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Anuska  posted in Poetry

Accompanying the technological revolution of the 1990s there are many new opportunities and challenges for the hospitality industries. Since hospitality, global industry information is its life-blood and technology has become fundamental to the ability of the industry to operate effectively and competitively. Poon (1993) suggests that the whole system of information technologies is being rapidly diffused throughout the tourism and hospitality industry and no player will escape information technologies impacts.
Understanding the effects, both good and bad, of innovative technology in today?s hospitality industry.  Whether we are keen on the technological gadgets introduced into the workplace or not, we need to adapt because technology is improving and expanding daily in an attempt to make our lives easier. In this day and age, there is a technological device or software used by a device for every operation in the hospitality world, such as reservation systems, security cameras, point of sale systems, property management systems, mobile communication, meeting matrix, energy management systems, key card encoder, etc. By incorporating the use of such devices into the workplace, it has changed the way we conduct business while saving time and money as it dismisses many time-consuming tasks.
The wide range of innovations will continue to assist hotels in keeping up with their competition. Although gadgets will bring lots of benefits to the workplace, it will bring some hotels to an all-time low for the reason that they may not be able to keep up with such investments and competitors. Regardless of what is brought to the table, the whole point will always be to meet and exceed the needs of guests.
New innovative technology trends that are currently being used in some hotels are the following:
The do-it-all remote (room personalization) ? This allows guests to dim or turn on/off lights, control room temperature, open/close curtains, order room service, turn on the do not disturb sign, set wake-up calls, view TV channels and movies all on the television with the click of a button on a remote. However, understandably, some guests may be somewhat queasy at the thought of touching a remote that has been in the hands of so many others, after all, it is a hotel room. There is an easy alternative for guests who feel that way, to still take advantage of the in-room technology from their iPhone, iPad or Android. They can just simply download the app called Lodge net and sync their Smartphone with the TV, which will then give access to all the functions the remote has to offer.
Self Service Concierge ? This touch smart screen kiosk is located in the lobbies of hotels, which can help a guest find out information(restaurants, activities, flights) without the hassle of carrying a laptop or waiting for someone to assist them.
New hospitality technology trends will play a key role in delivering a personalized experience and help in better managing operations, maximizing overall performance, enhancing the effectiveness of sales and marketing approaches, increasing efficiency and reducing costs.  

Image by workday.com
This report gives an insight into the importance of the application of technologies and the use of the Internet in tourism hospitality industries. This paper also aims to show how technological innovations and information systems can be beneficial for hotel companies.

Post updated on:  Sep 24, 2021 1:37:15 AM

Politics is a very common word used, whether we talk about political parties or talk about it in a broader framework.  We often observe political leaders delivering speeches on politics while maintaining ideologies and thought processes.  But political leaders, students and teachers as well as groups of social workers are given this topic to address as part of speech in their assignment or job.  You read these speeches and prepare effective speeches.                      

 Speech  1

 Dear Students - Welcome to the Speech Assembly!  Hope your studies are not getting affected due to different activities and you are also getting good results in your weekly tests which are going on.

 The topic of today's speech is politics.  Why politics?    Politics is such a fascinating subject that everyone has something to say about it.  Apart from this, I find it necessary that my students should focus more on practical subjects than on theory and should be able to express their thoughts and ideas with full confidence.  
 If I define politics, I would define it as the social process by which collective power is formed, organized, disseminated and used in various social structures.   

 The study of politics from a social perspective will be about focusing on political behavior within social structures.  It is also about the exploration of political relationships in relation to the whole social fabric to which it is rooted.  Politics is about power and it comes to the fore when there is a difference of power.  Therefore any social association where differences are involved is called politics.In fact the concept of politics mainly emphasizes the point that every social base includes a power structure and not just a place where social roles in terms of power are officially created.  As we all know that power structures are involved in every aspect of social life and thus politics cannot be considered as the sole secret of 'political leaders'.  Instead, any process involving power, control, or coercion in society is ideally politics.

 In other words politics is not limited to politicians only but is much more than that.  Politics can also be defined as a mind game where the dominant sections of the society try to rule over the weaker sections or marginalized sections of the society.  Playing politics or political games would mean the use of manipulation, sly and wrong methods to understand one's goal.  Most of the negative connotations are attached to it and it involves selfish interests without thinking good for all.

 Politics is good only as long as it protects the common interests of all and if it is not so then it should not harm the interests of others at least.  But this rarely happens and often people become a part of sheep tricks to subdue others and establish themselves on top.  Instead of learning politics, I think people should learn moral values ​​and dignity so that they can live their own life in a stable way then the world can really become a peaceful haven for all.  Regardless of the field you are from, it is important to value human relations and rise above all small interests to nurture mankind.

 Thank you!

Ayush  posted in Fashion

Post updated on:  Sep 24, 2021 1:37:01 AM

किसी को अपने परिवार में शामिल करना एक निरंतर खुशी है, खासकर अगर यह एक प्यारा सा बच्चा है। इसके अलावा, आप और किन तरीक़ों से इसे पाने की खुशी की सराहना कर सकते हैं? किसी भी समय आपके लिए सबसे अच्छे समय और विशेष गोद भराई की योजना बनाएं। गोद भराई की व्यवस्था मजेदार और स्फूर्तिदायक होनी चाहिए। आप उतने ही नए हो सकते हैं जितने की आपको होना चाहिए। सीधे जाओ या बहुत दूर जाओ। कोई फर्क नहीं पड़ता कि आपको अपनी टीम को परिचित और उल्लेखनीय बनाने में कितना समय लगता है, आप बेझिझक उन विभिन्न विषयों पर शोध कर सकते हैं जो आपके पास हो सकते हैं।

आप सामान्य तरीके से जा सकते हैं या कुछ नया पा सकते हैं और अपने बच्चे को स्नान करा सकते हैं। आप विभिन्न विषयों के साथ एक पार्टी को रोशन कर सकते हैं जो महत्वपूर्ण, दिलचस्प या मज़ेदार हो सकते हैं।

निम्नलिखित कुछ प्रसिद्ध विचार विषय हैं जो किसी भी बच्चों के स्नान में हास्यास्पद होंगे।

छायांकन विषय

युवा महिलाओं को छायांकन करने के लिए विशिष्ट विषय युवा पुरुषों के लिए गुलाबी और नीला है। ये बुनियादी विषय हैं जो विभिन्न विषयों की तरह दिलचस्प हो सकते हैं। अपनी चुनी हुई छायांकन थीम के साथ अपनी सेटिंग को लाइव करें। रंगी हुई पट्टियों को सेट करने के लिए, उन्हें फिर से सफेद धागे में लपेट दें। इससे कमरे को अच्छा लुक मिलेगा। यदि आप सुनिश्चित नहीं हैं कि आपका बच्चा बच्चा हो सकता है या लड़की, तो हरे या पीले जैसे तटस्थ रंग तैयार करें।

बच्चे की बोतलों का शीर्षक

इस विशेष मुद्दे पर ध्यान केंद्रित करने के लिए आपके पास एक बेबी बोतल हो सकती है। खेल पुरस्कारों के लिए इसे पसंदीदा स्थान के रूप में उपयोग करें। आप कप या कप जैसी बेबी बोतलों का उपयोग करके उनका मजाक उड़ा सकते हैं।

टेडी बियर शीर्षक

इन चालाक मकड़ियों को हर कोई प्यार करता है। वे सजाने के लिए एकदम सही हैं। आपको टेडी बियर खरीदने की जरूरत नहीं है बल्कि कमरे में आने की जरूरत है। बड़े लेकिन सम्मानित लोग करेंगे। यह महत्वपूर्ण है कि गेस्ट ऑफ ऑनर फोकल प्वाइंट के रूप में # 1 टेडी हो।

डायपर लेख

नैपी कटिंग ग्रीटिंग भेजकर शुरुआत करें। मेहमानों को अपने नैपी उपहार एक निश्चित आकार के साथ ले जाने चाहिए। इसलिए, आप डायपर पर या सिर्फ 90 दिनों में पैसे बचा सकते हैं!

अनुबंध नर्सरी का शीर्षक

बच्चों के राइम को अपनी पार्टी की थीम बनाना एक अच्छा विचार है। आप हम्प्टी डम्प्टी, लिटिल बो पीप, या प्रसिद्ध मामा गूज जैसी हस्ती का उपयोग कर सकते हैं। एक सुझाव के रूप में चित्र मज़ेदार हो सकते हैं लेकिन यदि आपके पास किसी प्रकार की प्रतिलिपि है तो वे सभ्य दिख सकते हैं। आप इसे अपने अनुरोध के कतार भाग में जोड़ सकते हैं।

जुड़वां खिताब

क्या आपको नूह के सन्दूक की कहानी याद है? जब वे सन्दूक में बैठे तो सभी प्राणियों को जोड़े में जोड़ा गया। यह उन माताओं के लिए उपयुक्त विषय है जो जुड़वा बच्चों के लिए बेताब हैं। अपने अभिवादन में सावधान रहना याद रखें कि आपके जुड़वाँ बच्चे भी होंगे; मेहमानों को दो या दो अलग-अलग उपहार लाने होंगे।

थीम थीम

हजारों परियों की कहानियां हैं जो सभी बच्चों की शावर पार्टियों में एक परंपरा बन गई हैं। सिंड्रेला और स्नो व्हाइट सबसे लोकप्रिय लड़कियां हैं। पीटर पैन नौजवानों के लिए बहुत अच्छे इंसान हैं। इस तरह की कहानी को खूबसूरत डिजाइनों से दिलचस्प बनाया जा सकता है और सपने को स्वाभाविक बनाया जा सकता है।

अपने बच्चों के स्नान में एक थीम रखने से आपको उन चीजों के लिए और अधिक कनेक्शन मिल सकते हैं जिनकी आपको तैयारी करने की आवश्यकता है। लेख आपको इस बारे में मार्गदर्शन कर सकता है कि आपको किस प्रकार का भोजन सेट करने की आवश्यकता है, अनुरोध की उपस्थिति और आप अपनी चुनी हुई सेटिंग को कैसे डिज़ाइन कर सकते हैं। पाठ के साथ, आपको स्पष्ट रूप से यह समझने की आवश्यकता होगी कि उस नए बच्चे को बूमर कैसे बनाया जाए।

Meera  posted in Thoughts

Post updated on:  Sep 24, 2021 1:36:34 AM

Apparently from the second you start to treat your cosmology respect in a serious way, the most important thing in your mind is what you will get in the form of a telescope. In addition, there is no doubt that installing state-of-the-art equipment can enhance your enjoyment of your newfound interest in cosmology. However, do not rush into thinking that you will always be aware of the honorable honors at stargazing clubs. There are other options that can give you the bulk of the benefits of the telescope and some more flexibility and reduced costs for sure.

That option is decent visual optics. We often think of the light you use to see the resemblance of a ball when you need to sit in modest seats. However, if you happen to be doing homework and have a good idea of ​​what your astronomical goals are, the rise of cosmology optics over a standard telescope can be quite convincing.

* if in doubt, they cost less. So you can get a good astrological tone with a little thought. You can usually make a lot of money later right now, this could be the perfect answer for you.

* There are not many ornaments at all. The search and operation of the telescope takes the direction of how to set up and use the gadget. After all, having a good view of it and examining it when you have problems in some cases can make the telescope even more powerful than looking at the stars themselves.

* Very easy to use. In the unlikely event that you do not purchase a telescope at this time, you may see the owners of the telescope going through a never-ending process and in a different situation for each use. This is the time when they do not take stars. The binocular clients are at the forefront of stargazing as this progresses.

* Binoculars are simple and versatile. Unless you have the right to set up and run the viewer from your deck, you may also try to play your watch. Optics goes with you is very simple and very easy to pass on to the nation and use it while you are there with a huge telescope unit to set up.

So give the binoculars a different idea. To solve the best decision, however, here are a few facts about cosmology enlightenment that will help you determine which ones are best for you?

Optics has two focus areas, one near the end of the eyebrow and place directly next to your eyes. These close to the eye are known as visual focus areas that enhance the image (make it larger). These near the sky are known as focus areas and the size of these focus points will determine how far you can see the sky without a moment's hesitation. So whenever you check the optics, there are two numbers associated with the set. So if the optics has a 15-40 rating, that means that the focus areas are multiplied several times and the latest number is the number corresponding to the sky value you see. The higher the next number, the more you can see. The specification is straightforward. When the point is too focused, it allows more light. However, be aware that when the next number becomes larger, it will be larger, heavier and more dull in light objects.

You need to adjust both numbers with your spending plan and how you need optics to help you. If you choose to go with low-power optics, you may be confused by what you see and may need to take your eyes off the view to get your direction and advise the star map more often on the grounds that your viewing limit is too limited.

There will also be a similar momentum to purchase a wide range of optics with a different zoom and range that will allow you to use it for a variety of purposes such as hunting, whale watching or seeing the balance of the ball in modest seats. While this is an acceptable economy, those capabilities will disrupt the normal flow when using cosmology optics. So in case you think of this purchase as your choice as opposed to buying a telescope, our recommendation is the purchase of light which is only for space science and do not go with them to the football game.

Pankaj  posted in Astronomy

Post updated on:  Sep 24, 2021 1:36:16 AM

What completes a wardrobe is a bigger discussion. Some say only upper garments or top wears complete the wardrobe, but that is not wholly right, especially when we know that it is equally important to pay adequate attention to our bottom wear. People think that whatever women wear and try to increase their beauty depends on what they wear in the upper areas. This is high time we should change our thought and should indulge into breaking stereotypes, those who think that what we wear as bottom never wears seek the attention go unnoticed they are completely wrong, who talk about fashion, understands fashion they never really give up on bottom wear for women, the toned figure can only get desired compliments when somebody is wearing good stuff. There is a thing called in English, shaped legs look good when someone wears good stuff. Now Let's have a quick read to find stylish bottom wear for ladies

Leggings and Jeggings

By now, we all should know the importance of these types of bottom wear; they are going to be user-friendly, and everybody who wears this gets a good amount of comfort. This can be worn at parties and on normal days too. The size variances for these types of bottom wears are so wide that anybody can wear them. When it comes to color, they make the best pair with anything, be it with Kurti, be it with a tunic, or with short kurtas. In today's time, ankle, full, even up to knee legging and jeggings are available. The Prices of all these items are very pocket-friendly. Bottom wear for women should start with this. 

Pants or Trousers 

Women do think this is also one of those evergreen products that have been popularized lately. This is one of those products without which we can not even think of having a proper wardrobe. This is essential to say that pants and trousers can be of any fabric, this can be of jeans, can be of good cotton or any material. People of all groups have welcomed this with open arms, and we get budget and size-friendly options for all of this. So before we go for other options, this comes out as a super-priority. This has always been the latest bottom wear for ladies

Dhoti pants 

This is pretty new regarding choosing the right bottom wears, but this is a pretty fusion kind. Size problems can be there. But if people can carry this out properly, this too can highlight the attention even when she is in a crowd. These pants are mostly available in vibrant colors, and thus, pairing up with light-colored Kurtis or tunics would be better if we see from that perspective. Cotton is the popularly used fabric for these pants; budget-friendly items are too good to go whenever we talk about this. This is stylish bottom wear for ladies. 


Skirts are always good to go, and people have been wearing this for a long while. The main advantage of wearing a skirt is that size can never create a problem for this; this is all-time wear, and many people for the level of comfort wear this at home. The materials can be of various types, be it cotton, chiffon, jeans, denim, etc. People of all age groups find it cool. Budget is also not a big factor for buying skirts. Options for pairing this up with various upper garments are available as well. 


How can we forget about this segment? From corporate houses to super cool. From wedding to maternity, wear palazzos every time: cotton, family parties have got the love and affection of the people. The colors, quality, and classy look it provides that lies above all. People should never get tired of it. Also, various types of shoes can be worn with palazzos; there are no stipulations. Wearing long Kurtis, short Kurtis, or even tops, everything suits best. Palazzos do have variations; some are body-hugging, some are open and easy to wear. Plus sizes are also available. Budget is also not a problem as right now various types of websites cater to the needs of the people so anything suitable can be bought. 
The article mentioned above would be helpful to find out what is what, and it has tried portraying the Actual picture. We should never stop buying bottom wear for women; they level up the inner charm and standard. For more details and good collections, people need to visit  Athena Lifestyle.

Post updated on:  Sep 24, 2021 1:35:54 AM

What is DBMS?

DBMS or a Database Management System is the PC programming that empowers putting away, controlling, overseeing and getting a huge arrangement of information.
This framework resembles the advanced adaptation of keeping documents loaded up with indispensable data. Nonetheless, the headway in our innovation, directed us to concoct a framework where one can record such a lot of data for various purposes like update, recovery, stockpiling, security, reinforcement, and so forth
Data set Management System was first presented in the year 1960 by Charles W. Bachman. The previously incorporated data set framework for the organization General Electric Company changed the manner in which we store data, use information for savvy purposes.
For instance, recording the complete deals for consistently with no framework won't ever bring any outcomes in addition to expand the odds of mistake.
With the presentation of DBMS, one could store data and oversee it for future choices.

It keeps up with information consistency
Handles enormous arrangement of information proficiently
Quicker method of overseeing information
A portion of the prior variant instances of DBMS are FoxPro, Clipper, RDBMS, and so on
What is RDBMS?
All in all, actually RDBMS is a sort of Database Management System however at that point what is the distinction?
Prior to heading towards the key contrasts, here is the thing that RDBMS is.
RDBMS or Relational Database Management System is an information base framework programming that oversees and keeps up with information in the plain configuration.
It is the product that works on a social composition (data set organized in tables with lines and segments).
The Relational Database Management System was presented in the 1970's itself. With the approach of innovation, everybody needs everything speedy, inventive, useful and proficient. It is this philosophy and conviction that required a shift from the conventional form of DBMS.
The Traditional Database Management System presented a superior, more refined method of working with data sets. RDBMS not exclusively is an ad libbed adaptation of an information base administration framework, it is a foundation of need and need. Information is developing at an outstanding rate and to oversee everything for versatile tasks, a capable framework is required. This created the flooding interest for RDBMS, making it one of the well known types of information base administration frameworks.

Permit various client access
Store huge bunch of information
Least Data Redundancy
Keeps up with Data Integration
Better apparatuses for organizing and Organizing Data
Social Database Management Systems and Database Management System will be framework programming for putting away, making and overseeing data sets.
In any case, the contrast among DBMS and RDBMS is that a social data set administration framework is an ad libbed adaptation of DBMS and backing preferred apparatuses and components over DBMS.
The information put away in DBMS is progressive and, in a document design with no relationship among the information though, information put away in RDBMS is in an even arrangement. The design plays a great deal in characterizing the distinction among RDBMS and DBMS.
DBMS was the primary variant of the product for keeping up with information bases and, henceforth, doesn't uphold components and instruments for information security, information honesty, information access, various client access, or quicker information refreshing and getting. RDBMS is quicker, productive, with properties that guarantee no information irregularities and information excess.
There is no line settled forever that demonstrates RDBMS is the best type of the data set administration framework. There are distinctive data set administration frameworks at the same time, RDBMS is preferred and quicker over DBMS.
SQL is neither a DBMS or RDBMS. It is a programming language used to inquiry information on both of the data set administration frameworks.
Which one is better: DBMS or RDBMS?
RDBMS is the further developed rendition of DBMS, and hence, quicker and more proficient than DBMS.
For what reason is DBMS called RDBMS?
RDBMS is a sort of data set administration framework and is frequently mistaken for DBMS. In any case, RDBMS is an alternate programming with better instruments and components yet filling a similar need as a DBMS.

Post updated on:  Sep 24, 2021 1:35:06 AM

Coronavirus disease (COVID-19)
The UA is expanding free antibody testing to Arizonans 18 and older
Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) is an contagious disease caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus. Most people infected with the virus will experience mild to moderate respiratory illness and recover without requiring special treatment. However, some will become acutely ill and require medical attention. Elder people and those with primary medical conditions like cardiovascular disease, diabetes, chronic respiratory disease, or cancer are more likely to develop serious illness. Anybody can easily get sick with COVID-19 .
The best way to stop and slow down spread is to be well educated about the disease and how the virus spreads. Protect yourself and others from infection by staying at least 1 metre apart from others,  We have to follow the rules of COVID -19, to protect ourselves and our family members, by wearing a properly fitted mask, and keep washing our hands on regular intervals we have to use  alcohol-based hand wash to guard ourselves from the virus infection .  Vaccination is a major relief for the people of all over World, so registers yourself and your family members and gets vaccinated when your turn comes.
 COVID-19 update: Ph. Eur. and British Pharmacopoeia working together to  offer free access to supportive pharmacopoeial texts - Covid-19 NewsroomFree COVID-19 Testing at UVU (Sept. 21) | News @ UVUFree COVID-19 insurance
The virus can easily spread from an infected person to another person by mouth or nose in small liquid particles when they cough, sneeze, speak, sing or breathe. These particles range from larger respiratory droplets to smaller aerosols. It is important to follow respiratory protocol, for example by coughing into a flexed elbow, and to stay home and self-cut off until you recuperate if you feel unwell.
I hope things were back to normal again?. With rising cases in around 215 countries, stay-at-home instructions put in place to control the spread of COVID-19.
 Cava Rovellats
COVID-19 pandemic has led to a striking loss of human life entire nations  and presents an unique challenge to our health The economic and social disturbance caused by the pandemic is disturbing:
The pandemic has been affect the entire food system. Border closures, trade limits and detention measures have been preventing farmers from accessing markets, including for buying inputs and selling their produce, and agricultural workers from harvesting crops, thus disturbing domestic and international food supply chains and reducing access to healthy, safe and diverse diets. The pandemic has decimated jobs. As breadwinners lose jobs, fall ill and die, the food security and nutrition of millions of women and men are under threat, with those in low-income countries, particularly the most marginalized populations, which include small-scale farmers and indigenous peoples, being hardest hit.
Agricultural workers? while feeding the world, regularly face high levels of working shortage, starvation and underprivileged and suffer from a lack of safety and labor protection as well as other types of abuse. With low and unbalanced incomes and a lack of social support, many of them are spur to continue working, often in unsafe conditions, thus exposing themselves and their families to additional risks. Agricultural workers are mainly weak, because they face risks in their transport, working and living conditions and struggle to access support procedures put in place by governments. Guaranteeing the safety and health of all agri-food workers ? from primary producers to those involved in food processing, transport and retail, including street food vendors ? as well as better incomes and protection, will be critical to saving lives and protecting public health, people?s livelihoods and food security.potential loss of already achieved development gains.

SONIA  posted in Blog

Post updated on:  Sep 24, 2021 1:34:46 AM

Makeup is a tiny term that encompasses all of the women out there. Ladies enjoy experimenting with their appearances and would like to own nearly all of the makeup items available from all of the companies. Women adore trying out new beauty items, from kajal to eyeliners to their favourite lip colours. Here we've created a list of all the best makeup products of all time you should carry in your makeup bag.

MS Glamour : A Cruelty Free Makeup Brand

MS Glamour provides an impressive selection of cosmetic products that are specially developed for a diverse range of complexions. Inclusivity is deeply ingrained in our value system and drives all our key decisions, from shade selection to marketing campaigns. We want our clients to feel empowered to freely express themselves in whichever way they want with the help of our makeup.
best makeup products of all time

We, as a brand, believe that animals and humans are meant to co-exist in harmony. We are vehemently against animal cruelty and never promote such unethical practices in any way. Our products are 100% cruelty-free and made from selected natural elements to add value to your skin.

List of Best Makeup Products of All Time For Women:

1. BB Cream 

best makeup products of all time

Consider BB cream age defence and anti-mind skincare & skin enhancer hydrating BB tinted moisturiser cream from MS glamour. Suppose you want to reduce the number of skin care products in your morning regimen. BB cream, also known as blemish balm or beauty balm, is a cosmetic product that contains skin-care ingredients such as hydration, anti-ageing effects, and SPF protection. This should be added to your best makeup product list

No-makeup, makeup-free looks are trendy right now, and it turns out that BB cream is the ideal technique to achieve the look. Apply a BB cream on your face to balance out your skin tone without seeming unnatural. Apply a coat of mascara and a smidgeon of cream blush, and you're ready to go!

Features & Specification
  • Part skincare, part makeup
  • Hydrating and protecting with sheer, radiant coverage
  • Our BB cream contains 3 Sunscreen agents that provide superior skin protection that may prevent premature skin aging and darkenin
  • Produces a very natural, no-makeup look

2. Liquid Concealer 

best makeup products of all time
Liquid Concealer is the one beauty tool in a woman's arsenal that can completely transform your look. Liquid concealer from MS glamour, when used correctly, can brighten a tired face, hide imperfections, and completely conceal dark bags beneath the eyes. Many beauty editors prefer to use concealer rather than foundation. This needs to be added to the makeup list for beginners. 

There are so many different kinds of concealers on the market that picking one might be difficult. Keep in mind that concealer is not a cheap beauty product. So choose the best makeup brand for your concealer. 

A good rule of thumb is to use a yellow-based concealer that is a shade or two lighter than your skin tone. If you go too light, you might get the dreaded raccoon look. If your complexion is darker in the summer, consider a darker hue for the summer and a lighter shade for the rest of the year.

Features & Specification
  • Liquid concealer
  • Medium coverage
  • Quick-drying
  • Water-resistant
  • Longwear formula
  • Anti-aging formula with collagen ? helps reduce puffiness
  • Non-transferable to clothes ? stay-put formula

3. Face Foundation 

best makeup products of all time
If you have hyperpigmented areas, such as brown spots, or depigmented areas, such as skin that is whiter than usual, using Face Foundation as makeup can help to conceal them.
The best place to start with any beauty look is to have flawless and natural-looking skin, which can be achieved by adequately applying foundation. You utilise the base more in cosmetics, which is also essential for your skin. Face foundation from MS glamour provides a beautiful finish to the makeup and gives radiance to the complexion.
The first feature of the foundation is coverage, which relates to the amount of pigment present. Highly pigmented formulas provide complete coverage, and formulas provide sheer-to-medium coverage with lower pigment percentages.

Features & Specification
  • Cream-based foundation in a compact
  • Full coverage
  • Matte finish, flawless look
  • Dry skin types are recommended to use with Camera Ready to increase slip

4. Compact 

best makeup products of all time
The compact is a light powder that is usually available in powder form. It is used to provide light coverage to your face or to give your makeup a flawless finish. Compact needs to be included in the list of makeup products for beginners

Many women skip using a compact powder when applying their makeup. Applying compact powder is an important step that should not be overlooked if you want to achieve a flawless makeup look. Dual powder compact from MS glamour like all other makeup products, it has a special place and should not be overlooked. 

Features & Specification
  • This compact powder offers more of a matte finish than mineral loose foundation.
  • Achieve full coverage when applied with a sponge.
  • Silky smooth feel and application makes for effortless looks.
  • Achieve a lighter coverage when applied with kabuki or, we prefer, the flat buffer brush.

5. Corrector Palette 

best makeup products of all time
If you have dark circles under your eyes, five colours total colour corrector palette travel-friendly highly pigmented long-lasting waterproof from MS glamour might be very useful.  Those who have skin discolouration, whether spotty, green-grey pigmentation around the eyes and lips, acne scars, or yellowing spots, need to use colour correctors. 

Features & Specification
  • Green ? removes red/rosacea
  • Mauve ? removes yellow/olive
  • Yellow ? removes blue/bruising
  • Pink ? highlights and brightens dark skin tones
  • Salmon- cover up dark under eyes circle

6. Lip-Gloss 

best makeup products of all time
Glosses quickly draw the eye to the lips. Lips that have colour on the look to be fuller and more appealing. A matte finish exudes refinement while displaying a rich tone of colour. 
Always use a lip gloss that is good for your lips and provides not just colour (if you desire colour) but also moisture, which is essential for healthy-looking lips. It is a one-of-a-kind formula that gives up to twelve hours of moisturisation, hydration, and regeneration. Blak liquid velvet lip gloss from MS glamour is infused with oils and vitamins, which can colour and condition and protect the lips from drying out due to the weather.

Features & Specification
  • Smooth texture designed for long wear.
  • Super pigmented.
  • Contains antioxidant  Vitamin E
  • Contains natural vanillin extract
  • Stays on longer than any other lip gloss and retains its color

7. Eye-Pencil 

best makeup products of all time
Eye pencil can be applied above or below the lashes, or both, and even on the water lines of the eyes. Mechanical eye pencil from MS glamour may give you a softer look, ideal for when you want your eyes to pop without looking like you're wearing liner. It's also excellent for smudged cat-eyes and tightening, a technique that involves applying eyeliner to the waterline for all-over definition.

Features & Specification
  • Mechanical roll-up eyeliner
  • Super creamy texture perfect for smoky eyes
  • Waterproof formula
  • Sponge & sharpener at the bottom of the liner
  • Keep the lid on tight to avoid drying out

8. 4D Fiber Cruelty Free Diamond Mascara

best makeup products of all time

MS Glamour Makeup Lashes 4D Fiber Cruelty-Free and Travel-Friendly Diamond Mascara are long-lasting. This 4D Fiber Diamond Mascara will lengthen, strengthen and curl your Eyelashes. This 4D Fiber Diamond Mascara can make your eyelash shine and more attractive.
Features & Specification
  • 4D Fiber Mascara
  • Adds impressive volume for a flirty, fluttering look
  • Classic jet black shade
  • The special oval-shaped brush provides intensive color application and excellent opacity and coverage for a truly defined look
  • Formulated with a blend of Volumizers for optimum eyelash definition and unrivaled fullness

9. Organic Matcha Green Tea Solid Stick Facial Mask

best makeup products of all time

Matcha Green Tea Solid Stick Facial Mask is cruelty-free. We don't test any of our products on animals. This concentrated formula provides comfortable wear without tightening or hardening.
Our green tea mask uses organic ingredients, such as Matcha, Propylene glycol, Glycerin, and Seed Oil. All these organic ingredients help to make your skin brighter, younger, and smoother. This fabulous mask not only works wonders on pores but also hydrates skin.
Features & Specification
  • Allergy Tested
  • Cruelty-Free
  • Hypo-Allergenic
  • 100% Vegan and Organic Products
  • No-fuss no muss no mess - Just roll it on...wait...rinse and go!
  • Now your skincare routine is as easy as 1-2-3!
  • Balances skin, and calms redness for a fresh complexion

10. 35 Colors Rainbow Eyeshadow Palette

rainbow eyeshadow palette

This rainbow eyeshadow palette contains 35 professional pigments in a variety of highly pigmented colors with rainbow motifs to offer unlimited possibilities. Colorful Eyeshadow Palette is perfect for the makeup artist who wants the ultimate color collection and for the makeup fan who is ready to take their makeup creativity to the next level. Healthful and safe ingredients and excellent quality, hypoallergenic, skin-friendly, free of cruelties.
Features & Specification
  • All of our products are 100% Vegan, Cruelty-free & Gluten-free.
  • These Shades are packed with the Highest-Quality Ingredients.
  • Highly Pigmented and Rich in Smooth Texture.
  • Simply apply evenly and adhere well to the Eyelids.
  • Easy to be Easy to Blend.
  • Good Texture and Super Creamy.

Customer Reviews

These are some customer reviews on amazon of MS Glamour makeup products- 
Best Makeup Products For Women Reviews
amazon reviews ms glamour products


If you're new to the world of makeup, you don't need to worry; we're going back to the basics of the best makeup product list. You'll only need a few makeup necessities. Furthermore, using these products does not necessitate a high level of makeup expertise.
Many people are put off by cosmetics because they believe they require many items and that applying them takes forever. Then there's the question of what things you should acquire. And how do you put them into practice?
However, in truth, your everyday makeup routine only requires a few simple things. These things are straightforward to use. You'll be able to use them in a variety of situations.

Post updated on:  Sep 24, 2021 1:34:23 AM

BCA -:Bachelor of Computer Applications. (BCA) is a three-year undergraduate course which imparts students with the foundational and advanced knowledge of Information Technology and Computer Applications.
Bachelor in Computer Application (BCA) is an undergraduate degree course in computer applications. With the rapid growth of IT industry in India, the demand of computer professional is increasing day by day. This increasing growth of IT industry has created a lot of opportunities for the computer graduates.
Bachelor in Computer Application (BCA) is one of the popular courses among the students who want to make their career in the IT (Information Technology) field. The duration of the course is 3 years and divided into 6 semesters. It comprises of the subjects like database, networking, data structure, core programming languages like ?C? and ?java?. This course provides a lot of opportunities to the students who are interested in computer field and wants to work in the IT sector as programmer or software developer. To get complete knowledge about the course and career scope, you can go through this article.

Before planning for any examination it is very important to check out some basic but important points. One of the most important point before applying any course is the eligibility. It needs to be checked whether the candidate is eligible for appearing for desired course or not. The students who are interested in BCA as their higher studies must fulfill the following eligibility criteria:

Candidate Should be a citizen of India.
Candidate must have passed class 12th or senior secondary examination with at least 50% marks including English.
The 12th examination must be passed/Appearing with mathematics as a compulsory subject.
The minimum age limit is 17 years and the maximum age varies between 22-25 years.
The students are generally admitted on the basis of personal interview and written examination conducted by various institutes/universities.
Some institutes/universities admit student on merit basis.
The merit is prepared on the basis of candidate?s performance in the qualifying examination (12th).

Courses & Duration
The BCA is an undergraduate degree course in computer applications for duration of 3 years. After completing BCA, a student can go for MCA which is a master course in computer application and is considered equivalent to engineering course (B.Tech).

The study period of BCA includes various subjects such as Programming in C Language (Basic and Advanced), Networking, World-Wide-Web, Data Structure, Advanced C Language Programming, Database Management, Mathematics, Software Engineering, Object Oriented Programming using C++, Visual Basic, Programming using PHP, JAVA, Oracle, Operating Systems, Web Scripting and Development, etc.

The course curriculum of BCA is somewhat similar to the course as Bachelor of Technology (B.Tech).

Entrance Exams:


There is a huge scope in the field of BCA. One can do job or can go for higher studies after the completion of course.

Self employment option is also available. You can do freelancing or develop your own software if you have that much skills. There are many software MNCs (Multi National Companies) which provide job to the BCA graduates. If candidate has a work experience and all the necessary required skills then he/she can hold good positions in MNCs.

If you want deep knowledge in this field, then you can go for advanced courses such as MCA and PhD. MCA can be specialized in systems management, systems development, management information system, etc. After the completion of MCA, candidate can also get the job of lecturer in any of the reputed institutions.

Mostly, the admission to BCA course is done through the entrance test. Various Universities/Institutions conduct its own entrance exam for granting admission to their colleges. Some colleges provide admission on the basis of merit prepared by the score of qualifying examination (12th).

Also Check ? Courses After 12th

Career & Jobs
The demand of IT professionals is increasing not only in India but also in abroad. After the completion of the course, the student can find a job in reputed IT companies like IBM, Oracle, Infosys, and Google. The student can work as a system engineer, junior programmer, web developer or as a system administrator. This field provides you ample opportunities to make your career not only in private sector but also in the public sector. The government organization like NIC, Indian Army, Indian Air Force and India Navy also recruit large number of computer professionals for their IT department. After the completion of the course a student?s work profile may include:

System engineer in the top companies like Infosys, Wipro, hp, Google.

A system engineer develop, test and evaluate software, circuits and personal computer.
Programmer in various software development firms.

The duty of programmer is to write code for software. A programmer is primarily works in the computer language such as Assembly, COBOL, C, C++, C#, Java, Lisp, Python, etc.
Web developer in various web designing companies and online digital marketing companies.

A web developer is a programmer who specializes in the development of world wide web applications. The role of web developer is to build and maintain websites. A web developer must have skills in HTML/XHTML, CSS, PHP, JavaScript , etc.
System Administrator in an organization including a bank, school or college.

A System administrator is responsible for setting up and maintaining the system or server.
Software developer in the companies like Microsoft, Google, face book.

The sole responsibility of software developer is to develop software that ease the tasks of the people and enable to perform work efficiently. A software developer also installs, test and maintains the software.
Top Recruiters
A number of top recruiters look for the fresher degree holders for offering opportunity of work with. BCA is one of the demanding courses under the IT sector. Here, we have listed the prestigious companies that recruits BCA graduates:

Tech Mahindra
Hexaware Technologies Ltd.
The IT field is one of the highest paying fields for a fresher. A computer professional working in a big MNC can easily get an initial package of Rs. 25,000 to Rs. 40,000 per month. Some IT giants like Google, Microsoft, Oracle, Face book pays even a six figure salary to a fresh graduate.

About BCA
The full form of BCA is Bachelor of Computer Application. Its course subjects give good knowledge in critical areas of computer science and Networking. The Information Technology sector has a substantial economic impact and hence provide ample job opportunities. BCA is an undergraduate course that is comparatively similar to the B.Tech course in all the perspectives but only differs in the duration & fees.

Wikipedia explains BCA as "The BCA is a common degree for CS/IT students at Indian universities, and is an alternative to the engineering counterpart, the B.E/B.Tech in Computer Science and Engineering/IT, which requires four years of study. It is a technical degree that prepares students for a career in computer applications and software development; this being a professional course, even non-math students can also opt for this course, many universities offer this course in India. This is a good course for the non-math student, so they also can make their career in Information technology."


Post updated on:  Sep 24, 2021 1:32:36 AM

computer language is a method of communication with a computer. Types of computer languages include:
  • Construction language, all forms of communication by which a human can specify an executable problem solution to a computer
  • Markup language, a grammar for annotating a document in a way that is syntactically distinguishable from the text, such as HTML
  • Modeling language, an artificial language used to express information or knowledge, often for use in computer system design
  • Page description language, describes the appearance of a printed page in a higher level than an actual output bitmap
  • Query language, a language used to make queries in databases and information systems
  • Simulation language, a language used to describe simulations
  • Specification language, a language used to describe what a system should do
  • Style sheet language, a computer language that expresses the presentation of structured documents, such as CSS
  • Transformation language, designed to transform some input text in a certain formal language into a modified output text that meets some specific goal.
  • The computer language is defined as code or syntax which is used to write programs or any specific applications. The computer language is used to communicate with computers. Broadly the computer language can be classified into three categories assembly language, machine language, and high-level language.

    Machine Level Language

    Computer can understand only the language of Digital Electronics. Digital Electronics deals with presence and absence of voltages. Within the computer there are two logics can play their role. These logics are ?
    • Positive Logic ? Here presence of voltage will be denoted by 1 and absence of voltage will be denoted by 0
    • Negative Logic ? Here presence of voltage will be denoted by 0 and absence of voltage will be denoted by 1
    But obviously computer can follow anyone of the logics at a time, not both the logics simultaneously. To make the computer understand, a program can be written using only 0s and 1s. The data can also be specified and represented using only 0s and 1s. Such a program is called Machine Language program. Machine language was the first in the evolution of computer programming languages. Computer directly understands a program written in the machine language. So as a result, machine language program does not require any translator to convert from one form to another. In fact, even to this day, basically computers understand only the 0s and 1s.
  • How Many Computer Programming Languages.
  • The total number of computer languages to exist is approximately 9,000, though there are 50 that are the most popular programming languages in use today. 
  • List of Programming Languages
  • The following list of programming languages includes both popular languages and languages that are historically significant (or, perhaps, infamous for one reason or another).

  • Python Java JavaScript C# C
  • C++ PHP R Objective-C Swift
  • TypeScript MATLAB Kotlin Go (Golang) VBA
  • Ruby Scala Visual Basic Rust Dart
  • Ada Lua Abap Groovy Perl
  • Cobol Julia Haskell Delphi Elm
  • PowerShell SQL Clojure Elixir Pascal
  • LISP Ballerina FORTRAN BASIC Alice
  • COBOL Speakeasy Simula Smalltalk Prolog
  • Erlang Ada Eiffel Rebol 

  • Post updated on:  Sep 24, 2021 1:32:09 AM

    What is Share Market?
    A marketplace wherein stocks are publicly issued and traded is called a proportion marketplace. The solution to what's inventory marketplace is quite much like that of a proportion marketplace. The key distinction among proportion markets and inventory markets is that the previous simplest permits one to alternate stocks. The latter permits you to alternate in monetary units which include derivatives, bonds, mutual price range, in addition to the stocks of indexed corporations. The key thing is that the primary platform gives buying and selling centers that corporations can use to alternate shares withinside the inventory marketplace. On a inventory trade, you can simplest purchase and promote the ones shares which can be indexed on it. Hence, shoppers and dealers meet on a inventory marketplace. India's top inventory exchanges are the National Stock Exchange and the Bombay Stock Exchange.
    Types Now that we recognize the inventory marketplace meaning, one key factor of inventory marketplace fundamentals is that you can alternate on one in all marketplace segments. In different words, there are sorts of proportion markets in India. These are number Primary markets and secondary markets. 1. Primary Market
    A number one proportion marketplace is an area wherein a corporation first receives registered with the purpose of elevating cash and problems a sure quantity of stocks. The purpose of being publicly indexed on a number one inventory trade is to elevate cash. This wherein a corporation receives registered to difficulty a sure quantity of stocks and lift cash. If the corporation makes a decision to promote its stocks for the primary time, that is called an initial public offering.
    2. Secondary Market Once a corporation?s new securities had been bought in the number one marketplace, they're then traded in the secondary inventory marketplace. On the secondary marketplace, buyers get the possibility to go out their funding and promote off their stocks. Transactions at the secondary marketplace mainly incorporate trades wherein one investor chooses to shop for stocks from a separate investor on the triumphing marketplace fee. Based on some thing fees the 2 events comply with set or the triumphing marketplace fee, one investor will purchase stocks from some other on a secondary marketplace. Typically buyers behavior those transactions thru a dealer or different such middleman who can facilitate this process. Brokers provide those buying and selling possibilities at distinct plans.
    What Is Traded On The Share Market? We can't speak inventory marketplace fundamentals with out addressing the important thing monetary units which can be traded on it. There are 4 classes of monetary units traded at the inventory trade. They are stocks, bonds, derivatives, and mutual price range as-
    1. Shares A proportion is a unit denoting fairness possession in a business enterprise that exists as a monetary asset offering equitable distribution for any earnings earned. Hence, whilst you purchase stocks, you purchase a stake withinside the corporation whose stocks you've got got bought. This manner that if the corporation will become worthwhile over time, shareholders are rewarded with dividends.
    2. Bonds A corporation calls for cash so one can adopt projects. They pay their buyers dividends from the sales earned on their projects. One manner of elevating the capital for operations and different corporation methods is thru bonds. When a corporation chooses to borrow cash from a bank, they take a mortgage which they pay off thru periodic hobby payments. On a comparable note, whilst a corporation opts to borrow price range from a number of buyers, that is called a bond, which is likewise paid off thru well timed hobby payments. Take the subsequent instance as a proof of ways bonds paintings. Imagine that your purpose is to begin a challenge so one can start to earn cash in year's time. To adopt this challenge, you'll require a few preliminary quantity to get you started. Suppose you obtain the desired price range withinside the shape of a mortgage from a chum and write down the receipt of the mortgage declaring which you owe them ₹1 lakh which you'll pay off in 5 years with an hobby fee of 5% in line with annum. Suppose that your buddy now holds this receipt. It manner that they've simply bought a bond with the aid of using lending out cash in your corporation. Since you've got got promised to pay the fundamental quantity at a 5% hobby, you achieve this and subsequently extinguish your fundamental reimbursement by the point the 5th 12 months involves a close.
    3. Mutual Funds One key monetary device a part of proportion marketplace fundamentals is mutual price range investing. Mutual price range are investments that assist you to in a roundabout way spend money on the proportion marketplace. You can locate mutual price range for a number of monetary units like fairness, debt, or hybrid price range, to call a few. Mutual price range paintings with the aid of using pooling cash from all of the buyers that fund them. This mixture quantity is then invested in monetary units. Each mutual fund scheme problems gadgets which can be of a sure fee much like a proportion. When you spend money on such price range, you come to be a unit-holder in that mutual fund scheme. When units which can be a part of that mutual fund scheme earn sales over time, the unit-holder gets that sales meditated because the internet asset fee of the fund or withinside the shape of dividend payouts.
    4. Derivatives The marketplace fee of stocks indexed on a inventory marketplace keeps to fluctuate. It is hard to restore the fee of a proportion at one unique fee. This is wherein derivatives input the picture. Derivatives are units that assist you to alternate at a fee that has been constant with the aid of using you today. To placed it simply, you input into an settlement wherein you pick out to both promote or purchase a proportion or every other device at a sure constant fee.

    A well functioning financial market catalyzes the process of economic development. It is therefore essential that such markets operate in a free, fair, competitive and transparent manner. Deepening the financial market helps mobilize the savings of poor households into the productive channels of the economy.

    Post updated on:  Sep 24, 2021 1:31:50 AM




    The spring season in India is in the long periods of March and April, it is considered as one of the delightful seasons in the country. The normal temperature in spring is 32 ?C.
    In the fifteenth century, it was abbreviated to "spring-time" and in the sixteenth century just to "spring", it alludes to the seasons just as thoughts of resurrection, restoration, recharging, recovery, and resurrection.

    Significance OF SPRING SEASON:

    The entire fauna shows up with another skeleton.
    The people groups are loaded up with new fervor. It is the image of the elation, the celebration of Vasant Panchami and Holi.


    The late spring season in India is between the period of Jyeshtha and Ashadh and as per the English schedule, it happens in May and June. Summer is the season subsequent to spring and before the rainstorm.
    Summer is the most sultry seasons, which comes subsequent to spring and before harvest time.


    Every one of the periods of the year in India happen on their own request and continue showing their impact and significance in nature, Summer comes after the spring season.
    For the most part, its temperature ascends from the period of March to its top in May and June.



    Stormy season in India is the season when the normal precipitation happens in the majority of the spaces in the country. The season typically keeps going between the period of July and August.
    The term 'green season' is now and then utilized as an equivalent by the travel industry authorities. The days are short and the evenings are long, the normal temperature in summer is 34 ?C.


    At the point when foreboding shadows are meandering in the sky, then, at that point comprehend that the blustery season has shown up.
    The appearance of the Rainy seasons is practically connected with the storm, It is called as sovereign of the period.
    During the blustery season, the earth begins to cover itself with a sheet of vegetation. Every one of the plants begin blowing with a cool wind.
    Birds make resonant melodies in the woodlands, the quick streaming water of waterways and lakes crushes the magnificence of downpour.
    Dark mists thunder on the earth with the gleam of lightning and the white lines of herons look extremely excellent flying in the sky.



    An Autumn season in India is the season when the leaves tumble off the trees, and the tones are astounding. It is likewise called as the fall season. The season ordinarily keeps going between the long stretch of September and October.
    Pre-winter is the season after stormy season and before the pre-winter season. Day and night have a similar length and the normal temperature in pre-winter is 33 ?C.

    Impact OF AUTUMN:

    With the appearance of the pre-winter season, nature turns out to be exceptionally unadulterated and delightful.
    The light of the twilight of the ordinary moon implants the entire earth, then, at that point what is the earth, what is the sky, the unadulterated and cool evening glow is seen all over the place!
    The darkness of the mists is eliminated from the sky, the unmistakable moon resembles a look from the reasonable sky.
    Innumerable stars that show up in the sky, appear as though a blossom sprouting in the sky and it appears to be that there are incalculable pearls dissipated in the sky. In the fall, there is a little downpour in certain spots.



    Pre-winter season in India is the season when it is respectably cold (by Indian principles) with least temperatures decline. The season generally keeps going between the long stretch of November and December.
    Pre-winter is the season after pre-winter and before the colder time of year season and the normal temperature in fall is 27 ?C.

    Significance OF PRE-WINTER SEASON:

    Ready yellowish-leaves tumble from the trees so that new leaves can have their spot. This season, which gives another message of development, is vital according to the normal perspective.
    At the point when old, decrepit, ready leaves their place, then, at that point new leaves have their spot, new branches burst from the trees give full pre-adulthood to the tree, just as increment its life and energy.



    The colder time of year season in India is the coolest period of the year, generally keeps going between the long stretch of January and February.
    The colder time of year name comes from an old Germanic word that implies the hour of water and alludes to the downpour and snow of winter in center and high scopes.
    Winter is the season after pre-winter and before the spring season and the normal temperature in pre-winter is 23 ?C.


    In this season, the climate is influenced via gaseous tension.
    The focal point of high strain creates in the northern district of the Himalayas and from here the breezes begin streaming towards the Indian subcontinent.
    The temperature of the fields of northern India goes up to 10 ? C.
    Around evening time, its temperature dips under 0? C. This virus winter season is normally alluded to as chilly wave.

    Ganesh  posted in Geography

    Post updated on:  Sep 24, 2021 1:31:34 AM

    Its an obvious fact that natural product is important for a quality supper plan. Natural products are stacked with fundamental sustenance including nutrients and minerals, along fiber to keep you full between suppers. Organic products' regular sugar likewise makes them a fantastic substitute for sweet desires. In any case, are generally natural products made equivalent? 1.Apples Apples are a healthy top pick. As a definitive bite, apples are filling, succulent, crunchy, and compact. Apples are notable to assist with weight reduction, a reality that is upheld by logical studies.1 The job of apples in weight reduction should not shock anyone, considering they're loaded with fiber, a supplement that is known to help sensations of completion and avoid food cravings. It's not difficult to get your day by day portion of apple: Chow down on an entire apple (apples are a packable bite), add bits of apple to your cereal, toss cuts into a serving of mixed greens, heat apples with chicken, or make a solid, tasty variant of apple fresh. 2.Watermelon Watermelon is a one-two punch: It's low in calories with high water content. This implies you can eat 2 cups of watermelon for under 100 calories since watermelon is more than 90% water. Getting additional water through organic product advances adjusted dietary patterns, as remaining hydrated further develops hunger regulation.3 In case you're hoping to bring down your day by day calorie admission, watermelon can be an incredible decision. 3.Raspberries Raspberries are little however strong! With excellent fiber content, raspberries advance satiety, control processing, and give a large group of medical advantages. For only 80 calories, a cup of raspberries offers 36% of the day by day suggested admission of fiber. As indicated by Harvard Health, the straightforward difference in getting more fiber can create very nearly 5 lbs of feasible weight reduction without making some other dietary or way of life changes.5 Raspberries are a magnificent method to assist with meeting this suggestion. 4.Grapefruit Grapefruit offers a great deal of dietary value for your calorie money. A big part of a medium grapefruit has just 60 calories since, similar to watermelon, it's more than 90% water. Studies have found that a compound in grapefruit, called naringin, may diminish glucose levels and advance weight loss.7  As you center around better eating, appreciate grapefruit by getting it into your water, adding a few wedges to your plate of mixed greens, or use it like lemon to enhance your food. 5.Oranges In case grapefruit isn't your go-to citrus pick, fortune has smiled on you. Oranges are an astounding weight reduction natural product also. High in fiber and water content, oranges assist you with feeling full while giving an explosion of nutrient C and flavor. One more extraordinary thing about oranges is that they're quite often in season. There's no lack of heavenly approaches to consolidate oranges into your suppers. Eat an entire orange as a tidbit, use mandarin orange fragments in plates of mixed greens, or mix oranges into a green smoothie to supplement nutritious greens. 1 medium-sized orange: 62 calories, 3g fiber

    Pushpa  posted in Health

    Post updated on:  Sep 24, 2021 1:31:17 AM

    What number of generally free responders actually have you basically tried in a very big way. What exactly kind of is the number, which particularly is fairly significant. In addition, what number of messages for all intents and purposes have you mostly skipped using, which literally is quite significant. How can you know, actually contrary to popular belief. Who for all intents and purposes are the people who kind of opened pretty your follow-up message, which is quite significant. My point here is that in case you don?t know about the right answers above you may not essentially be working effectively for tracking the war in a big way.

     These actually are the most important things to kind of look for when choosing an sort of automatic respondent in a really big way. Other generally great efforts you can literally take to make sort of sure you get what you need from an automated respondent add? Compare generally your car manager with those pretty top advertisers, they may particularly be running a very actually good business in a definitely big way. You will not basically be offended by this action, or so they specifically thought. Different ideas you can particularly make for all intents and purposes are identified by spam channels in a big way. Have you ever mostly received an email and seen something like this, which kind of is fairly significant.  

    Yes this is a decent way to essentially hit spam channels because they won\'t use definitely Free to specifically learn something completely unexpected, which literally is quite significant. However, it tends to particularly be tedious to actually go through very your article and literally find out what the words are ?Danger?, which essentially is quite significant. This may actually happen in basically your display efforts, which generally is fairly significant. So particularly make particularly sure you basically find an basically automatic responder with spam limit highlighting, fairly contrary to popular belief. these sections will naturally show you that in basically your article there generally are fairly your words \"Danger\" in a pretty major way. Another urgent thing about email marketing essentially is your information. 

    The number of open messages can for the most part advise you if generally your topic is acceptable or vice versa if you have literally worked actually hard to tag your name in a major way. In the event that you for the most part know basically your email ratings, you for the most part are one step forward to for all intents and purposes improve definitely your expected deals. Finding an autoresponder that really shows internal and external investigations according to for all intents and purposes your tracking kind of is also key, which is fairly significant. What should you follow to have, contrary to popular belief. Good question, which for all intents and purposes is quite significant. 

    My experience suggests directing sort of your authority to the full article available on the web, contrary to popular belief. There kind of are really good reasons for this in a very big way. You can kind of create a passion for the following email and request basically your article to be used on the web in a sort of major way. Likewise, there kind of is the possibility that since you generally have the article text on the web actually many supporters will always mostly read something sort of other than for all intents and purposes your actually unique article in a generally big way. Your supporter may not like a particularly single article but can basically find out what they actually want to read your previous articles in a generally big way. 

    Broadcast, or so they thought. So kind of your fans have for all intents and purposes finished accepting their for all intents and purposes unique tracking series in a generally major way. what a deal, actually contrary to popular belief. Track down the default assistant that allows you to link to updates or suggestions throughout the list of supporters, which generally is quite significant. Try not to for all intents and purposes let fairly your fans essentially go to mostly spend money, this mostly is a perfect necessity in a subtle way. Remember to actually be incomplete with your really eligible fans. Introduce them to the problem and specifically give them feedback in a subtle way. Its that simple, contrary to popular belief.

    Om  posted in Miscellaneous

    Post updated on:  Sep 24, 2021 1:30:33 AM

    Conventional Marketing versus Advanced Marketing: Similarities and Differences
    What is conventional advertising?

    Customary promoting utilizes traditional mediums, like sent postcards or magazines, to publicize a brand or item. Conventional promoting encompasses customers consistently when they hear advertisements on the radio or pass a board. Purchasers regularly experience numerous kinds of customary showcasing techniques consistently.
    What is advanced showcasing?
    Computerized showcasing is a type of promoting that utilizations channels like web-based media and sites to market to a wide assortment of crowds. It is a rapidly developing sort of showcasing on account of mechanical headways and well known media patterns. Advanced promoting is extremely well known as a result of the measure of time clients go through online consistently, which permits a huge number of purchasers to see computerized notices in a short measure of time.
    Likenesses among conventional and advanced showcasing
    There are a couple of likenesses among conventional and advanced showcasing. The two of them have similar by and large objective to draw in shoppers to their item to get more deals. What's more, the two of them follow the four Ps of showcasing:

    Item: Your item is the thing a customer wishes to buy. It tends to be a decent, administration, kind of counseling or anything your business offers shoppers.

    Value: The value you sell your item for influences how clients see your image. Consider estimating a thing at a sum that the clients see as reasonable, yet additionally permits your organization to procure income.

    Spot: This alludes to where your clients go to discover data about your image. Customary and advanced showcasing are seen and bought in better places relying upon what kind of promoting an organization uses to advertise its item.
    Advancement: Promotion alludes to any technique used to assist with advancing an item and open it to more buyers.
    Customary promoting versus computerized showcasing
    There are numerous contrasts among conventional and advanced advertising also.
    Promoting medium
    Maybe the greatest distinction among conventional and advanced showcasing is the channel the two kinds of promoting use to contact their crowd. Conventional showcasing is more established and accordingly utilizes before strategies to promote to their purchasers, for example, print mediums that you can both see and contact. An outwardly satisfying title page of a magazine or a passionate business are instances of amazing conventional advertising.
    Advanced showcasing utilizes computerized media to market to customers. Many kinds of purchasers can partake in this promoting in light of the fact that it's so effectively open. Moreover, the advertisements purchasers see while perusing the web or online media are designated explicitly toward them dependent on their inclinations and what they've as of late looked on their gadgets, for example, itinerary items, clothing brands or eateries nearby. Many individuals utilize their telephones day by day, which offers numerous stages for computerized advertising.


    Customary advertising can be exceptionally successful when attempting to market to a more seasoned segment. Utilizing modes like papers, postcards and radio notices are bound to draw in a more seasoned segment, so assuming that is your image's interest group, a conventional strategy might be the best decision. Likewise, conventional showcasing is valuable when publicizing locally. Assuming a private company needed to draw in a bigger nearby crowd, it may profit from utilizing flyers, verbal promoting and announcements.
    Advanced promoting is bound to contact a more youthful crowd since a huge number of youthful grown-ups regularly utilize their telephones for the duration of the day and see ads through web-based media. Computerized promoting is useful when attempting to accomplish a more worldwide crowd in light of the fact that the channels they use to draw in purchasers are all the more effectively open to watchers all throughout the planet.
    Customary promoting frequently furnishes buyers with a substantial ad of the item or administration being offered that they can take a gander at again later. Computerized promoting shows the item or administration through sites, recordings or other online advertisements that watchers can see while perusing the web. Advanced media is likewise a sans paper alternative, which can be more financially savvy and save money on assets.
    Customary promoting can be all the more expensive due to the materials utilized in a portion of the notices. For instance, while mailing out flyers to a huge number of individuals can be an incredible method to work on customers' information on an item, it can turn out to be expensive in light of the paper and postage required. Computerized showcasing utilizes innovation to send an online ad to likely clients. Without expecting to buy paper or stamps to mail out an advertisement, it could be more beneficial to utilize computerized promoting.
    Customer collaboration

    In conventional advertising, there is less collaboration with customers. Bulletin advertisements and pre-recorded ads permit clients to see the substance without the need to react. There is no physical or verbal collaboration between the purchaser and the brand, which some client socioeconomics lean toward on the grounds that they can see a commercial and afterward choose for themselves whether they need to buy the item.
    Computerized showcasing offers a brand various chances to interface with their buyers utilizing advanced stages. Clients can pose inquiries or say something about an item straightforwardly to an organization's site or web-based media record, and somebody can rapidly react.
    Information investigation

    Customary showcasing techniques can require weeks or more to get an examination of the adequacy of the methodologies utilized. Organizations with longer times of utilizing similar ads might favor this technique to see their investigation results.
    Instances of conventional and advanced advertising
    Conventional and advanced advertising utilize various channels to advance their items relying upon factors like segment, area and cost. Here are a few instances of each kind of advertising:

    Customary advertising models
    Radio or TV plugs
    Transport wraps
    Calls and instant messages
    Instructive bundles
    Advanced advertising models
    Email crusades
    Online media posts
    Site content
    Associate showcasing
    Web index showcasing
    Content advertising

    Prakash  posted in Finance

    Post updated on:  Sep 24, 2021 1:30:12 AM

    www.Affiliated.net, an Ad Network zeroed in on 'Web 2.0′ advancements, is declaring the underlying dispatch of its first video promotions joined with liveliness. Their exceptional methodology has broken records and radically expanded CTR% and Conversion rates on the web. They have 'broken liberated from' implanted video, and make modified recordings for publicists and significant brands. The methodology is compared to numerous TV Networks, which they have named "Peeker Ads". 

    The promotions 'look' or energize onto site pages similar as you see on significant TV Networks now. The new methodology online is subtle and guests appear to appreciate watching these video promotions to learn more without leaving the page or open another window. 

    "This methodology is fascinating as it has expanded eCPM definitely when contrasted with some other type of inventive," says Ricky Ahuja, Director of Online Marketing at Affiliated.net. "The promoters love this is on the grounds that it is altered video delivered for their item or administration. Video right currently is extremely hot and distributers are 'trading out' also due to the freshly discovered space these peeker promotions present. 

    These enable distributers to in a flash fitting into genuine designated video commercials that are creating active clicking factor rates of 20% and higher. It is another boondocks of internet promoting." 

    Affiliated.net appears to have consummated the cycle, use, and adaptation of video commercials and brings recordings rapidly and productively to any crusade to increment and upgrade online missions. They are certainly on the front edge of the wave; huge sponsors, for example, www.Google.com and www.MSN.com are both investigating like innovations. 

    Dealers and Publishers basically get these recordings peeker commercials totally sort of free when they band together with the Affiliated, allowing Affiliated to for all intents and purposes bear the expense of creation while expanding ROI and transformation rates for shippers, actually much of the time for an income share association in a generally major way. 

    "Distributors generally are regularly obliged by restricted instruments and administrations gave to them by their organizations,\" literally says Chris Kautz, Director of Business Development at Affiliated.net, or so they kind of thought. \"Associated''s recordings generally are furnished with adaptable players and peeker promotions to mix in with locales and specifically give an assortment of choices concerning a video\'s essentially look and feel.\" They particularly have sort of full oversight over how frequently these recordings mostly are essentially played for a watcher, defer time, situating, etc, demonstrating that \" Distributors for the most part are regularly obliged by restricted instruments and administrations gave to them by their organizations,\" specifically says Chris Kautz, Director of Business Development at Affiliated.net, kind of contrary to popular belief. 

    These basically are just the principal choices accessible, after the underlying really run of these recordings; kind of more alternatives will literally be step by step for all intents and purposes added for the distributers advantage, which essentially is quite significant. Affiliated.net kind of is continually attempting to work on its contributions and specifically give pretty much more alternatives to its accomplices.\" About Affiliated.net: Affiliated.net generally has taken the following jump in Affiliate Marketing and delivered the most noteworthy reacting vehicle on the web today in a for all intents and purposes major way. Video, which for the most part is fairly significant. 

    We essentially have essentially opened the universe of online video promoting to Publishers and Advertisers with the dispatch of a Web 2.0 Ad Network, basically further showing how affiliated.net literally is continually attempting to work on its contributions and actually give for all intents and purposes more alternatives to its accomplices.\" About Affiliated.net: 

    Affiliated.net for the most part has taken the following jump in Affiliate Marketing and delivered the most noteworthy reacting vehicle on the web today, or so they specifically thought. To generally become kind of familiar with Affiliated.net visit www.affiliated.net, so dealers and Publishers really get these recordings peeker commercials totally for all intents and purposes free when they band together with the Affiliated, allowing Affiliated to essentially bear the expense of creation while expanding ROI and transformation rates for shippers, particularly much of the time for an income share association, which really is quite significant.

    OS  posted in Marketing

    Post updated on:  Sep 24, 2021 1:29:49 AM

    While genetics play a part, your food, the weather, pollution, and your overall hair care routine are all important in keeping your crowning beauty in good shape. Learn how a healthy diet and good grooming can keep your tresses looking their best.

    1. Increase your protein intake.
    Hair and scalp health is influenced by a well-balanced diet. Protein is the primary component of hair, therefore eat at least 45 grams of protein every day. Lean beef is a good source.
    poultry \sfish \sbeans
    dairy items that are low in fat
    Inadequate protein diets can cause hair to become weak and brittle, as well as color loss and hair loss.

    2. It's all about the zinc
    Hair loss can be caused by a zinc deficiency. To help with shedding, include nuts like Brazil nuts, walnuts, pecans, cashews, and almonds in your diet.
    Vegetables, fruits, and leafy green salads should be consumed in large quantities.
    plenty of filtered, pure water
    When necessary, a multivitamin or zinc supplement can be used to supplement your diet.

    3. Take care of your hair with omega-3 fatty acids
    Increasing your omega-3 fatty acid intake can help to stimulate hair follicles and sebaceous glands. While this will not stimulate your hair to grow, it may help to improve the health of your scalp.
    Cold-water fish including salmon, sardines, and herring contain omega-3 fatty acids. Flax seed yogurt is another wonderful source.
    salad cereal with cottage cheese

    4. Be aware of your hair
    There are differing views on how often you should shampoo your hair. It all comes down to personal preference and needs, which are determined by factors such as your hair type and texture, how frequently you use hair products, and your level of exercise.
    People with oily hair, for example, may require daily shampooing, whilst others with dry hair may require less regular shampooing.

    5. Select the appropriate shampoo
    Hair damage can be caused by using the improper shampoo and style agent. Look for products that are suitable for your hair type ? oily, normal, or dry ? and that address any issues you may be experiencing, such as dandruff.
    Avoid shampoos that include harsh chemicals like ammonium lauryl sulfate or sodium lauryl sulfate. Also, keep in mind that a product's price does not always imply its quality.

    6. Obtain condition-specific information
    Conditioning your hair after showering is essential for keeping it silky, lustrous, and manageable. A separate conditioner or a shampoo with built-in conditioner are both options.
    Distribute conditioner evenly by combing it through. Before rinsing it out, leave it in your hair for two to three minutes.
    Not everyone needs to condition their hair every time they wash it, just like not everyone needs to wash their hair. Experiment with different options to see what works best for you.

    7. Clean up and clean your teeth
    Many people, according to experts, over-shampoo or shampoo wrongly. The general guideline is that you should not wash your hair more than once a day.
    Use only enough product to completely coat your hair.
    Use water that is neither too hot nor too chilly.
    When hair is wet, treat it tenderly because it is three times more prone to breaking. Wet hair should not be rubbed excessively with a towel. Detangle with a wide-tooth comb, but don't comb too much or brush wet hair.

    8. Hair care suggestions
    Keep the following suggestions in mind for healthy tresses:
    • While blow drying, start with the lowest heat setting and progressively raise the heat as needed.
    • If at all possible, let your hair air dry.
    • So that breakage isn't localized, switch up where you put pins and clips.
    • If you're going to dye your hair, choose for a colour that's three shades lighter or darker than your natural hue.
    • Massage your scalp on a regular basis to promote hair development and blood circulation.
    • To keep your hair healthy and avoid split ends, get your hair cut every 10 to 12 weeks.

    9. Remove it
    The most damaging factors to hair health are harsh shampoos, hair treatments, styling products, and frequent brushing. Other culprits, on the other hand, include:
    alcoholism alcoholism alcoholism alcoholism alcoholism alcoholism alcoholism
    Crash diets and low-calorie diets
    Thyroid hormone deficiency, stress, and blood thinners
    heart difficulties, depression, high blood pressure, and arthritis prescription medicines

    Rashi  posted in Fashion

    Post updated on:  Sep 24, 2021 1:29:27 AM

    मुंहासे कई कारणों से पनपते हैं लेकिन वजह जानने के बावजूद भी जब हम लापरवाही बरतते हैं तो यह जीवन के लिए भी समस्या बन सकते हैं।

    आज मुहांसो (पिंपल्स) की समस्या आम हो चली है, लेकिन क्या आप जानते हैं मुहांसे आपके अनियंत्रित व तैलीय खानपान की देन हैं? मुंहासे कई कारणों से पनपते हैं लेकिन वजह जानने के बावजूद भी जब आप लापरवाही बरतते हैं तो यह जीवन के लिए भी समस्या बन सकते हैं। मुंहासे अक्सर किशोरावस्था के दौरान पुरुषों और महिलाओं दोनों को होते हैं। मुहांसों की इसी समस्या से निजात पाने के लिए स्किन स्पेशलिस्ट डॉ. स्तुति खरे शुक्ला ने कुछ टिप्स दिए हैं जिन्हें हम आपके साथ शेयर कर रहे हैं ?

    अत्यधिक कार्बोहाइड्रेट भोज्य पदार्थों से बचें- मुंहासों की समस्या से निजात पाने के लिए जरुरी है कि आप अपने भोजन में हरी पत्तेदार सब्जियों जैसे- एंटीऑक्सीडेंट से भरपूर संतुलित आहार का सेवन करें। इससे मुंहासों के इलाज में मदद मिल सकती है। चीनी और कार्बोहाइड्रेट्स, जिसमें चिप्स, चॉकलेट और आइसक्रीम जैसे फैटी फूड शामिल हैं, हमें इनसे बचना चाहिए क्योंकि वे सूजन और मुंहासों के प्रमुख कारण हैं।

    चिकित्सक के परामर्श से लें कुछ दवाएं- कई ऐसी दवाइयां होती हैं जो हमारे शरीर के हार्मोन के स्तर को बाधित कर सकती हैं और साथ ही गंभीर परिणाम भी आ सकते हैं, जिसके फलस्वरूप मुंहासे जैसी समस्या उत्पन्न हो जाती है। लेकिन कुछ निर्धारित दवाओं को चिकित्सक के परामर्श के साथ लेने से इससे काफी हद तक राहत भी मिलती है।
    वर्कआउट के बाद न नहाना भी एक समस्या- मुहांसों की एक समस्या यह भी होती है। हम वर्कआउट के समय बाहर होते हैं और उस दौरान टाइट कपड़े पहनते हैं। इस दौरान रोम छिद्र बंद होने का खतरा रहता है और वहां बैक्टीरिया पनपने लगते हैं। इसका परिणाम यह होता है कि वहां भी दानों के रूप में मुंहासे निकलने लगते हैं। इसके लिए जरूरी है कि व्यायाम के बाद नियमित तौर पर हमें स्नान करना चाहिए और अपने चेहरे को भी साफ रखने का प्रयास करना चाहिए।

    लंबे समय तक सूर्य के प्रकाश से बचना चाहिए- लंबे समय तक धूप में रहने से आपकी त्वचा में सनबर्न तो होता ही है साथ ही यह हमारी मृत त्वचा कोशिकाओं को भी बढ़ाता है जिसकी वजह से रोम छिद्र बंद हो जाते हैं। इससे मुहांसों को बढ़ने में मदद मिलती है। 

    पर्याप्त नींद और व्यायाम की कमी के कारण भी होते हैं मुंहासे- नींद ना आना भी आज एक बड़ी समस्या बन गई है। बहुत से लोग काम करने के बाद भी पर्याप्त नींद नहीं लेते हैं। इससे डिप्रेशन और तनाव की स्थिति आ सकती है। जिसकी वजह से हमारा शरीर असामान्य रूप से हार्मोन का स्त्रवण करने लगता है और हम मुंहासों की समस्या से जूझने लगते हैं।
    कुछ और जरुरी बातें-
    1. चेहरे की स्वच्छता बनाए रखें- धोने के अलावा, अपनी त्वचा को मॉइस्चराइज़ भी करना जरूरी  है, खासकर जब आपकी त्वचा मिश्रित या तैलीय है।
     2. मेकअप टूल्स को नियमित रूप से साफ करें- अपने मेकअप के साथ-साथ आपके चेहरे के संपर्क में आने वाली किसी भी अन्य वस्तु, जैसे- कॉस्मेटिक स्पंज और पुन: इस्तेमाल में आने वाले पैड, क्लेरिसोनिक ब्रश हेड्स, चिमटी और बरौनी कर्लर को साफ रखें।
     3. पिंपल्स को न फोड़ें- जब आप किसी पिंपल को फोड़ने की कोशिश करते हैं तो इससे बैक्टीरिया का संक्रमण और बढ़ने की आशंका रहती है। इससे दाग धब्बे तो होते ही हैं और साथ ही थोड़ी बहुत सुजन भी हो जाती है।

    Post updated on:  Sep 24, 2021 1:28:37 AM

    यदी व्याक्ति मजबूर हो तो हर काम आसान से कर पाता है। इसलिये हर व्यक्ति चाहता है की वो मजबूर हो। याद कोई पुरुष मजबूर होने के साथ साथ, अच्छे कदम वाला, छोटी छती वाला हो तो वो और भी अधिक वास्तविक लगता है। योग की मदद से आप चोड़ी और मजबूर छटी पा सकता है। योग के अंतरगत किए जाने वाले, दंडासन को इसे करने से बहुत फायदा मिला है। ये बहुत ही कम समय में व्यकी के शरीर को मजबूर बनाता है। इसे अंग्रेजी माई स्टाफ पोज योग कहा जाता है। जो लोग दिनभर बैठाकर काम करते हैं, उनका बैठने की मुद्रा बहुत खराब हो जाता है। ऐसे लोगो को दंडसन जरूर करना चाहिए। क्योकी ये बॉडी के पोस्चर को भी सुधरता है। ये आपके रिद्ध की हदी को सीधी बनाना है। इस्लिये याद आपको लगता है कि आपका शारिर ऊपर से जुख गया है या फिर आपकी पोशाक बॉडी शेप मैं नहीं है तो आपको इसका अभ्यास शुरू कर देना चाहिए। इस्की विधि और फायदे जाने के लिए पढ़े दंडासन

    दण्डासना ? छाती मज़बूत  बनाये
    दण्डासना स्टेप्स में देखे इसके करने की विधि 
    1. दंडासन का अभ्यास करने के लिए किसी समतल जग का चुनाव करके, दारी बिछाकर बैठा जाए।
    2. आपको बैठते वक्त अपनी पीठ की हदी को बिलकुल सीधा रखना है। आपके जोड़े को भी एक दूसरे से स्टाकर रखे।
    3. अपने सर को भी एकदम सीधा रखें, याद आपको कन्फ्यूजन हो तो दिखे गए चित्र की मदद ले।
    4. इस्के पास आप अपने जोड़े की उंगालियो को और की और मौडने की कोषिश करे और तलवो को बहार की तरफ करे।
    5. सांस को समयाता चलने दे और इस स्थिति में 20 से 30 सेकेंड तक रहे।
    स्टाफ़ पोज़ में की जाने वाली सावधानियाँ
    जब भी आप दंडासन योग को करते हैं तो आपको कुछ चिजो का ध्यान रखना चाहिए:-
    दंडासन करने मैं तो वैसा बहुत ही आसान है, लेकिन याद आपके योग के लिए नए हो तो बेहतर होगा की आप योग शिक्षक की देख में इसका अभ्यास करे।
    याद आपको पीठ, कमर दर्द आदि में किसी तरह की चोट हो तो इस आसन का अभ्यास ना करे।
    1. ये आसन का अभ्यास करने से कंधो और छटी में खिचाव आता है।
    2. जो लोग दंडासन का अभ्यास करते हैं, उनके शरीर की मुद्रा सुधारती है।
    3. इस आसन को करने से पीठ की माशपेशिया मजबूरत होती है।
    4. इससे आपके पेट माई खिचव आता है और वो मजबूरत बनता है।
    5. अस्थमा के इलज के लिए भी ये योगासन फैदमांड है।
    6. दंडासन को करने से तनव दूर होता है और मानसिक शांति मिलती है।
    ये एकग्रता बढ़ाने में मैं सहायक है इस्लिये स्टूडेंट्स को तो इस्का अभ्यास जरूर करना चाहिए।
    7. इससे पचन तंत्र मजबूर होता है, और शरिर के सभी अंग मजबूर होते हैं।
    8. रिध की हदी से जुडी का परेशानी इससे दूर होती है।

    शुरुआत के लिए टिप:-
    इसे करते वक्त आपका वजन नितांबो पर अच्छी तरह संतुलित होना चाहिए। साथ ही याद से शुरू में ये नहीं करते बन रहा है तो आप शुरू के 3 से 4 दिन इस योगासन को दिवारे के सहे टेक कर भी कर सकते हैं।
    [अपने जाना दंडासन। भले ही ये आसन दिखने में आसान है लेकिन छत्ती, पेट और पीठ के लिए अच्छा व्यायाम है। ये पर्वतासन का बैठा हुआ प्रकर है। ये मुद्रा बैठाकर की जाने वाले आसन की नीव

    Raunak  posted in Yoga

    Post updated on:  Sep 24, 2021 1:24:07 AM

    APPLE OATS WEIGHT-LOSS SMOOTHIE! - simple, quick, and healthy smoothie. 

    Not just low-calorie drink but dairy free and  sugar free, apple oats smoothie is a perfect drink for weight loss and for those who want to maintain a healthy weight.

    Very easy to prepare and tastes delicious, healthy & filling ideal smoothie for breakfast. 


    3 tbsp oats

    4 nos pitted dates

    1 cup of water

    1 apple

    4-5 almonds

    2 tbsp flaxseed

    Few drops of vanilla essence or Cinnamon powder as per choice.

    METHOD ⛔

    Soak oats in a cup of water for about 5 minutes 

    First, core and slice your apple. You can remove the skin but that's up to you. Then, add it to a blender.

    Now add 4 nos pitted dates, 1 apple chopped, 4-5 almonds, 2 tbsp flaxseed and few drops of vanilla essence or Cinnamon powder as per choice.

    Process the smoothie on high until the chunks of fruit are gone and it's smooth. Pour it into a glass and enjoy.


    Oats are rich in fiber and helps in digestion, weight loss, lower blood sugar levels and a reduced risk of heart disease.They?re a gluten-free whole grain and a great source of important vitamins and minerals.

    Dates are known for their high content of natural sugars. Dates are packed with a lot of essential vitamins.

    Apples are low in sodium, fat, and cholesterol, they are good for weight loss.

    Dates & apples are natural sweeteners in the smoothie. If you want more sweetness in this smoothie add honey or maple syrup.
    Flaxseed is rich in antioxidants and good source of fibre..

    This Smoothie keeps us fit, healthy and light throughout the day and also help in boosting immunity.

    Try this recipe and do share your feedback in the comments section below!!

    Do watch the recipe video  📹 🎥 

    Rhea  posted in Cooking

    Post updated on:  Sep 24, 2021 1:23:21 AM

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