाता है।
  • इस ध्यान को करने से सकारात्मक विचार उत्पन्न होते है और नकारात्मक विचार खत्म हो जाते हैं।
  • मन और मस्तिस्क बिलकुल शांत रहता है।
  • मन में हमेशा शां‍ति बनी रहती है।
  • सिद्धियां स्वत: ही सिद्ध हो जाती है।
  • नियमित रूप से करने से देखते-देखते ही आपके सारे रोग दूर हो जाएंगे।
  • शरीर के रोगों के साथ-साथ आपका मन भी शांत हो जाएगा।

Post updated on:  Sep 25, 2021 2:49:38 PM

नेति क्रिया -

नेति क्रिया एक प्रकार का योगिक नाक साफ करने वाला व्यायाम है। यह छह क्रियाओं में से एक है, या शुद्धिकरण तकनीकों को षट्कर्म के रूप में भी जाना जाता है, जिन्हें
"हठ योग प्रदीपिका" में उल्लिखित किया गया है। नेति क्रिया को नासिका मार्ग को शुद्ध करने और साइनस को स्नान करने के लिए डिज़ाइन किया गया है।क्रियाओं का उद्देश्य शरीर को मजबूत, स्वच्छ और स्वस्थ रखना है। वे विषाक्त पदार्थों और शरीर में प्राण के प्रवाह को अवरुद्ध करने वाली किसी भी चीज को हटाने के लिए कहा जाता है। माना जाता है कि क्रियाएँ शारीरिक विकर्षण, बेचैनी और थकान को दूर करके योग अभ्यास जैसे आसन, प्राणायाम और ध्यान के लिए शरीर को तैयार करती हैं।

नेति क्रिया दो प्रकार की होती है:

जल नेति, जो नाक के मार्ग को साफ करने के लिए खारे घोल से भरे नेति बर्तन का उपयोग करके अभ्यास किया जाता है। इस तकनीक में सिर को बगल की तरफ झुकाया जाता है और फिर नमक का पानी एक नथुने में डाला जाता है और दूसरे नथुने से बाहर निकल जाता है। अधिक उन्नत तकनीक में, पानी को मुंह में डाला जाता है और नाक से सूंघा जाता है।

 सूत्र नेति, जिसमें एक धागा नथुने से और मुंह से बाहर निकाला जाता है। फिर योगी धागे के दोनों सिरों को पकड़कर नाक को साफ करने के लिए आगे-पीछे करता है। धागे को रूई से लपेटा जाना चाहिए और आसान थ्रेडिंग के लिए इसे अक्सर मोम में डुबोया जाता है। एक नरम रबर कैथेटर का भी उपयोग किया जा सकता है।
जल नेति की तुलना में सूत्र नेति को अधिक प्रभावी सफाई तकनीक कहा जाता हैनेति एक सफाई अभ्यास है जो आपके नासिका मार्ग को साफ करता है। यह मूल रूप से दो प्रकार का होता है, सूत्र नेति और जल नेति।                  

 जल नेति -

 जल नेति पानी से नाक साफ करने की प्रक्रिया है। जला नेति अभ्यास के लिए एक विशेष नेति लोटा या बर्तन की आवश्यकता होती है जिसमें विशेष रूप से नथुने में फिट होने के लिए नोजल बनाया गया हो। नेति के बर्तन में गर्म नमकीन पानी भरा होना चाहिए, नमक स्वाद के लिए पर्याप्त होना चाहिए।

जल नेति का अभ्यास करने के लिए चरण-दर-चरण प्रक्रिया
 पैरों को अलग करके सीधे खड़े हो जाएं, शरीर का वजन दोनों पैरों के बीच समान रूप से वितरित हो और आगे की ओर झुकें।
 सिर को दायीं ओर झुकाएं और बर्तन की नोक को बायीं नासिका में रखें।
 मुंह को हल्का सा खोलें और मुंह से सांस लें।
 पानी को धीरे-धीरे बायें नथुने में नोज़ल से डालें और यह दाएँ नथुने से बाहर निकल जाएगा।
 मुंह से शांति से सांस लेते रहें। घबराएं नहीं, उल्टी नाक से पानी अपने आप आ जाएगा.जल नेति
 पूरे शरीर को शिथिल रखें और दाहिनी नासिका छिद्र से पानी बाहर जाने दें।
 जब आधा पानी काम में आ जाए तो मटके या लोटे को हटा दें, आगे की ओर झुके रहें, सिर को बीच में रखें, नाक से पानी बहने दें।
 दायीं नासिका छिद्र को उँगलियों से बंद करें और बायें नथुने से धीरे से फूंकें ताकि बचा हुआ सारा पानी निकल जाए। अब बायीं नासिका छिद्र को बंद कर दायीं नासिका छिद्र से धीरे-धीरे फूंक मारें।
 ठीक इसी तरह से दाहिने नथुने से पानी निकालने का अभ्यास करें।
 अभ्यास पूरा करने के बाद कपालभाति को 10-15 फेरे करें।
 फिर कुछ देर के लिए शशांकासन को अपनाएं।
 कभी भी ठंडे पानी से अभ्यास न करें।
 पानी में नमक उचित मात्रा में मिलाना चाहिए, न तो बहुत कम और न ही बहुत ज्यादा।
 यदि अभ्यास करते समय नाक में दर्द होता है तो नमक की मात्रा गलत है।
 सिर में भारीपन और दर्द महसूस हो तो नमक की मात्रा गलत है या पानी पर्याप्त गर्म नहीं है

Deepanjali  posted in Yoga

Post updated on:  Sep 25, 2021 2:49:21 PM

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